Re-examination and anti-revision law: 612, tyranny shoots at us

You must know that just a year ago, Liang Tianqi and a group of young people have demonstrated that the result of the civil and official fight can be in exchange for a sentence of up to ten years, and the court's interpretation of the crime of rioting - if anyone is present, even if Riot can be charged without violence. Knowing that it can't be done, under common law in Hong Kong, it takes a lot of courage to truly be a "valiant school".

In the anti-extradition campaign in 2019, three years later, it is difficult to find any trace of the struggle in Hong Kong today. The totalitarian government's slaughter, whitewashing, and rewriting history are carried out every day. During his five years in office, he handed in a "well-deserved" transcript. History has never been written by thieves. The history of Hong Kong people's struggle started from the moment the Communist Party entered Hong Kong, and it has never been changed by the words of the Communist Party or its minions.

The amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance was initiated because the murder of Hong Kong youths in Taiwan cannot be extradited. The Hong Kong government intends to expand the scope of extradition to the mainland, Macau and Taiwan: when the extradition party files an application, the Hong Kong court only needs to find that the prima facie evidence is established, and then it can The Legislative Council does not have the power to approve the transfer of prisoners to the mainland, and the Chief Executive will naturally open the gates. China's "sunshine justice" is famous all over the world. It is not only Hong Kong people who are full of anxiety. Anyone who lives in Hong Kong faces the risk of being taken to hell on earth at any time. The turbulent social movement has begun. The political low pressure after the Umbrella Movement has not changed the character of Hong Kong people who are eager to change. They have not fought for anything more, no longer mention the Basic Law and political commitments in black and white, but the existing freedom that has been losing ground. It takes life to defend.

In Hong Kong this year, elected members of the Legislative Council were deprived of power by those in power, the Umbrella Movement and the political reckoning of the Mong Kok incident followed one after another. Young people were charged with "riot crimes" that can be imprisoned for up to ten years, and the moderate "Occupy Central Nine". It is also difficult for the son" to be jailed by the government's political prosecution. The government has appealed and sentenced the young man who had been sentenced lightly several times and was sentenced to prison. Members elected by ballots were DQ, violent protests were charged with felonies, and even peaceful expressions of civil disobedience were jailed. Different routes are unable to ease the demands of the people, the regime is advancing step by step, and the entire Hong Kong society is like a pressure cooker that is about to explode under the violent machine.

There was a lot of controversy over the bill sent to China, and members of the establishment, business circles, and guilds expressed their concerns one after another, but public opinion remained unresolved. The Hong Kong government forcibly handed the bill to the Legislative Council for a quick resolution. On June 9, 1.03 million people took to the streets to oppose it, which became history The largest number of people marched, the government was indifferent and said it would vote on the draft on June 12 as scheduled. On June 12, people who stayed overnight at Tamar Park gathered outside the Legislative Council and took up the main road. Members of the Legislative Council were unable to return to the parliamentary session, and clashes broke out between the police and the people outside the door. The police fired wildly at citizens, journalists, teachers, and carers. Demonstrators who did not resist were beaten by the police, and those who legally obtained a "Notice of No Objection" were issued The FDC rallies were also dispersed by police force. There was a danger of being trampled in front of CITIC Tower. Police Commissioner Lo Weicong described the clashes that day as "riots". The police fired more than 150 tear gas canisters a day, far exceeding the total in Occupy Central.

One of the "five demands" to "retract the characterization of the riot" started on June 12. Police violence has also been unbridled since that day, and the masses chanted for the establishment of an "independent investigation committee" to investigate police abuse of power. June 12 became a turning point in the entire "anti-extradition" movement. The peaceful march of one million people on June 9 and the clashes between the police and the people on June 12 occurred one after another. Since then, "He Lifei" and "Yongwu" have united.

Hong Kong people have always been moderate, politically indifferent and opposed to violence. It is ridiculous for the people to bargain with those in power who are not empowered by the people. When a million people took to the streets to express their opposition to a controversial bill that concerns the safety of every person living in Hong Kong, various professional sectors, civil servants, and government officials expressed concern. The resulting majority of the institutional advantages forced legislation, and skipped the deliberation process (the Bills Committee) with the intention to vote directly, without considering public opinion and procedural justice, and disguised the rationality of various escalating actions (strikes, strikes, road blockages, and even shocks) to the public. For the one million people who took to the streets to protest, "reconciliation" has exchanged power for such arrogance and violence. Hong Kong people have turned from mild to brave, and emotional understanding and sympathy can even be generated.

You must know that just a year ago, Liang Tianqi and a group of young people have demonstrated that the result of the civil and official fight can be in exchange for a sentence of up to ten years, and the court's interpretation of the crime of rioting - if anyone is present, even if Riot can be charged without violence. Knowing that it can't be done, under common law in Hong Kong, it takes a lot of courage to truly be a "valiant school". What's more exaggerated is that the government characterized the conflict on June 12 as a "riot", which means that thousands of demonstrators could be charged with rioting and convicted of felonies, but obviously, demonstrators without real "weapons" rely on Barricades, bricks and umbrellas, hand-to-hand with riot police armed with all kinds of regular weapons, this disproportionate conflict cannot be accused of the worst riots of colonial times. On that day, the police shot reporters and nurses, violently beat the demonstrators who were already under control, fired tear gas and rubber bullets endlessly, and even did not wear warrant cards, and they disperse peaceful assemblies by force. If it is said that brave warriors need to be responsible for their actions, and those in power on the other end of the responsibility can use violent machines to suppress them without the slightest shame. If such a government is not to be overthrown, what kind of government should be overthrown?

From 6.9 to 6.12, from the opening of "He Lifei" to "Courageous Force", Hong Kong people were forced to choose force, so that those in power could see the strength of the people, and the long story of "brothers climbing mountains and working hard" has just begun .


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蘇查哈爾燦專欄寫手、記者。 雪城大學麥克斯韋公民與公共事務學院 關注公民社會 | 政制改革 | 社運思考 文章見諸《立場新聞》《眾新聞》《獨立媒體》《關鍵評論》《癲狗日報》等 Email: X: @scharrycan
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