【Creation】God and the Industrial Party

醒前消息 Le Rêve Lucide
Will the Bionic Industrial Party dream of an electronic god with digital rights management (DRM)?

Human religion has been around for thousands of years, during which time countless devout believers have failed to figure out what their "god" - the guy called God, Lord, or Allah - really thinks What is it, every time I get a bloodbath for it, it's even more impossible for me, a leftist who doesn't believe in gods, to know.

One thing we can be sure of, though: If God were a conscious being, even an extradimensional being, he would be bored. Further, we can imagine him sitting in a daze above that cloud, his face full of boredom and depression.

Source: http://www.androidarts.com/fsm/index.htm

God saw that people in the underground were intriguing for power, and at the same time each faction seemed to have a valid reason for each faction, he began to wonder, and wanted to know what was going on in these little people's minds, so he randomly picked one person Come up and plan to ask him what his political views are.

It just so happened that the man was an industrialist . After coming to the "Kingdom of Heaven", he first responded as a normal person should: "Where is this? Who are you?" If this happened among ordinary people, the following article would cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The words describe how God explained the situation to the Industrial Party. However, God is God after all, and he doesn't like to talk so much to explain to the stupid Industrial Party why he can exist in an atheistic world, so he put his hand on the head of the Industrial Party - for a moment, the Industrial Party I understand what just happened.

Then, his next reaction was... "Bang", he knelt down to God.

"Almighty Lord, please help me realize my ideal."

This was something God didn't expect, and he quickly helped the Industrial Party himself, "There's no need to make such a big gift. First, what is your ideal?"

"Of course it is, it is... human beings live in harmony, live a prosperous life, and live and work in peace and contentment..."

"Oh, it's not easy to realize this ideal." God twisted his beard and smiled, "How are you going to realize it?"

The Industrial Party is very shrewd. Instead of answering God's question, he began to kneel and kowtow again: "Almighty Lord, please help me..."

"I'll help you, don't do this." God sighed, "You tell me how you want me to help you."

"Thank you for the grace of the Lord." Seeing that the Industrial Party was about to kowtow again, the invisible power of God abruptly supported him. He had to give an embarrassed "nod" and start talking about his plan.

"That's right, my lord, I have always believed that people's endless struggles are entirely derived from the lack of survival resources and productivity. But I certainly don't expect you to directly help us solve the resource problem, I just need a chance to prove myself. Just find some ordinary people—just like when you came up with me at random, provide them with enough resources, and in time, I will be able to prove to them how right I am."

Of course, this kind of thing is not difficult for God. So he waved his hand and gave birth to an experimental site in the kingdom of heaven. There are all kinds of resources that human beings depend on for survival: food, water and even industrial raw materials. In order to ensure that the number is "sufficient", God simply let them refresh every day, in short, they will never be used up according to the planned number of residents. Then, he randomly selected some people from all walks of life in the underground to land on this experimental site - a snap of his fingers, and these people arrived.

According to the Bible, it took God six days to create the whole world, but less than six seconds to create this small world. When all was done, he turned to the Industrial Party and said, "Look, my friend, I've got what you need. Now it's up to you to lead these people and run the business here—three months later, I'll be back to see your results, and good luck."

The Industrial Party wanted to say something of thanks, but God didn't want to hear any more and disappeared in an instant, leaving him alone.

The game "Minecraft" (Minecraft), also translated as "Being a God of Creation"

Time flies, three days have passed in a blink of an eye. Wait, why did I say "three days"? Didn't God say three months later to come back and check the results?

Let's turn our attention back to the "experimental ground" and see that the Industrial Party is kowtowing to a statue of God.

"Lord, please come back and help me... I can't control them!"

Hearing the helpless call of the Industrial Party, God had to come back early. Just as soon as he arrived, he saw the extremely chaotic situation in the "experimental site": those resources that had been enough had been collected, they were lost everywhere, and people were frantically fighting for them.

Anticipating that the Industrial Party was calling him back because of the uncontrollable chaos, and with a bit of schadenfreude, God asked him, "What happened?"

