A good place to exercise in Tainan 🔜 "Solar Fitness Training Center"


URL 🔜 https://www.yehclinic.com/sun-strength-conditioning/

Four years ago, I was involved in retraining, and the instructor was the coach from "Sun Energy"; after that, after many changes, the current "Sun Energy Training Center" was relocated to Chenggong Road, Tainan, dedicated to scientific sports.

Solar Fitness Training Center

We will be committed to scientific exercise methods, accurately define exercise as planned physical training, scientifically monitor and manage the training process, repeatedly test training methods, optimize training quality and reduce training risks.

"Solar Fitness Training Center" is located at the intersection of Chenggong Road and Park Road, Tainan. The store is located on the second floor and the entrance is next to 7-11. Business hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 24:00 and Sunday from 9:00 to 22:00.

"Solar Fitness Training Center" will develop in the future in terms of muscle strength training, special groups, female fitness, silver-haired people, teenagers, and competitive athletes training.

The charging method of "Solar Fitness Training Center" is actually quite flexible. There are "monthly fee card", "point card", "single time", etc. to choose from; at the same time, there are also one-to-one coaching courses. Personal physical condition, provide personalized training.


Unlike Taiwan, in European and American countries, many people regard "exercise" as a part of their lives. In recent years, the popularity of fitness is a good thing. It means that more and more people are paying attention to the importance of physical health. In such a market atmosphere, many gyms and studios have also flourished.

On the day of the visit, I chatted a lot with Guo Dong, the director of "Solar Fitness Training Center", and senior coach Stanley, and exchanged views on sports. At the same time, I am also very grateful to the team for giving me the "Player Card" treatment. In the future, there will be many more difficult challenges, let's work together 💪


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