【Happy Weekend】The Charm of Balloons

Balloons have a charm that naturally attracts the eyes of all children, just as a magnet attracts metal iron. . .

Balloons have a charm that naturally attracts the eyes of all children, just as a magnet attracts metal iron.

During the Easter break, my husband was out shopping for a while, and I stayed home to take care of my two daughters. Not long after, I received a call from my husband, saying that there was a balloon distribution event in the mall downstairs, and asked me to take my two daughters to collect them. He queued up there first.

I asked my two daughters for balloons? The eldest daughter excitedly said yes. As for the youngest daughter, I don't think she knew what a balloon was, but when her sister said yes, she nodded vigorously, very cute. Then, we quickly changed clothes, put on socks and shoes and went out.

Cute balloons attract many citizens to line up

When I went to meet up with my father, I saw Sister Clown twisting the balloons hard 🎈 to serve the children (picture in the upper left corner)

The picture in the upper right corner shows that the clown sister has prepared several balloons related to Easter, and each child can choose one of them.

In the picture below, it can be seen that the balloons have attracted many parents to line up with their children, waiting patiently to receive the balloons!

Looking at this long human dragon, it's really hard work, Sister Clown, I admire it!

When queuing, the eldest daughter asked for a white and pink miffy rabbit. However, when it was our turn to choose, she changed her mind and asked for a pink bunny. It doesn't matter, as she grows up, let her decide for herself.

We chose carrots for our youngest daughter, because the radishes are longer and easier for the youngest daughter to carry. The clown sister asked us if it's okay to be yellow? It was the half of the balloon left over from the previous twisting of the balloon. The little girl didn't know how to choose colors. She was happy with the balloon, so we agreed. My sister happily said that her rabbit had carrots to eat. (Very cute fairy tales!)

Philately Clown Sister and Bear Boy

When I got the balloon successfully, I just met a bear puppet arranged by the shopping mall and asked the children to take pictures with it. Sister Clown took her two daughters and their balloon gifts to Bear Cub to take pictures.

The little daughter likes Mr. Bear Cub very much, clings to him, sometimes opens her hands and hugs him gently, sometimes stands next to Bear Cub and holds hands. We let her play with Bear Cub for a while before asking her to wave goodbye to Bear Cub and go home.

Thanks to the activities of the shopping mall, let my daughter receive a satisfactory gift and spend an Easter holiday happily.

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