Tang Changwang X Tang Haoduo (Part 2) | One person's society

June 23-July 22, 2019 Exhibition poster of "Society of One"


Still in the field stage of this project, because of a sharing activity by a friend, I heard the recordings of the students brought by Hao Duo for the first time. The urgency, the fear, the anxiety and the crying voices shocked me. As the host, I asked Hao Duo to speak, but just as he was about to speak, he choked up. Such a situation left me uneasy and self-blaming, and I found that I still underestimated the pain he was enduring on the project. But this kind of pain is not only the pain of others, but also the pain of oneself. Hao Duo's feelings when he faced his father again cannot be easily resolved in our project, but it is precisely because of this indigestible trauma that Hao Duo's actions become the driving force for Hao Duo's actions to face the problems on campus and at home. Visible and invisible violence to advocate basic affirmative action in very specific contexts. Huo Duo's investigation subverted his stereotype that the countryside is the hardest hit area for domestic violence. For children, the order of the city is more likely to be in a position of omniscience in a structural sense: imposed on them by society, school, and family (the application of technology reinforces this fear). The pain of the students prompted him to follow up on more specific cases—to set up a non-profit organization and work with others. Hao Duo's practice is connected with his own experience, which makes him regain meaning in his daily life (he even wants to go back to school to be a head teacher again, this job is no longer a superfluous burden). A real and destiny action community, here we can gradually see its prototype.

- Man Yu


chat club

The first thing to note is that Chat Club is a long-term project, and our current work is only the initial stage. This project requires a lot of time and energy, and requires more people to participate. This article is only a small reflection of what I have encountered, observed and discovered in my short-term work.

Since September 2019, all kinds of things have been rushing towards me, so I currently have less contact with the students of "Liaoshe", but I also know that these students need the attention and help of the society very much. There are about 200 million primary and secondary school students in China. There are very few things we can do, but it is extremely important to me and even to each individual student. We carry out specific and detailed work for each individual. If I can spy on and accumulate more experience and thinking when I continue to pay attention to students, I think it is very satisfying.

Chat Club (group talk at work)

At present, I have invited Shi Qianfan, a colleague, a psychological counselor, to work together in the school. Earlier, I also invited Zhu Boxian and Chen Qiuxiao to work outside the campus. Liaoshe is a way of working in parallel on and off campus. At present, the only workplace that Liaoshe has set up outside the campus is the Banban grocery store , which has received some students and parents who are inconvenient to talk at school, but in fact, the family may be what we want in the end. place to go.

Schematic diagram of Banban grocery store link

Why build a chat

During my field interviews with my father, I encountered some bottlenecks that eventually led me to turn my attention to the student body. I then did a questionnaire about domestic violence among junior high school students, and the results shocked me. The data shows that the proportion of the number of people and the extent of violence are beyond my imagination.

Looking at the broken pieces of paper filled with the seemingly same but different experiences of everyone, I deeply felt their pain and depression. In fact, every note represents every suffering life. I also understand that things are not purely a binary narrative of violence and victimization. No one is born a violent maniac, a violent person, behind it is a violent family, and behind it is a violent society, many problems are It is caused by the crux of the existence of the system.

I decided to set up the "Liaoshe" Family Meeting Workshop, in order to establish connection and communication between youth, family, school and society through listening, discovery, analysis, communication and organizing meetings. I'm trying to open up this family scar so that both parties can see and hear each other. Chat Club works in the school in the name of the student club. The work is divided into three parts: one part is to clarify our position against domestic violence and school violence, and establish a rescue mechanism for victims of domestic violence and school violence; Guidance and intervention; another part is to create a community collective way of life of mutual assistance and integration, and to eliminate the loneliness and helplessness of individuals in the face of domestic and school violence. The future work of Liaoshe is divided into three steps: first, it is to listen to the students’ words, so that they can gain a kind of respect and understanding, and then relieve their emotions and symptoms. The second step is to communicate and communicate with their parents with the permission of the students, and make preliminary preparations for the family meeting. The third step is to encourage students to conduct field-style interviews, investigations, combing and analysis of their parents, re-examine their parents, and find their subjectivity in the examination.