"Lord, Lord, you can be considered to be back. These greedy people, they have enough resources for their own survival, and they have to continue to take them. If they can't get them, they will rob them... I can't control them." The Industrial Party said he cried.

"Ah. But you're not saying, as long as there are enough resources—"

"Maybe I'm wrong, these resources are not enough..." said the Industrial Party, somewhat embarrassed. In fact, this place was designed by God. To say that "estimation is wrong" is also God's mistake, but he will definitely not say it outright to embarrass God, but will take the mistake on himself.

Such careful thinking can’t hide from God, but he doesn’t care, and with a big wave of his hand—those resources will continue to grow.

"You see, now these resources will grow at any time, no matter how many people and how they use them, they will not be exhausted." God said, "Is it 'enough' now?"

"Enough, enough... My lord, thank you." As soon as the Industrial Party finished speaking, in order to prevent him from kowtowing again, God disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Game Cities: Skylines

Another time passed, this time for a month. Careful readers will find that the time has not yet reached the three-month time limit that God said, the reason is that something happened again in this experiment.

It was a dark night, and the Industrial Party quietly touched the statue of God (why he had to come quietly will be explained later), and was trying to figure out what reason to ask God to appear, and God appeared in front of him.

"Ah! My lord, you are here..."

"You're calling me again. What's the matter this time?" God didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

"That's right, there's another small problem... They've charged all the places you built, so I had to bypass the gatekeeper to find you in the middle of the night."

"Ah? Isn't this the same as the reality?"

"Yes, but I wish they would have been more willing to share a little..." The Industry Party explained falteringly.

"Okay, okay, no need to explain - what do you need me for?" God interrupted him.

"Listen to me, after this situation occurred, I was looking for the reason. Later, I used the knowledge of economics to think about it. Maybe the number of resources is unlimited. The reason why they are still unwilling to share is that there are costs in transportation, and these costs are Some, uh, malicious people took advantage of..."

"Then you want me to eliminate this shipping cost."

"Yes, my lord. You see..."

God waved his hand again, but this time the result was that the apple trees, mines, ponds and other resource production areas disappeared, which made people stunned. The Industrial Party was terrified: he thought he was so greedy that God was finally going to punish him.

Of course, God is not so small, but he will use a little advanced method to eliminate transportation costs.

"People in the experimental site, turn on your mobile phones and computers!"

Then, people who did it saw several automatically opened pages that looked a bit like shopping sites, but didn't have the price tag and the product inventory, because these things are really free and unlimited - this time, "experimental The resources in the "land" can be transported and produced at zero cost.

"It's... a miracle, you're so great—" Before the Industrial Party could say anything, God had already left in time.

World Wide Web

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the three-month period agreed by God had come, and now it was time for him to accept the results. But when we look back at the Industrial Party in the experimental site, he doesn't seem to be very happy, instead he looks sad.

"Oh, the time limit is coming soon, how should I deal with him..."

"What's wrong? I don't seem to be in a good mood." At this moment, God deliberately patted him on the shoulder from behind, so frightened that his guts were about to burst.

"Ah, it's you, my lord, I'm... I'm..."

"I think your results are not bad. People are living and working in peace and contentment." God pointed to a prosperous residential area.

"This... This is all thanks to your generosity." The Industrial Party said very embarrassedly.

"So, why are you worrying?" God asked him with great interest. "Is the website monopolized again?"

"Ah! I, I..." The Industrial Party's heart tightened, and it almost passed out.

"I set the website to be editable by adults, just to see if this happens." God smiled, "It seems that it really happened."

"But...you could have prevented—"

"If people really hate monopoly people, they will find that person or those people to stop them, but they all seem to acquiesce in this behavior. And to the point where it costs nothing to transport, people will still condone the emergence of monopolies.”

"So, I've failed. You are so powerful... can you tell me why?" The Industrial Party couldn't explain anything, so it had to bow its head and admit defeat.

"Haven't you noticed that there are similar monopolies that are tacitly accepted by everyone in real life, and the goal of monopoly is also a product that costs almost nothing to transport and replicate?"

"What is it?"

"Copyright," said God.

By: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome


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