[Easy to use when chatting] How to say "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite" in English and Japanese?

你的英日語自學導師  ོꦿ༄譯꧁難忘꧂
I wonder if you have ever encountered this situation: when you hear a foreign friend complaining about things at home, you want to comfort him but you are at a loss for words; when you are socializing, a client complains that his other partner is clamoring for a divorce, and you want to tell him that every family has problems, but you There is a certain problem in your own family. You understand his feelings very well, but the problem is that you don’t know how to express it! Did you know that "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite" can be accurately expressed in English and Japanese?
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你的英日語自學導師  ོꦿ༄譯꧁難忘꧂想說道地英文或日文嗎?關鍵是你的「語感力」。很少人能詳盡解釋單字與句子背後的語感,那種老外特有的「神邏輯」。沒那套邏輯,就會講出自以為懂但老外一頭霧水的外文,增加溝通障礙。我是外文新聞工作者,用淺顯文字,把外國人說話邏輯講給你懂,邀你一起雕琢語感力。外語不求人,手把手教你自學!
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