Banban grocery store has become a place to receive some students and parents

two questionnaires

In 2018, I conducted a questionnaire survey on 493 students in a middle school in Haikou on whether they had experienced serious domestic violence (including physical and mental violence). The data showed that 59 students have experienced or are experiencing " Impressive" domestic violence. I asked Mr. Sun, the poet, to do the same survey at another rural primary school. The data showed that 72 of the 119 primary school students had experienced or are experiencing "impressive" domestic violence. When I saw the students' various descriptions of their own experiences, it was already shocking.

"I scored 55 in the Chinese test one day, and my father slapped me; I scored 99 in the math test, and I was so happy that he kissed me."
"I got 10th in the midterm exam. I told my parents happily, but my father said how did you fall behind to 10th..."
"In elementary school, my father asked me to get 100 points, otherwise he would beat me and scold me."
"Once I was at school and I didn't finish my homework, and the teacher hit me"
"Dad hung me from a tree and beat me..."
"They often scold me in Hainanese, which makes me disgusted with adults who speak Hainanese..."
"I came home late one day, and my parents made me stand at the door for 2 hours..."
"Mom said that if I don't get good grades, I might as well be a prostitute..."
"They used to chain my brother up to prevent him from going out..."
"They don't always believe what I say..."
With the consent of the students, a tone-shifting recording was made for each chat activity. The picture is the exhibition site of "One Person's Society", Guangzhou 2019

Chat Club (recordings of some students' conversations)

Disgust, helplessness, exhaustion, resistance, avoidance, depression, violence, self-harm and even suicide... After the survey data came out, I followed up with some students and found that the situation was even more serious than what was reflected in the questionnaire. Many students also Unwilling to disclose the real situation of the individual . Judging from the questionnaires and interviews, adolescent students living in cities suffer no less domestic violence than those in rural areas; in addition, the verbal violence they experience is more profound and lasting than physical violence. Physical pain is not the main cause of their mental trauma, but the contempt and mental oppression of children by adults. Parents always disapprove of what their children say, and are accustomed to obeying their own understanding, but they don't know how far the difference is between the two. Things that children think are important, adults think are trivial things, and small mistakes that children make are often magnified by adults. This is an unequal power oppression and spiritual oppression against children.

Domestic Violence Questionnaire for Primary School Students

crushed student

In March 2019, the China Sleep Research Association released the "2019 White Paper on Sleep Index for Chinese Adolescents and Children". The report stated that more than 60% of primary and secondary school students in China lack sleep, of which schoolwork is the main reason. Homework, firstly, refers to a lot of study courses, and secondly, it refers to a lot of extracurricular homework. Judging from the curriculum and work and rest time of primary and secondary schools in various countries, students in primary and secondary schools in other countries generally spend more time on schoolwork.

Primary and secondary school students in mainland China generally have the problem of a lot of homework, and this problem was discovered by my daughter. She now spends 2-3 hours a day on homework, resulting in less free play and severe sleep deprivation. Regarding the problem of lack of sleep among students, some local governments, such as Zhejiang and Heilongjiang, have adjusted the work and rest time of primary and secondary schools (primary and secondary schools should not organize students to attend classes earlier than 8:00 in the morning, and the first and second grades of primary schools should not start earlier than 8:00 in the morning. 8:30), but the homework has not been reduced because of this. In some places, most of the students enter cram schools during weekends and summer vacations. However, there is also the fact that the working hours of parents are also very long, so the children's school hours conflict with the parents' work hours. Therefore, it is difficult to implement such a policy, and European and American countries are more flexible in dealing with this problem. Most schools in some countries are equipped with school buses, and some countries have extended the time to come to school; for example, the time to come to school in Australia has increased from 7 :30 to 9:00, parents in need can send their children over in advance. But there is a phenomenon. Although there are not many courses for foreign students, the Chinese are very active in sending their children to various cram schools for study. Some are tutoring Chinese, some are tutoring art courses, and some are tutoring other academic courses. From these things, there is a vague sense of indescribable anxiety among the Chinese, who are striving for wealth, fame and status to gain a certain sense of superiority.

