Lu Xun, do you still dare to say that Chinese medicine is not good?


Some words, which in the past were just disputes of opinions, could bloom and be discussed openly. But perhaps soon, one side's point of view could become a crime, subject to the necessary sanctions.

For example, any topic of traditional Chinese medicine that can cause controversy in any WeChat group.

Recently, there are such two items in the "Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulations (Draft for Public Comments)" , which is soliciting opinions. I was terrified to see it. The regulations say this:

Article 36: No organization or individual shall make false or exaggerated propaganda about traditional Chinese medicine; shall not falsely use the name of traditional Chinese medicine to seek illegitimate interests or damage social and public interests; shall not slander, Slander Chinese medicine.

Article 54 Whoever violates the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 36 of these Regulations by slandering and slandering traditional Chinese medicine, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and disturbing public order, which constitutes a violation of public security management, shall be punished by public security organs according to law; if a crime is constituted , criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

any method? Slander, slander!

No matter how you look at it, such terms are not very legal terms. Any way what is the way? How to judge slander and slander?

Even if you want to punish, you still have to set a standard and basis, so that the uncle of the police can enforce the law with confidence, and the people will be convinced. Otherwise, how can we use the yardstick of the law to catch those trolls with bad intentions and let them slander the essence of our traditions?

If I don't believe it can be regarded as slander, the first person I think of to suffer from this is Lu Xun.

The husband once described in detail the process of seeking medicine for his father. In the "Scream Self-Preface", he publicly expressed his views on traditional Chinese medicine:

I still remember the discussions and prescriptions of the previous doctors. Compared with what I know now, I gradually realized that Chinese medicine is just a deliberate or unintentional liar.

And he is not shy about the differences between Chinese and Western medicine:

There is indeed a little difference between Chinese and Western thinking. I heard that the filial sons in China, when they are about to "sin heavily and bring disaster to their parents", buy a few kilograms of ginseng and pour it into the soup, hoping that their parents can breathe a little more, even if it is half a day. One of my gentlemen who taught medicine taught me the duty of a doctor: He who can be healed should be healed, and those who cannot be healed should be given painless death . - But this gentleman is naturally a Western doctor.

According to the standards of Beijing, these two paragraphs of Mr. I am afraid that I have committed a major taboo, especially the liar's statement and the views in the praise and derogation, which are suspected of slander and slander. Coupled with Mr.'s influence among young people, it is possible that the guilt will be added to the level. I am afraid that instead of writing a letter of repentance, you can easily pass the test by admitting your mistake.

Originally, I was complaining, saying some disagreements, but suddenly I was going to be labeled as slander and slander. This made me, who once laughed at Shuanghuanglian's treatment of new coronary pneumonia, also felt chills and trembling down my spine.

This is a dispute between schools of medicine, why not leave it to science and effects to solve, instead of pulling in the imperial court?

In my opinion, Chinese medicine has made a good start, but it has never entered the field of science, but indulges in tradition and culture, and does not seek progress.

In Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases, a total of 262 prescriptions were recorded, most of which used four or five herbs, and at most 32 herbs were used in one prescription.

So, which drug did it work? The patient must not know it, so can the TCM physicians explain it clearly? After all, we are already in the 21st century, and it is no longer difficult to find the right medicine, but what we lack is the verification under scientific logic.

If we break through this point, in fact, traditional Chinese medicine can also do a lot. Teacher Tu Youyou also followed the guidelines given by traditional medicine and used modern scientific methods to find artemisinin and its derivatives, which have become the most effective and important means of treating malaria at present.

Of course, many fans of TCM will think that the introduction of strict laws and regulations will be a great benefit to TCM and patients.

The idea is good, but the reality is often unexpected. Imagine when you consult a doctor with piety and reverence:

"The medicines you've given recently have no effect? Is the medicine not heavy? Or is there something wrong with the introduction of the medicine?"

But maybe doctors with legal backing will react more radically to such doubts:

"What?! No effect?"

After that, I picked up the phone and dialed 110, and said angrily:

"110? This is someone who slandered Chinese medicine. Come and take care of it."

Original written on 2020-06-02


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