talk about death


Hangover, lying in bed all day, stumbled, wake up to sleep.

The phrase "lie in bed all day long" is a copy of Ozu's, and it often appears in his diary. While not generally mentioning hangovers like I do, I guess that's why. He is addicted to alcohol like a life, more than me. What's more, it should not be easy for a normal person to lie in bed all day long.

When I got up to go to the toilet and eat, I saw that the sun was shining outside the window, and the air after the baptism of the wind and rain the night before was very clear. Sigh, wasted, wasted! If it wasn't for the dizziness and the inability to move, I should have pushed the old man downstairs to bask in the sun and get some fresh air. I struggled and gave up.

I finally went out at around 7:00 p.m. and bought some fruit to see my parents. My mother was still walking outside, and the old man was at home, and when he saw me coming, he turned his head and grinned. The TV channel is the central five sets and the sound is very loud. I turned the volume down and switched to the movie channel. Playing "Me and My Fathers". For some reason, the tone is very yellow and the characters look like they have jaundice. After watching it for a while, I thought, sure enough, you can never trust any gift film.

My mother came back later and said that Sui Nian had passed away. They used to chat on WeChat every day for an hour. In the past half month, I always said that I couldn't get in touch, and no one answered the video and phone. She said that she was sad and remembered that they were better for a lifetime. There was a brief reunion when I went home last year. Speaking of not knowing when we will meet again next time, the old lady said that she will definitely meet again.

I asked my mother to sit next to me, grab my hand, and tell me about their past. She said that when Sui Nian was the new daughter-in-law for the New Year, she still took her to kowtow to the parents. Sui Nui is a generation older than her, but she is five years younger. When she married my Sui Ye, my brother was already running around. Almost 60 years have passed, and she still remembers that she wore a plaid cotton jacket with two braids, was tall and beautiful, and was a winner in every household. Since then, they have been better for a lifetime. At first, the mother choked several times, but then gradually calmed down. As usual, I sighed that there was one less person from the older generation.

Speaking of Uncle Eight, who just passed away not long ago, he said that he once grabbed the hand of his grandchild who was a doctor and burst into tears. You have been a doctor all your life, how can you not cure your grandfather's disease. I love this society, I want to see more, I don't want to die. I asked which grandchild it was and said it was a long record. How can Chang Lu call my eighth uncle Ye? If you call me Grandpa, I'm also a tenth nanny. Mom is confused, Changlu is my cousin. I reminded him that Chang Lu is the baby of my sixth uncle, my eighth uncle is also his eighth uncle, and my mother, who is you, is his ten mother, not ten milk. She thought about it again and said, oh, that might be Chang Lu's baby, Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning is also a doctor.

Speaking of the red people's mother, they were paralyzed in bed for many years, no one knew them, and they were all still alive. Tears fell again. I said, there must be something wrong, but I didn't find it. Or found it and didn't tell you. You know that people in our hometown like to hide from others when they are sick. I turned my head and asked Dad, do you remember the red people fucking? He moved his neck, who? Red people fucking. Oh, remember that. Do you remember what her name was? called five buckets. What's my name then? You... can't remember.

Later, when I came out of the toilet, he was standing up and moving forward with the walker. I stand in front of him, what's my name? I can't tell you I won't let you go. He had to stop, looking embarrassed, the two of us froze on the spot, and after a few seconds, I gave up.

Before I left, I told him, big, I'm leaving. He said oh, you go. What's my name? He made a guttural sound, and there was no follow-up. I haven't played this stalk for a long time, but I suddenly came up today and came to tease him again. I said that you can even remember the five fights, and the red people know who they are, but they don't know me, hum! My mother's lines are also unchanged for ten thousand years, half-smile and half-sneered: Well, look at you, you can remember blind cats and mice, but you can't remember your own baby who is in front of you all day long.

I turned to go out, thinking to myself, if only I dared to ask my mother, "If you're not too long in this world, what other wishes do you have?"


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