A graded test paper, some students will be extremely frustrated because they have lost a few points

The development of modern technology has provided convenience for schools and parents to supervise students. Every word and deed of the students will send the incident scene to the parents' WeChat group within a few seconds. In the case of severe lack of sleep, taking a nap in the classroom is also to be stopped and monitored and recorded. Each classroom is equipped with a camera or has a recording group leader, and there are relevant records of the students' classroom situation every day. In some schools, student dormitories are managed militarily. Toothpaste and toothbrushes should be placed in one direction, and pillows and quilts on the bed should be neatly folded. The students couldn’t finish their homework that day, so they could only hide under the quilt and turn on the lamp of the storage station to continue writing. As a result, they were notified to the parent group the next day. The refined management method under the technology has become a high-pressure machine that compresses the students' private space. Schools are like transparent buildings that make it impossible for students to hide.

In addition, when students leave school and return home, parents will also turn off the Internet of TVs and computers, confiscate mobile phones, and prevent all possible "degeneration" of their children. Parents read their children's diaries and QQ chat records when their children are not present. Of course, this practice also exists in the teaching team. It seems that there is no chance for students to "degenerate", but there will be more and more students who are addicted to games and suffer from mental and psychological diseases. According to a report in 2019, there are 76 million diagnosed patients with depression in China, and the trend is younger. Cai Kaiyu, a psychologist living in Hainan, once revealed to me their estimates that the number of primary and secondary school students suffering from mental illness in Haikou has exploded in the past 2-3 years, with an increase of about 30% of 2017.

Starting from 2019, the Ministry of Education stipulates that students under the age of 14 should continue to wear the Red Scarf of the Young Pioneers

In addition to the operating mechanism, students lose the right to participate, and they are also greatly squeezed in the field of discourse expression and spirituality. Adults take advantage of their own identity to anticipate, interfere or despise students. This is a more direct spiritual oppression, and parents are often unaware. Huihui and Tingting said that their parents seemed to disapprove or believe what they said. You tried to explain it to them, but found that they already had a set of their own understanding, and they were so firm.

" I feel like I'm a blank piece of paper, and they're pouring all kinds of ink into it so hard that they dye me black. " - said Tae Hee with wet eyes. What he said was the helplessness and fear of the loss of self-subjectivity.

Domestic Violence Questionnaire for Primary School Students

anxious parent

When I called "Da Chuan"'s mother for a home visit, her first response was, "What happened to Da Chuan?!"

Da Chuan's mother is a housewife, and her husband is an overseas tour guide, so he rarely has time to come back. Therefore, in a family, she and Dachuan occupy more space and time. The husband is responsible for earning money, and she is responsible for raising the children, while enduring the long separation between husband and wife. Like most parents, she has to accompany and supervise children from childhood to adulthood. Because it is an only family, the expectations for the next generation have become single and precious, and every step of accompanying the son is carefully.

As a father of two daughters, I have several strings attached almost every day: will my child be kidnapped or sexually assaulted at any time? I know the food is unhealthy but I still have to eat it. Although my child lacks sleep, I have to ask her to press the button every day. I wake up at the same time, although I live frugally, but I don’t have any savings left, I don’t have money to buy the good things my child likes, and the child starts singing red songs when he goes to kindergarten. It’s obvious that he is very tired, but he can’t rest well... The next day he wakes up I received a few more text messages on my mobile phone, and then I immediately thought that there are 20 or 30 years of mortgage loans waiting for you - slowly sliding from suffocation to despair.

