[Witch's Journey] Namibia - a nation coexisting with nature

This country used to be a German colony, and then the United States took care of it, and so on. However, this place has the most primitive language and human tribes in human history, and the total number of animals living here is more than humans.
Elephants are used to drinking water at dusk

(Writing this witch's trip in 2019, it is long and has many pictures to enter carefully)

Witch Pen takes you to see the world

Africa, people feel very hot, backward, unsanitary, even dangerous, and a lot of Aedes albopictus, etc. However, this trip to Namibia has changed my usual position.

This country used to be a German colony, and then the United States took care of it, and so on. However, this place has the most primitive language and human tribes in human history , and the total number of animals living here is more than humans. Or we can start with what I have observed.

First of all, in terms of clothing, it is true that they have their own African clothes. Women will reveal their chests and backs, and men only have a small amount of cloth to cover their lower bodies ( Himba people ). Today, however, no one wears them like this. Only a few people wear them to take pictures for tourists. Most people wear Western-style sweat shirts and shorts. Some women wear wrap-style long skirts. But it's interesting to see one or two women walking with things on their heads. Due to the large temperature difference between the days, it was very cold at night, and everyone was dressed in the wind.

Secondly, in terms of food, they are deeply influenced by the food culture of Germany and the United States, from fried chicken, fish and chips, to German pork knuckles. There are also different varieties of deer steak, ostrich steak, etc. The staple food also includes salad potato, rice and spaghetti, etc. Going to the western coastal areas is more affordable to eat all kinds of seafood. In fact, it is also very suitable for Asian tastes. At least I am very happy to eat , haha!

Pork chops kind of like tonkatsu
Very fresh oysters, hard to find in southern Germany
It seems to be an antelope steak. After eating it, I forgot the name, just remember the good taste.
French snail, it seems that the food culture is also influenced by France
Went to a local shop for authentic African coffee
 Originally, because I didn't have breakfast, I went to a nearby family-run shop to have coffee and lunch with my German family. How do you know that they haven't prepared food yet, it's already business time, they really have enough freedom. In the end, the owner's daughter came late to make coffee for us, and saw a sign that said "slow cooking slow coffee slow life..." It really... implemented his own business concept.

In terms of housing, what I have observed is that the small towns in the remote areas are mainly wooden houses and iron houses, and only brick houses are seen in larger towns. Many tourists, especially Germans , also choose to have a camping-style parade in this country. They all tend to rent camper vans or roof-top campers so that they can drive there and sleep there. Germans will do their homework first to check the driving distance and reserve a nearby camp as a stop for the night. However, water and electricity are not available in every camp and require extra attention.

Camping in the wild also has various inconveniences, but the star river seen at night is unforgettable in a lifetime ; with the night wind blowing, listening to the sounds of distant animals outside the bulging curtain, I can feel the aboriginal people thousands of years ago. ( Bushman ) way of life in the wild.

Our Rooftop Campers
Mr. love to play with campfire

Many campsites are big enough to park a camper. Usually, a piece of land will have power and water supply, and some even have private toilets and kitchens, so you can park close to the power.

Then, in terms of travel, I suggest that even if it is not a camper, self-driving travel by ordinary car is the most convenient. You can also participate in some travel agency itineraries, bus tours, etc., because the local transportation here is still too inconvenient, many locals who do not have a car will choose to take a ride (Hitchhiking) or even go long distances, but I heard local tour guides say that they He will not and will not need to go anywhere else, and he can live on his own for the rest of his life, and he himself has never set foot in the capital of his own country (proud to say) . In some national park camps, there is also a jeep tour service (Safari) in the park, as long as you pay an extra fee; however, if you have a car to drive, the Safari time will be much more flexible, the price of gasoline is not expensive, and the street is free. There are also many berths, you can decide for yourself. Taxis are also quite expensive, but in the capital, you can see that everyone is crowded with taxis, and when the taxis pass by passers-by, they will keep ringing to invite customers. The fifteen-minute journey has more than 5 The honking of the taxis is actually a bit annoying.

The other thing I want to say is that I am a little surprised that most of the people here can communicate fluently in English, which is even higher and more popular than the Germans. When asked, it turns out that they can speak at least two languages, English is Japanese or even their mother tongue, and there are more than 14 African languages in this country, so they communicate with people from different regions in English. Among them, the language I am most interested in is the Khoisan language . They use clicks to make sounds, and it is a very magical feeling to hear them.
If you are interested, you can listen to the following videos:

Another point, there is a lot of wind and sand everywhere, so it’s best to bring hats and scarves.

Finally, I would like to share some personal feelings. During my two weeks in Africa, I was completely cut off from the world due to the lack of internet signal in some areas where I played, but I felt an unprecedented closeness to the earth.

