Matters Daily - 2022-05-23

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Post overview

Yesterday (2022-05-23) Matters had 319 people published their creations, and a total of 449 new articles were added.

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Top 5 articles by clapping

@Reading Pen Farming : Reading Pen Farming|UST/LUNA Death Spiral Incident, Reflection After the End (352)

@Matty : Achievement achieved! Share your "Matters Achievement List" (and red packets) (252)

@qiqi : there is a complex (197)

@Little Sun's Star and Heart : My Matters Achievement List (180)

@青海一Drop : See extreme weather: thunderstorms, tornadoes, power outages, deaths (172)

Responses to the top five articles

@Red : Fei | Long Feilong (25)

@Little Sun's Star and Heart : My Matters Achievement List (25)

@yellow-skinned gypsy Ruth : recluse in the city (23)

@Flora whimsy : the eyes of others (20)

@Matty : Achievement achieved! Share your "Matters Achievement List" (and red packets) (19)

Top 5 articles supported

@haochuan : "Magic Voice" Track01 #035 singing (7)

@reading pen farming : reading pen farming|UST/LUNA death spiral event, reflection after the end (7)

@Matty : Achievement achieved! Share your "Matters Achievement List" (and red packets) (5)

@石島子: We all come from your love (4)

@七月流火: Still the same - things in a cocoon (3)

Top 5 favorite articles

@haochuan : "Magic Voice" Track01 #035 singing (25)

@haochuan : "1314" #25 Qianqiu (25)

@Matty : Achievement achieved! Share your "Matters Achievement List" (and red packets) (14)

@reading pen farming : reading pen farming|UST/LUNA death spiral event, reflection after the end (9)

@D Uncle : Block D Weekly Report - Collapsed Stablecoin: The Death Spiral Dance of UST and LUNA (5)

Top 5 articles by reading time

@Matty : Achievement achieved! Share your "Matters Achievement List" (and red packets) (29869)

@ Boat Bow Kanhua : Musk, fully turn to China? (18058)

@Ritchieslab : I was bullied by the state in Shanghai so I couldn't eat (14460)

@Reading Pen Farming : Reading Pen Farming|UST/LUNA Death Spiral Incident, Reflection After the End (11008)

@DreamOver : The Days You Can't Have Sex (8431)

Top 5 articles with the least clapping

@Openbook Reading Journal : Book Review "A Teywan (Flatlander)'s Reading Notes: Reading "I Grow in an Open Tree Hole" (19)


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