A group of parents in the first grade of elementary school discusses issues such as children's schoolwork, teacher supervision and sleep

Suan Suan was recruited for the 2019 middle school entrance examination, and her score did not reach the score line of 380 (this score line defines that half of the junior high school graduates cannot go to high school), which means that she, like other students of the same kind, either immediately enters the society or attends a secondary school , or enter a private high school at a high price. In the end, her father gave up all options for education, and at this time, she was helping out with the business of the mobile phone repair shop at home. Yongfa is a bit luckier than her. Because she loves art, she entered a private high school as a special student, but she spends 30,000 yuan in tuition every year, which is a figure that many families cannot afford.

Qianqian just entered the third year of junior high school in 2019. Her father works in the management of a company, and her mother is a university professor. Such a relatively good family environment, but her father had to plan her next high school education in advance. Because the score is not strong enough, the possibility of sprinting to key high schools is very, very small, so turn to choose the path of high school art specialties. Her father looked anxious, and at the end of the final chat he said his last line of defense: "If these high schools fail, I will pay her to go to a better private high school!"

I chat with parents of students at Banban grocery store

Gap between minors and adults

Students and parents are the materials and screws in this social system, but most of them cannot become "close comrades in arms". Through the work of "Liaoshe", I discovered that there is a huge gap between minors and adults, and the other cannot see or hear each other. Due to the objective intergenerational difference between the two, the concept of the two is different, and parents lack a sense of equality in getting along with their children. At the same time, the children also lost the desire to communicate with their parents and took the initiative to close the window of their hearts, thus becoming strangers to each other. Most of the students in the chat club have communication barriers and anxiety with their parents, and their emotions begin to rise without a few words. The same is true for parents. If communication is not smooth, they rely on family authority to vent their children's emotions without any scruples. After a long time with each other, this gap has become wider and wider, and finally it has gone in the opposite direction, to an unexpected extreme.

Chat Club (recording of a student)

The exhibition site of "One Person's Society", a map of domestic violence based on the survey, Xinzao Contemporary Art Center/Guangzhou 2019

Campus rivers and lakes - not only the epitome of the current society, but also the prototype of the future society

On the campus, the birds and flowers are fragrant and the books are loud. On the surface, it looks like the wind and the waves are calm, but in fact, there are undercurrents surging inside.

Xiao Guan is a cute little boy with slightly dark skin, and when he knows that he and I come from the same place, he seems more relaxed than ever. He is also a child who has experienced domestic violence since childhood, the main perpetrator being his mother. Most of the direct causes of her mother's violence were related to schoolwork. Every time he failed to complete his homework, he would be beaten and scolded, which made Xiaoguan extremely fearful. Later, in order to avoid, I didn't dare to do my homework in front of my mother, and secretly hid in the closet, and only dared to come out after finishing it. Since the main income of the family economy comes from the mother, the father is also silent in terms of parenting voice. Once his mother abused Xiaoguan, after he scolded her a few times, he picked Xiaoguan and ran to the roof, standing on the edge of the balcony, hanging Xiaoguan in the air and shouting, "You should just throw him to death. Come on, I'm coming!" Xiao Guan was frightened and closed his eyes tightly, not daring to open them... This experience has become a memory that he will never erase. When he described the experience again, he still seemed to have lingering fears.

When Xiaoguan was in the third grade of elementary school, out of curiosity and yearning, he joined a "campus gang organization" in the school. There will be a registration certificate, and if someone betrays, they will be punished by "cutting the palm". The gang is small in number, but bullying, extortion, theft, and fraud are just as important. If there is any friction between members and others, their fraternity will stand up as soon as possible. If the situation worsens, they will unite with "fraternal gangs" in other schools, and dozens of people will gather near the school gate before school. Almost all campus gangs have direct connections with social gangs, and if things really don't work out, they'll be asked to come forward. When Xiao Guan was in 5th grade, he felt that the gang's behavior was getting more and more outrageous, which made him feel tired and scared. When he came forward, he was beaten by the organization with a knife "slashing his palm". Every day he is entangled with him, making people feel powerless and frightened. In the end, Xiaoguan had to continue, until he graduated from elementary school and changed to a new junior high school environment, and this life ended completely.

