Refuting the Aunt Theory

refute some unreasonable points

There are no natural nomads. Agriculture came into being in the ice age earlier than nomadism . The "New Fairy Tree Ice Age" about 12,000 years ago caused the temperature in the northern hemisphere to drop by 2 to 30 degrees Celsius. Saber-toothed tigers, mammoths and other prehistoric large mammals Extinction due to lack of food and hunting by humans. Human tribes who hunted in the north migrated south because of lack of food to present-day southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq and Syria, the vast mountainous valleys of the upper Euphrates, the Caucasus Mountains and Anatolia to the north The Leah Plateau blocked the cold current from the north and the south. They stopped in this valley, where the rivers and jungles were dense, and during the migration process of gathering food such as rice, wheat, etc., they discovered and invented crop cultivation and made long-term settlement possible. The climate has remained warm for a long time. Elephants can be distributed as far north as 40 degrees north latitude. Asian elephants have gathered in Henan from the Holocene to around the ninth century BC. The northernmost area where rice is concentrated can also cross the Shandong Peninsula. Because of the warm climate, about 8,000 years ago , dry farming for planting millet and millet began to generally appear in the West Liaohe River Basin and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The primitive people of the Neolithic Age were in a semi-agricultural and semi-collecting state, and the grassland landscape did not occupy the Mainstream, the earliest nomadic people, the Scythians, only appeared in the 8th century BC . Agriculture is the foundation of nomadism, because the precession movement of the earth causes the monsoon belt to move southward, and farmers are separated from agricultural production and become herdsmen . The invasion was launched. Only agriculture can provide enough living materials for the nomads. For example, the vitamins and cellulose needed by the nomads come from medicinal herbs or tea. The earliest physical remains of a carriage appeared in the tomb of King Kish in the lower Euphrates River. (four-wheeled vehicle shape), the ancient Eran Susa site in the eastern part of the lower reaches of the Tigris River, the Mausoleum of Ur (four-wheeled vehicle shape) near the confluence of the lower Euphrates River and the Persian Gulf, etc., which are about 2600 BC— In the first 2500 years, the carriage was not invented by nomads.

Source of the distribution map of millet and rice in primitive agriculture:,_millet_and_mixed_farming_sites_with_a_boundary_of_rice_and_millet_and_possible_centers_of_agriculture.png
Source of the distribution map of ancient Asian elephants:

Regarding the role of nationality in the history of the Turks, first of all, the Turks cannot be counted as a single nation, because both the Indo-European race and the Mongolian race are included, and the primitive Turks originated from the Mongolian race near Lake Baikal. If you want to establish the so-called nationality, it must be determined that it is transmitted across races . Rather than nomads, it is better to say that Indo-Europeans were the early spreaders of civilization . From the perspective of molecular anthropology, the Han nationality is logically a mixed ethnic group, but this is based on the high degree of patrilineal consistency and the high degree of inconsistency in the maternal lineage. The Han nationality has strong aboriginal characteristics in the maternal line , while the paternal line is a large proportion (more than 80%) of O3. 50,000 years ago, the K gene differentiated into K1 and K2 in India, advancing in the north-south, east-west direction, respectively. About 46,000 years ago, K differentiated the NO(K2) gene near northern India and advanced to eastern Asia. About 44,000 years ago, the K2 gene went north to the Caucasus and evolved the P gene, which is the ancestor of the Aryans. The Aryan R gene and the ancient Qiang paternal O gene were no different at first , and both existed as the K2 gene. It is only because the matrilineal genes are different that the difference today is caused. East Asia is mixed with the North Asian maternal line M/CDGZ , the ancient Asian maternal line mtDNA M/CDEGQZ is very widely distributed, just covering the geographical distribution area of the yellow race, the northern Han maternal line D4 and the Mongolian D4 are homologous, and the maternal line 10,000 years ago. D4 spreads southward from the Siberian frigid zone and spreads across North Asia and its Loess Plateau. Because the Paleolithic Age was a matrilineal society, the mortality rate of males going abroad was extremely high, and there were always more boys and girls. The maternal lineage had a great genetic effect on the physique of the offspring, which laid the foundation for the physique of the Mongolian race. The new Asian matrilineal mtDNA R/B/F is close to the European matrilineal gene mutation point. The three-dimensional facial features, deep eyes and big eyes, double eyelids, and multiple beards in the yellow race may be due to R/B. /F plays a role. 2500 years ago, the Linzi cemetery was mainly mt-DNA B4/B5, and 2000 years ago, the Linzi cemetery was mainly mt-DNA R9/F. In a nutshell: Han Chinese are a mixture of Indo-European patrilineal and Tungusic maternal lineage.

