reaction speed

It's not that it is necessary to develop the same reflexes and speed as Bruce Lee, but the training effect should be comprehensive and confident.

"Functional Training" is a category of physical training, including core training, strength, agility, balance, reaction and speed and other comprehensive sections. These exercises can enhance physical fitness and effectively reduce the risk of various types of injuries. Functional training can be understood this way: how much exercise is 1. performed in a sitting position? 2. Is it carried out in a stable environment provided by external conditions? 3. Performed by single-joint activities that provide skill and kinetic energy? The answer stated that the training setup should be performed with multiple joints and in an unstable environment.

Many sports and competitions are based on "explosive power" and "reaction speed", such as boxing and volleyball. The level of technology must depend on the above two conditions. Reaction speed is affected by central nervous system activity, concentration, skeletal muscle readiness, mastery of movements and techniques, and perception and discrimination of signals, timing, and features, and requires a very strong core (abdominal muscles). group) and lower extremity muscles to quickly initiate a series of reflexes. Responding to known but sudden signals with familiar dynamics, like a ping pong ball, requires visual capture of moving objects, coordination and speed practice to speed up and shorten the brain's time for action instructions, and technology is equal to the quasi-fly. In addition, at the same time, it is necessary to develop the "predictive ability" to determine in advance the direction and speed of the moving object.

"Coach ~ seems to be a little too academic, predictive ability? How to cultivate it?" In fact, the above information hopes that you will have a better foundation when choosing a personal trainer or self-training, and at the same time have a better understanding of the value of "showing your body". The same reflexes and speed, but the training results should be comprehensive and confident. Regarding the training method, it is often through passing the ball to respond to the moving target in different positions, directions and speeds, and some tools such as speed ladder (speed ladder), BOSU, RMT, etc. are used to increase the unstable state, and the proportion is more unilateral, Complete all movements on one foot. "What is it?" Simply put, the training content tries to imitate the combination of movements of the sport or is close to life, throwing medicine balls or small balls with different directions, weights and variable speeds. If you want to get more methods, and have a certain sports experience and theoretical foundation, it is recommended to refer to the book "New Functional Training for Sports". The author is a senior physical coach who has played for the national team.


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