When Xiaoyue was uncomfortable, he slashed his wrist with a knife, and now the knife marks are clearly visible
In order to cater to their parents, children hang two objects that symbolize different religions on their bodies at the same time.

There are also girls in campus gangs, but in boy-dominated gangs, it is not easy for girls to gain a certain status. Huanhuan, who has been in a certain position in school, is in the second year of junior high school in 2019. There are 7 or 8 knife marks on his left wrist. The latest hole was left two months ago. The closest to death was when she was scolded by her mother, she hid in the bathroom alone, poured a basin of water, and made a slit in her wrist... Maybe the slit was not deep enough, and the blood flow finally solidified. Every time Huanhuan talks to me, most of them cry bitterly, and it can be seen that she is very distressed. In addition to physical violence, the family's harm to her also came from her mother's endless scolding and imposed assumptions. She just looked at her phone for a while, and she said that she played with her phone all morning; she said that if she wanted to jump off the building, she would take her to the top of the building and ask her to jump off; if she couldn't learn, she would ask her to be a prostitute... In Huanhuan's opinion, the pain on her body was bearable, but she couldn't bear the heart-piercing words and attitude of her mother. When she was the most uncomfortable, she thought of dying.

Like her, her brother suffered from domestic violence from his parents since he was a child. When he was the most serious, he was chained by his parents and not allowed to go out. To this day, her brother's life is still under the control of his parents, who have great interference in who to make friends with and who not to make friends with. The elder brother also sometimes used violence against her, and the weakest person in the family became the most oppressed person, and the emotions of the family were vented on her. She said she understood her brother, just like herself. I asked her why she was in the arena on campus? She said bluntly, "If I'm a mess, I can pick up anyone and beat me!" I said, "If that's the case, aren't you just like your parents?" She burst into tears and said, "But I can't help it! I'm dying!"

In 2019, Dachuan was only 15 years old, but he had grown to 1.75 meters. He said that his past was a history of blood and tears, and he could not finish a book, but he did not want to say more. He still can't let go of certain experiences as a child, and when he re-describes those processes, his lips are dry and his mood is low. His father was a tour guide who traveled abroad. He was away all year round and was accompanied by his mother since he was a child. His father was absent in his life. His father was also alcoholic and crazy, and when he came back drunk, even his mother beat him together.

Da Chuan said, "During the three years of kindergarten, my father never picked me up, and I was mocked by those classmates for saying that I didn't have a father." Once, my father finally came back, but he was leaving in a few days. He hugged my father tightly. legs, begging. Dad slapped him and made him stand all morning. Da Chuan was 3-4 years old at the time, but the pain was deeply etched into his heart. When I described his experience to his mother, his mother was amazed: "I never thought he would remember these things!"

Stills of the 2019 campus movie "Youth of You"

"I don't think I'm a good person," Okawa said.

Dachuan is upright and brave in his small nature, and likes to fight for injustice. Every time he encounters injustice against his classmates, he chooses to stand up. Until one time, his classmate was bullied by another person, he ran to protect and confronted the student. The next day after school, he was surrounded by a group of people. It turned out that this was a gang in the school, and the student yesterday was theirs. This time, Dachuan has been abused and threatened, and usually likes to help others, but when he is in trouble, he is powerless. "If you report it to the teacher, the teacher won't care too much. At most, you can ask their parents to come over, and then you will be besieged by them again." Dachuan said, his expression looked a little desperate. "But what if you tell the parents and let the police handle it?" I continued. Dachuan hesitated for a while and said, "If you go to the school and the police, they will come to you after the punishment is over." Actually, I didn't realize that his family lacked a father who could give him strength. "And they all understand the Minors Protection Act," Okawa added. Fear, powerlessness and despair made Okawa change the values and conduct he had always adhered to. A brave and righteous boy, in his childhood, due to such coercion, he changed his beliefs in advance, and now he calls himself a bad person. When I heard this story, my heart was blocked for days. What kind of educational environment do we adults want to create for our children? Why is Dachuan so desperate and so distrustful of schools and society? However, I also have to admit that what he said is also true; it is an indisputable fact that bullying incidents occur frequently in schools across the country.