Indo-Europeans played an important role in the early civilization process of East Asia . Take the Tocharians as an example. The former were the Kuti people who settled in the northwest of the Iranian plateau. They crossed the green hills along the Wakhan Corridor of the Pamir River to reach Tarim, Xinjiang. In the He Basin, the first group of Tocharians formed 6,000 years ago (the archaeology of the Xiaohe No. 5 cemetery and other areas showed that the white people gradually replaced the yellow people in the tombs ). The ancestors of the Western countries such as Qiuci, Yanqi and Loulan. Some of them enter the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River from the Tarim Basin along the southern foot of the Kunlun Mountains and the Qilian Mountains into the Hetao in Gansu, Qinghai Province ( that is, the Yuezhi people distributed in the Hexi Corridor, and the word Dunhuang is named after the Yuezhi people ) and earlier settled here. The Tunguska people merged into the ancient Qiang people . The ancient Qiang people of Proto-Indo-European descent were divided into two groups. One group of ancient Qiang people invaded the Yellow River Basin, resulting in hundreds of years of ethnic integration and migration, triggering the transition from the Hemudu Tribal Civilization to the Longshan Civilization in the Yellow River Basin. Another branch entered the Sichuan Basin, conquered the local primitive tribes and formed the main ethnic group of the ancient Shu Kingdom in the next 1000 years, which is the origin of Sanxingdui culture. The Sanxingdui civilization has obvious and clear characteristics of West Asia, which is related to the homology between the Sanxingdui civilization and the Sumerian civilization in the Near East. At the end of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, there was an Ordos bronze ware style, which existed from the Danube River to the Yellow River Basin. , and even the Yungui generation has it. Through the Saima-Turbino phenomenon, East Asia entered the Bronze Age, which is inseparable from the migration of Indo-Europeans . In addition, the Tabit goddess of the Scythians was introduced to China in the pre-Qin period, and then evolved into the image of the Queen Mother of the West in the Western Han Dynasty. The painting of the lacquer coffin of the Mawangdui Tomb No. 1 in Changsha and the gilt bronze Danglu of the Han tomb in Luozhuang all appeared The Jitai people worship the auspicious beast - Griffin, which can confirm each other.

Whether non-nomadic civilizations can only passively accept indoctrination in the face of nomadic peoples, not entirely, give some examples of defense or counterattacks, in Europe, the Hippo wars include the sea battle in the Gulf of Salami commanded by Themistocles; Alexander II The world relied on the Macedonian phalanx to destroy Persia at the Battle of Issus; Belisa remained in the Gothic War and the Vandal War, and recovered Italy and North Africa; the siege of Belgrade under the command of Janos, the impaling Duke Vlad III Commanded the Battle of Targovistya to defeat the Ottomans; the Russo-Kazan campaign commanded by Ivan the Terrible defeated the Mongols. In East Asia, Cao Cao defeated Wuhuan in the Battle of White Wolf Mountain; Ma Long in the Western Jin Dynasty pacified the change of Qin Liang in Xianbei; Ran Min defeated Hou Zhao in the battle of Xiang Kingdom; Liu Yu defeated Nanyan and Hou Qin in the Northern Expedition; Li Guangbi's Battle of Changshan pacified the Anshi Rebellion ;The Northern Song Dynasty opened the Xihe River to collect Fudang, Die, Tao, Min, He, and Lin six states, and reset the Longyou Duhufu; the Battle of Yancheng in the Southern Song Dynasty recovered Henan and Shaanxi; the Ming Dynasty's Xu Da Northern Expedition destroyed the Yuan Dynasty, and the capital Defend the battle to repel Oara. In the cold weapon era, the most glorious victory of agricultural civilization over nomadic peoples was the two Yuan-Japanese Wars . The total number of the first Yuan Dynasty army was about 27,300, and about 13,500 returned to China after the war; the second Yuan Dynasty army was slightly more. At 140,000 people, and less than one-tenth of them returned to China after the war, it can be said to be the biggest nemesis of the Mongolian people of the same generation. The situation in India is lackluster. The main ethnic group faced foreign invasions in the age of cold weapons, and there was no defense battle that they could do well, even less than China, which Liu Zhongjing criticized.

