Wish | Little Kitten

Looking at the little kitten in his hand, time went back more than ten years ago.

In the place where I worked at that time, there was a special tent where the garbage was piled up. In addition to the general garbage, there were also some boards left from the decoration.

One day, in the direction of Fengjia, there were bursts of cat meowing. It was the purring of a kitten, but the cat was nowhere to be seen. A few days later, a small kitten was seen on the ground where the car would pass. The ground doesn't move very much. Seeing that it was about to get off work, the mother cat was not seen to take it away. I don't know what's wrong, I don't know how to take care of the kitten, so I decided to take it home to take care of it.

After I got home, I helped it prepare a nest, and I also collected syringes and milk powder. I forgot if anyone came to teach me this. At that time, the information on the Internet was not as rich as it is now. The little kitten doesn't drink milk very much. I was worried that it would be hungry, so I soaked the milk a little thicker. I forgot about some details. I only remember that the cat's condition is not very good. Well, take it to the veterinary clinic. The doctor said that he was not optimistic, so he left the kitten in the clinic to be taken care of by the doctor. When he went back later, the kitten had already left the world.

The death of the little kitten is already very sad, and my colleague then added a knife and said: "The mother cat will take care of them, why do you bring them home~~~", this kind of statement makes me feel that I have killed a small life . This incident has been stuck in my memory.

A while ago, a friend picked up a small kitten, but the difference is that it was taken care of quite well, which should be attributed to the friend's super rich experience in raising cats and a heart that loves cats. My friends are also very good, giving me the opportunity to feed the kitten. The kitten looks very serious when drinking milk. After drinking it, it is not afraid of crawling on me, like an adventure. Put it in another position and lie in your hand, you can also play with its small palm with your fingers, and walk around with it, not afraid at all.

Because a friend picked it up by the door, it was nicknamed the door. Thanks to the appearance of the door, the missing corner of my heart was filled with warmth.

The door to drinking milk hard
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阿蘇傾聽人們在聲音裡流露出的情感 探尋事物在人們心中真正的意義 好奇神秘學可以為人們帶來什麼 致力於將身心靈工具用在生活裡 身為宇宙中的一粒微塵 燃燒後迎向另一種存在
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