Xiaoguan, Huanhuan and Dachuan originally belonged to the "campus class" who crushed each other. Xiaoguan participated in extortion and beating up his classmates. Huanhuan tried every means to join a campus organization like Xiaoguan. The righteous Dachuan was forced by such an organization to die. Changed their values and beliefs, but their bodies were covered in bruises.

There are countless cases like this on campus, but if there is no platform and channel worthy of students' trust, so that they can get corresponding help and intervention, when their behavior and concept are solidified step by step, I can also peep at the embryonic form of a future society. form. This future society is actually the result of "intergenerational transmission". When the previous generation cannot resolve it consciously, the crux of the problem will be passed on to the next generation.

The United Nations released data on school bullying and related surveys around the world

In the corner of the Internet where adults have receded, it has become a home for minors

When adults are chasing the more fashionable and convenient WeChat and mobile APPs, they gradually withdraw from Internet platforms such as QQ and Baidu Tieba. However, these Internet platforms that are not concerned by adults have now been occupied by primary and middle school students, such as "Black World". , "Diba", etc. are composed of these young people. "Black World" is a kind of online virtual world with QQ group as the carrier that appeared at the same period as "Kill Matt", originally created by Su Yiqing. Almost all members of the black world are minors, and members can freely create a family. If the number of members is full, another division will be established. Some family groups have tens of thousands of people. According to netizens, the total number of members of the black world has exceeded 1 million. The family system of the black world is divided into chief founders, executives, and ordinary members. Usually, they just talk and chat, but more often they find fault with each other and carry out verbal attacks. This is an Internet world full of great cyber violence.

The structure diagram of the members of the black world comes from the Internet

Huanhuan was promoted to a senior executive by the head of the family because of her positive performance, which also became her confidence in the eyes of her classmates. When they were in elementary school, many classmates also played in the black world. Although the black world has become a regular thing in their lives, adults are rarely familiar with it. I also just learned about the existence of this thing from the chat club, and I have to admit that we really don’t understand these minor groups. But if we don't enter the world of children, how can we touch and understand their hearts? Can a few words of truth and authoritarian decrees solve any problem?

Commercial tutorials and apps that accompany the black world

Neglected Verbal Violence

Verbal violence is an easily overlooked form of domestic violence that is often unseen because its injuries leave no trace on the body. The perpetrator expresses emotions, insults, ridicules, slanders, intimidates, controls and oppresses the victim through language. The trauma caused by it is lasting and hidden, not only when the victim is not easy to be found, but also sometimes not by the perpetrator. be aware.

student questionnaire

After class, Xiao Yue walked up to me quietly with tears in her eyes. It turned out that yesterday she couldn't recite English words and was reprimanded by her mother. Xiaoyue is thin and quiet. At first glance, she knows that she is a simple girl. She speaks in a low volume. She feels that she has worked hard, but she cannot understand her mother. Almost every time Huanhuan talks, she will talk about her mother's verbal violence towards her. And Xiaohui's experience was that because he bought a copy of "A Brief History of Time", his mother blamed him for nagging him for an hour and a half.

student questionnaire

In the questionnaire for rural primary schools, the proportion of experiencing verbal violence was higher than that of physical violence; in the middle school survey, the ratio of verbal violence to physical violence was close to 1:1.