In Lectures on the Philosophy of History, Hegel divided historical development into three stages: 1. Eastern spirit, only one person is free; 2. Greco-Roman spirit, some people are free; 3. German spirit, all people are free . The German spirit is at the highest stage of historical development, and Hegel's division of historical stages is related to his definition of spirit. ’, whether a person can fully realize himself or not determines the degree of freedom. Hegel believes that the cultural spirit exists before the interaction between human beings and nature, and the cultural value and even the place of realization is also determined by God, so the value change is impossible. Only the ocean Only the boundless nature of culture can fully realize the essence of "freedom", which is actually inconsistent with the so-called German spirit. From the East Francia to the Holy Roman Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, its territorial expansion has always been limited to the European continent . Sailing activities are known . No matter in Hegel's time or before, the trade of the Baltic Sea was monopolized by the Vikings of Northern Europe for a long time, and the trade of the Mediterranean Sea was monopolized by Venice for a long time. In the Second Empire after Hegel's death, Germany's maritime activities became active. It once owned German Southwest Africa, German East Africa, German New Guinea and the Caroline Islands and Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Asia On the other hand, there is Jiaozhou Bay. However, these colonies not only did not bring much benefit to Germany, but they had to fill in a lot of costs due to operating costs. They were all lost after the end of World War I. The average occupation time did not exceed 30 years , and the autocratic rule of the Second Empire It doesn't fit the concept of freedom for all at all. It can be seen from this that the realization of a cultural spirit does not depend on the invariable nature of the culture. The good thing about Tsuji's terroir theory is that his theory does not assume the existence of an unchanging cultural spirit. But Tsuji believes that the cultural spirit is the result of the interaction between the human world (society) and the terroir (nature). Because he Tsuji believes that culture is the product of the interaction between human society and nature, any changes in geographical and historical conditions can lead to a thorough understanding of cultural values. Change. However, when Kazuji investigated the interaction between the human world and the terroir, he focused on the climate, while ignoring the terrain that Hegel cared about. The following will combine the strengths of both parties - Hegel's emphasis on terrain, and Kazuji's belief that culture is the relationship between terroir and terroir. Cultural analysis of the product of human interaction.

