yes | phase is phase

Over 20 photos, my first time in Matt City

Recently, at Xiaoshu in the shed next door, I looked through a lot of old photos and came out with a little feeling in my heart.

In the past in Pathfinder, the photo resonated little, and the creation of text was the focus, and the photos only complemented each other, so they often appeared, multiple articles, and the same cover, because the photos were provided by free libraries.

In Matt City, although the author also uses free stock photos in the article; however, here, photos and pictures are both creative and valued, which is one of the reasons why I like Matt City at present.

Since, sharing old photos in Xiaoshu, of course you can't miss it here, and insist not to repeat ^_^

Eighteen years ago, I came into contact with cameras for aquariums.

Ten years ago, the camera was sealed due to the withdrawal of the cylinder.

Three years ago, the dusty camera came out again.

Just look at the changes!

Take the lotus as an example














The 15 lotus flowers above are all different.

But the lotus is the lotus!

Taking portraits as an example, portraits are the most difficult subject to express.





#twenty one

#twenty two

The photo of the child is definitely the photo before the machine is closed

But a child is still a child

Just getting bigger!

Again, buildings, buildings in Taichung

#twenty three

#twenty four



The building is a composite, albeit with a different appearance

But the building is still the building.

Phase or phase, variable or unchanged, it depends on how you define it!

What about Easter eggs?

26 photos

Shot 2266 (scarcely) haha

do you know i'm looking at you? ?

Thanks for watching ^_^

Good, please have some candy~~

Off topic, why is it gone?


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