brake warning


Last summer, or the year before, when the article by Quanmei mentioned Tainan's power cuts, I told her in a half-surprised tone that it was hard to imagine what would happen if there was a power outage at night in summer. I am a fat man. I am afraid of cold in winter, and even more afraid of heat in summer. Without air conditioning, I cannot live.

Not long ago, the lease expired, and I was thinking of changing the house, looking for a place where the sun occasionally shines in winter and the air conditioner in the living room in summer. The one I used to live in was, on a sunny day in winter, lying on the sofa and bathing in the sun, life would be brighter. Later, this room was changed to the same room number as that one. All the buildings in our community are the same, and the layout of the house is the same, so I think the orientation of this room and that room is the same. However, sometimes Tianzi No. 1 is not next to Tianzi No. 2, I should have known. When I lived here for a few months and winter came, I realized that the living room of this house does not get a little sun all year round. I knew that there was no air conditioner in the living room, but I just thought it could be overcome. For the past year or so, I have mostly worked from home, and when summer came, I had to compress my activity space and move into that tiny desk in that tiny bedroom. The desk is too small to fit the split-screen monitor that I use in my daily work, which greatly reduces my work efficiency.

But I spent one night looking at a house and decided to give up and make do with it. Because the rent is too high, the monthly rent here is 2,200 yuan. The house I saw that met my requirements was asking for 2,600 yuan, while the one I lived in before moving here was only 1,800 yuan. In just two years, the rent in the community has achieved a triple jump. I actually don't understand it very well. It is said that the economy is very poor and the vacancy rate is high, but the rent is rising endlessly.

All in all, the house was not replaced, and the landlord ended up with a symbolic price increase of several hundred yuan (annual payment).

But what I wanted to say today was the high temperature that lasted for many days. It's not a symbolic heat, it's the really hot kind. It was so hot that the electricity was not enough, the first time I moved to the city. Especially this is Chengdu. You know, Sichuan is rich in water system and is a big hydropower province. In addition to guaranteeing its own spending, it also exports a lot. However, this wave of high temperature made this big family become a beggar in a second. It turns out that the uncertainty brought about by the epidemic prevention has already made people exhausted, and now coupled with the threat of "power outage", it can be said to be even worse.

It is said that the industry in Chengdu has now completely shut down. Business is also in jeopardy. It is not allowed to turn on the air conditioner in the shopping mall, which is equivalent to closing the business. Many office buildings also have various power cuts. In the past few days, it is not a hot topic to do nucleic acid, but power outages are. The question between people and people is no longer "Did you do nucleic acid yesterday?", but "Did you have a power outage?". But the nucleic acid didn't stop, it was always there. Our community was 17 days in a row, every two days after that, and then it just stopped for a week, and it came back again.

At 9:00 that night, the property was notified urgently, and nucleic acid started at 10:30. Someone was terrified and wanted to find out. The property is very official, saying that everyone should not be nervous, epidemic prevention should be normalized, balabalabala... But you know that it is a scam, who will be notified at nine o'clock in the normal state, and the nucleic acid will start only after going to bed at 10:30? They also know that they are liars, and they know that you know they are liars. Anyway, this is the era of individuals cheating ghosts.

Later, I learned through non-governmental exchanges that there was a close contact in a community three or four kilometers away. The community was closed and controlled, and the Fangyuan community was doing nucleic acid. Of course, the size of the square is not known to the public. I just thought, it's a vivid example. If I have children and want to teach them what the "butterfly effect" is, I'll use this. Not only can we talk about the "butterfly effect", but also the "chilling effect".

I remembered what Bomi said when he was talking about "Parasite", "The rich go home only to eat a bowl of noodles, and the price of the poor is death."

On the same night, the boss of the company posted a screenshot in the group, which was a notice of the company's property, and the office might be cut off the next day. Just in time for the time when I had to go to the company once a year, I said: beautiful, let's come together!

I didn't do the nucleic acid that night. After running back in the elevator, a couple forgot to pick up the courier. The boy was about to step out, and the girl said that he would come down to do nucleic acid work later. Another neighbor discussed with the child whether to take a bath first when he got home, or go back to wash after the nucleic acid is done. I thought to myself that the average awareness of the Chinese people is indeed high, and the enthusiasm for nucleic acid is unmatched by others.