Feeling the sun, the wind and the sand, watching the ups and downs of the mountains, looking for traces of wild animals, and watching the starry night at night, I have to admire the creation of the Creator, the world can be so beautiful and simple . However, he was born in a city that is not simple at all, surrounded by high-rise buildings and trapped by a sinister political system. I can’t be like the locals who are only satisfied with the status quo, and I can’t go back to the web every day and just climb the mountain to watch the sunset and watch the sunset , and I can’t cut off the Internet, give up contact with friends, and don’t receive world information. I envy the simple life of the people here, but I know that I can't do it. I am also very helpless. If I hadn't known the size of the world, and some corruption, or I did.

Digression: It's best to bring some body moisturizing skin care products, but after a while, the skin will be covered with fine sand...  

Attach some wild animal photos and itinerary photos~~

The class horses drink from the artificial water hole
Elephant drinking water
BB is so cute

Basically all camps will have a water hole (pool), most of which are man-made, but it will also attract a large number of animals to drink water at dusk and dawn, and keep quiet when watching! Otherwise, it may scare the animals, especially the timid giraffes, they can spend 4 hours to make sure that there are no enemies nearby before approaching the small pool.

Here they call the most precious animals the Big Five (Big Five), do you know which animals it is? There are elephants, lions, rhinos, African buffalo and...? Did you guess the last one? I will post an estimate later.

In the tent at night, I heard baby-like laughter in the distance. It turned out to be the barking of a spotted hyena , which was eerie.

Have time to listen to the video below.

Discover Bambi the Deer
Spinhorn/Bowhorn Antelope
Rhino found

A close-up look at a giraffe, this is the size of a final adult giraffe
camp mouse
Two little rhinos on the left, and Elephant County

They seem to have a Chu River Han boundary in the middle.

It feels a bit like the backdrop of a cowboy movie
Bold Bambi
The body was found, and the camp rules were not taken away by tourists
Spot the lion up close
Circle of life

Camp guide

The tour guide took us to climb up to his secret scenic spot, telling the story of his life while watching the scenery.

windy sandstorm
There is a fat penguin on the left. It turns out that there used to be penguins in this place.

Tweaver Springs petroglyphs

The rock paintings of Twevel Spring are said to be the earliest murals of human beings. They have a history of more than 6,000 years and are one of the world's cultural heritages. If you look closely, you will see many animals~
The guide said that the nomadic bushmen use hollow ostrich eggs to store some water and bury them in the ground , and draw rhinos on the walls. The direction in which the rhino's horn is facing in the mural represents water, because only rhinos among animals will only go to the same place to find water. And these mural messages are a reminder that there is water in the next group of junglers . These murals also have the function of a message board, in addition to the water source, you can also read about the dangerous animals and so on. This witch thinks the wisdom of the ancients is great.

naturally formed rock
mysterious feeling

It's kind of dangerous to go up there.

free cat 1
not afraid of people
Tap Kitten 2
Tap Kitten 3
Take a nap on our travel bag
Zebra wildebeest (blue Gnu) (that GNU of KING GNU)
Guinea fowl go unnoticed

Halfway through the trip, I came to the coastal city of Swakopmund. The seafood here is delicious.
Saw dolphins at the pier

kinda like small town america

Sossusvlei desert

Come to the Sossusvlei Desert , which has the largest sand dunes in the world (ca. 383 meters), is one of the world's cultural heritages, and is said to be the origin of the indigenous people.

It looks like a plane
It's very heartwarming to see a family dragging their hands downhill for fear of danger
 Walking up the sand dunes to feel the wind and sand, I was actually very scared, it was too high! About 10 floors high! I didn't want to go any longer, but on the way, there was a foreign disabled person walking with a cane. Seeing me so scared, he even encouraged me to say, I can do it and you can do it too. I thought to myself, can we not do this, of course I understand the reason, but is it really necessary to go up? XD As a person who is afraid of heights, I don't think it will change my life after I go up. 
camel tree

The dead tree behind is also a camel tree.

"Their blood waters our freedom"

On the last day of sightseeing in the capital, I was deeply moved when I saw the sentence "Their blood waters our freedom" on the statue of slave liberation, which is also a lyric in their national anthem.

After the author:
I accidentally deleted draft 1, this is draft 2, I am tired -.-;
I want to travel again after seeing the photos (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Have a great weekend everyone!

A lot of travel information is not written in detail. If you have any questions, please leave a message and ask me~

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巫筆一次飛行誤入三次元的巫師,居德港人,平時愛撸猫、喝咖啡和寫一些生活隨筆,分享一些旅事,畫作和雞巫蒜皮的小事 。https://opensea.io/mopen 歡迎約畫稿設計稿~
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