In October 2019, a 14-year-old junior high school student in Sichuan Province jumped to his death. He told the world that " language violence is really hurtful, whether intentional or unintentional. " In October 2019, South Korean artist Cui Xueli was only 25 years old He committed suicide by hanging himself in his apartment, and suffered severe online language violence before his death. She has been ridiculed and ridiculed by many netizens for posting photos of her life without a bra and falling in love with a controversial singer. It is worth mentioning that I always thought that each of our 6 brothers and sisters grew up with our father's domestic violence, but the third sister gave different answers. She believes that what hurt her the most was not her father's physical violence, but her mother's verbal violence. This somewhat surprised me. At the same time, I also felt that language caused great harm to people's spirit and psychology, even more than physical violence.

14-year-old Jiale asked his friend to warn the world about his last words

From the analysis of many cases, not all physical violence is harmful, but all verbal violence basically hurts people, because verbal violence is mixed with insults, sarcasm, denial, slander, and mental oppression. If the child really did something outrageous, when he realized his mistake, he accepted the "corporal punishment of domestic violence" against him in his heart. However, if the matter is not out of line or the boundaries are unclear or even misunderstood, then this kind of domestic violence, whether physical or verbal, will cause great harm.

In my interviews with 5 younger siblings, the third younger sister reflected different feelings from ours

Discourse equality in everyday life

Xiaozhe, like Dachuan, is unwilling to tell his parents when he encounters something. One of the classmates in the class repeatedly attacked Xiaozhe. He finally couldn't bear it anymore. After school, he sent him to the hospital. I asked him if he had ever thought of asking for help from parents and head teachers. He said bluntly, "They won't take it seriously. They will think it's a small matter for children."

In the case of Liaoshe, it is found that students have completely lost their right to speak, and there is no space to express their truth in their families and schools. Parents and teachers often make mental assumptions about students, and they cannot listen to the real voice of the child, let alone respond to relevant demands. Mutual communication barriers like Xiaozhe, Xiaohui and their parents are common in reality.

Messages sent by students via WeChat

Faced with this problem, I put forward the principle of equal rights for daily discourse in interpersonal communication, not only trying to implement it in the chat club student group, but also trying to promote it in family meetings. The principle of equal rights in daily discourse emphasizes that people have equal rights to speak (speaking rights) in daily conversations. All parties have the right to express their opinions regardless of their identity differences and whether their opinions are right or wrong. Equal speech rights should not only respect the freedom of speech of the other party, but also ensure the equal opportunity or length of speech for both parties, such as the provisions on the length of personal speech in "Robert's Rules of Procedure".

This is a note given to me by a junior high school student

People with advantages in power, social resources, wealth, status, identity, body, and knowledge become strong speakers with discourse advantages in hierarchical relationships; otherwise, they become weak speakers. The expansion of social power into daily life, acting on the field of private life, makes the daily discourse also produce the hierarchical relationship of discourse power. Discourse equality should not only restrict the discourse of strong speakers beyond their powers, but also take care of the discourse rights of weak speakers, give discourse justice to the weak speakers, and allow them more opportunities to speak. The purpose of discourse equality is not to weaken the rights of strong speakers, but to call on them to listen to the voices of weak speakers.

"One Person's Society" Exhibition Site Xinzao Contemporary Art Center / Guangzhou 2019

How far can I go this way?

So far, the chat club has only contacted two parents, and only met one of them. Work is hard, but it is essential, the most important and final part of the work. Meeting with parents must be obtained with the consent of each student, which is the first principle of family meetings. Doing so is both respectful to the student and a necessary procedure for the job. Only when students are willing to open their hearts to their parents can it prove that they are psychologically prepared, and our work can enter the family. I lived in my thirties before I faced and reviewed my father again, and these children were only thirteen or fourteen years old, so I can imagine how difficult it is to deal with such a huge and complex problem with such a thin body. I didn't write my first letter to my father until I was in my first year of high school. There was always a huge gap between me and my father. It was not until I met the opportunity of the "One Person Society" project that I began to look back, sort out and examine his work. Life. This is not only a review of him, but also a review of myself. In fact, I am the person I really need to face. My inferiority complex, fear and cowardice, these parasitic pustules need me to break through again. Step by step, I have to overcome the inner obstacles for the vastness, clarity and freedom that I finally want to achieve. (Note: The names of the people appearing in the article are pseudonyms)