Later, after eleven o'clock, someone said in the group that many children did not sleep so late and came to line up. The children thought it was very fun, and they felt sad when they thought about it. Someone seconded. In this way, the average consciousness was lowered a little bit.

Fortunately, the next day, the company didn't pull the trigger either. For three consecutive days, there was no air conditioner in the public area. Dozens of seconds in the elevator can force you to sweat.

At seven o'clock last night, I finally finished my week of intense work. I could have taken the ring road after get off work, there are no traffic lights. But I felt relaxed, thinking about seeing the cityscape that I hadn't seen for a long time, so I walked through the city. The city did show me a different landscape. Many roadside shops were closed, and the depression was comparable to that of the past. When was it? It seems that two years ago during the summer vacation, a classmate came to Chengdu on a business trip and accompanied him to the school to reminisce about the old days. He saw that many shops were being sold at the school gate, and the east gate of the school was very grassy.

The bottom business in the community is operating normally. However, due to the high temperature, the tables and chairs placed on the roadside outside the store are bustling every day, and now there is no one. I was hungry and became the only diners in the Chuanchuan restaurant. Usually I have to sit outside to breathe fresh air, but now I can only choose indoors. The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and I felt it was a waste, not only the electricity, but also the service staff of the store's family of five. The cold pot skewers in this store are delicious, and some weekends I take my parents for lunch. Sometimes after a walk with my mother in the evening, I would sit on the roadside for dinner. After all, there are very few people pushing their wheelchairs to eat the skewers. I was obviously impressed by the boss. Sometimes he would nod to me after walking past the store at night.

It's fun to say, one evening, the sun is setting in the west, and the sky is full of colorful clouds. My mother and I walked around the neighborhood for a while, and came back and said, let's eat kebabs and sit down, it's so comfortable. Mom said, that's fine, I just brought the money, I'll treat you to dinner. That time I took a photo of Zhang Wanxia and my mother, and sent it to a social APP with the caption: Look, my mother invited me to eat skewers. This article has received a lot of likes and comments, but there is one person who impressed me the most. He said: You are so old and your mother invites you to eat, can't you invite your mother to eat something nutritious? Another time, about the scene, I remembered that comment, so I posted another picture with the text: Look, my mother invited me to eat skewers again. Unexpectedly, I received another comment saying: How old is your mother and still invites you to dinner, shouldn't you invite your mother? I turned to the front to verify that it was not the same person, so I posted another article, saying, hahaha, look at these two people, the three views are too consistent, they should be together.

Today, I finally got some free time. After a busy week, I have a little lumbar muscle strain. I want to go to a massage, and I am worried that the massage shop will be closed due to power failure. After hesitating for a long time, I decided to find out, and come back after closing the door. Fortunately, the massage parlor is operating normally. I asked them, have you been notified of a power outage? The female master said, no, how could there be a power outage? I said that many shops outside are closed, and the air conditioner is not allowed to be turned on in the mall. She expressed surprise. A newcomer came to the store, totally blind. When the master who helped me contacted my colleague through the walkie-talkie, she leaned over and asked me to touch the walkie-talkie. After touching it, I said, it's not too big, just like the PHS before, the sound is still weird.

Just now, the property announced in the group that the power outage in the planned No. 24 district has stopped now. The crowd erupted in cheers. I was so busy last week that I missed that notification. I heard two old people talking in the elevator last night, and I was lucky. After all, for an elderly person like my mother, sending wrong information is a high probability event. But this morning, I was infected by the anxiety in the group, and I kept thinking about what to do if the power went out and where to take my parents to escape the heat. Fortunately, the phrase "guaranteeing people's electricity" seems to be more true in Chengdu than "testing nucleic acids to ensure the safety of people's lives".

Being in a big city is sometimes a bit of luck. It is said that in some small cities and some rural areas, the power is cut off for a long time every day, and people are dying from heat stroke.

Also just now, someone went on to ask: Are you still going to do nucleic acid tonight? The property replied that it will not be done tonight!

The Bureau of Meteorology texts every day and seems considerate, but their warning temperature never exceeds 37 degrees.


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