Text / Tang Haoduo / December 2019

"One Person's Society" Exhibition Site New Contemporary Art Center / Guangzhou 2019


The Society of One | The first exhibition

Time: June 23-July 22, 2019

Venue: Xinzao Contemporary Art Center, No. 4 Haibang Road, Xinzao Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou


Tranquility x Yu Qiucheng

Liu Tiemin x Chen Qiaozhen

Man Yu x Xu Tan

Li Ke x Xu Ran Yao Heli

Mountain River x Xu Linyu

Liang Guangnian x Yu Xudong

Liu Chao x Liu Weiwei

Shi Binghuang x Xie Jianbo

Li Lijun x Dongqi

Tang Changwang x Tang Haoduo

Seller: Lanhaiqi

Project sponsors: Li Yifan, Xu Yajun, Liu Yang, Man Yu

Curator: Man Yu

Curatorial Assistant: Weng Xinxin

Exhibition Execution: Li Le






The second phase of "One Person's Society" will be held online from October 17th to October 31st and November 8th, 2020. For details, visit www.facebook.com/HKAPTFS/

【Society of One Person】Art Project

This art project takes the theory and practice of psychoanalysis as its conceptual reference, and invites artists and psychoanalysts to conduct field research and practical work for different individuals in society, through a series of talks, seminars, collaborative creation, and exhibitions. Activities such as understanding, dialogue, cognition and action on the mental state of "people" in society. The original intention of this project is to try to re-identify the subject of action in the current social context.

Without exception, we live in a common context, but each has its own context due to the contingency of encounters. "One Person's Society" takes the specific individual as the first scene of the work , and the artist is in an ignorant position: his own history, family and social relations will be recounted . As an ongoing project, we look forward to presenting the complex relationship between the individual's special subject logic and the social scene through the accumulation of work in different stages, surrounding the reality of the subject, in the latitude of casual daily behavior and ubiquitous power discourse tension relationship. In this kind of work, we can more clearly see the relationship between those trivial or rigorous concepts, daily or abnormal behaviors, those so-called high-level or low-level aesthetic tastes and personal encounters. Those ideological myths of all kinds need to be supported by the phantasmagoric structure of power even at the everyday level.

We expect the artist's work to follow the principle of " from site to site ", so the completion of the project will end in different ways according to its own requirements. The scene-to-scene here emphasizes that the artist always works in an orderly production process, and the exhibition is only a staged presentation and exchange of the overall work. The first issue of "One Person's Society" was exhibited at Guangzhou Xinzao Contemporary Art Center on June 23, 2019, with ten artists and their collaborators participating; currently, twelve artists in the new issue are doing field work , the second phase of the exhibition will be shown in Hong Kong in August 2021, organized by the Asian People's Drama Festival Association and funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

This project was jointly initiated by Li Yifan, Man Yu and two psychoanalysts Liu Yang and Xu Yajun. The curator of the first phase is Man Yu, and the curator of the ongoing second phase is Liu Nanqian. We look forward to continuing work that can bring a new understanding of the subject into our future common sense to face the internal and external dilemmas that individuals encounter in social practice.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

一個人的社會【一個人的社會】藝術計劃 此次藝術項⽬以精神分析的理論與實踐為理念參考,邀請藝術家與精神分析家一同針對社會中的不同個體進行⽥野研究與實踐工作,通過一系列的會談、討論班、協同創作、展覽等活動對社會中的「⼈」之精神狀況展開理解、對話、認知和行動。這個項⽬的初衷是為了在當下的社會語境中,嘗試重新指認⾏動的主體。
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羅福興 × 蘇宇俊 | 一個人的社會

Ms. D 綺彤 × 彭靜(上) | 一個人的社會

劉鐵民 X 陳巧真 | 一個人的社會