China and India are both introverted civilizations, and the specific manifestation is that the northwest has been assimilated by Islam and occupied by foreign nations, the northwest of India has become Pakistan, and Ningxia and Gansu, which were anciently known as the land of Hexi Longyou in China, also believe in Islam now. After the Yuan Dynasty, a considerable part of the Han nationality began to become Hui nationality. The events that China was occupied by foreigners include: the Yongjia Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Shame of Jingkang in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Battle of Yashan in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the battle of the Qing Dynasty to destroy the Nanming Dynasty. And India's performance is even more unsatisfactory . It has been occupied by more than ten ethnic groups (Aryan, Persian Empire, Macedonian, Scythian, Parthian, Da Yuezhi, White Huns, Turkic, Mongolian, European powers), established by the majority of Indian ethnic groups. The feudal dynasty lasted only 357 years (137 years of the Mauryan Dynasty + 220 years of the Gupta Dynasty). The above phenomenon cannot be attributed to the inferiority of nothingness. From the perspective of geographical environment, we can get the answer. The surrounding terrain greatly restricts the extroversion of the civilizations of the two countries. In the north of India, there are the Himalayas and Karakoram Mountains; in the northwest there are the Hindu Kush, the Suleiman Mountains, and the Thar Desert; in the southwest, there are the Western Ghats; in the east, there are Rakhine Mountains. There are Mongolian Plateau and Siberia Mountains in the north of China; the Taklimakan Desert in the northwest; the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in the southwest. It can be said that the reason why it is difficult for China and India to expand westward and communicate closely with many civilizations is precisely because of the closed terrain like an iron barrel. The three major plains of China and the Deccan Plateau of India are distributed vertically , which determines that the core areas of the two countries have always been in the north-south direction. This was the case in the eighteen provinces of the Han Dynasty during the 1911 Revolution. Coincidentally, the main rivers of the two countries are distributed horizontally or laterally , such as the Brahmaputra River and the Ganges, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The river divides the north and the south horizontally, but it should be able to communicate with the east and the west , but the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the drop is too large and cannot be navigable . Although the rivers in India can communicate from east to west, they are only limited to the interior of the peninsula. The Indus River cannot flow westward because of the hindu Kush mountains. Why is it easy for nomads to invade India from the east, but difficult for India to invade from the west? This is because the eastward invasion can obtain supplies from the Indus River plain along the way, while the Suleiman Mountains and the Iranian Plateau in the west of India cannot provide much supplies. The same is true for ancient China's southern expedition was easy but the northern war was difficult, and the northern war was difficult to obtain along the way. Supply, supply to the west and north all showed a reverse growth. The rivers in Europe are basically vertical, and the principle of flatness is horizontal , which also leads to the convenience of north-south transportation in Europe and the close communication of the Near East. Horizontal rivers do limit north-south expansion. For example, the border of the Roman Empire in the Balkans roughly coincides with the Danube, which also limits the spread of Latin. European Latin-speaking countries: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, where the five countries are located There is little difference in latitude. Except for France, the other four countries are all southern or southeastern European countries, and Latin has obvious horizontal distribution characteristics . It is no wonder that the Yangtze River is called a natural danger. The Eastern Jin, Southern Dynasties, Southern Song, and Nanming have the confidence and peace of mind. The traffic between the north and the south is not smooth. Until the Ming Dynasty, there was a rebellion of the Sanmiao in the southwest, and there were locals fighting in the southeast. The subconscious of the Chinese people has always regarded the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers as barriers. We can trace the gaze of our ancestors from the afterimages of hieroglyphs in Chinese characters. Words related to borders, such as Chengchi, Jintang, Kyushu, Gap, and social relations: decline, Annihilation, wandering, running around, losing, indulging, disappearing, and leaking, we can see that the radicals of derogatory words are basically inseparable from water, while the radicals of light, sun, and fire cover most of the praise words. When we think of the Underworld and His Highness Yama, the first thing that comes to our mind is not flames. Most of the flames appear in dark tones of blue, purple and green. The logic of Chinese character creation has further affected Japan. For example, girls should avoid using words related to mobility , such as sea, wave, floating, etc., it is said that these words will bring misfortune of miscarriage, and the "four" character cannot appear in the name. , because the pronunciation of four in Japanese is also a homophonic "die"; secondly, you should also pay attention to the strokes. Japanese folk custom divides the total number of strokes of a name into three levels: Daji, Banji and Jiu, the first character of the name does not appear, and the number of strokes is 3, 5, 7, 9 words. China's understanding of rivers has also been transferred to the ocean, and the ocean was also regarded as a barrier by the ancient Chinese. For example, in the Ming Dynasty, the country was not conquered in the fifteenth century. The world is only within the sea. Japan's and China's concepts of the world are not consistent. The hills in Japan are small and the rivers are intricate. Who is the boundary? There are 14,000 first-class rivers in Japan, and the longest river in Japan, the Shinano River (367 kilometers), is only one-eighteenth of the world's longest Nile River (6690 kilometers). Dutch engineer Johannis de Rijke, known as the "Father of Sand Control in Japan", said in surprise after seeing a river in Japan: "It's not like a river, but like a waterfall." The plains are not coherent, making it easy to separate one side. Because of the long-term separatism and the lack of landmarks across the whole territory, the unified concept of the Japanese was established by the emperor, and only the emperor (the ancestors) can have the world. In the eyes of the Japanese, the ocean is not a barrier but a springboard. It is not difficult to cross the Kanmon Strait and the Seto Inland Sea. Shikoku and Kyushu Island are close at hand, how can we not take it? The world of Oda Nobunaga's military force is not limited to Japan. He has repeatedly emphasized the idea of conquering Korea to Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

It is no accident that the Industrial Revolution occurred in Britain. The " Little Ice Age " that began in the early 15th century, Britain, due to its high latitude, not only had to endure the failure of grain harvests, but also worried about heating in winter. Scholar Rudolf Lubbert estimates that two-thirds of the wood in London during this period was used as heating fuel. At the same time, the United Kingdom, which pursues the strategy of "building a country by sea", also needs enough wood to manufacture warships and use charcoal as fuel for iron smelting. These demands led to a " timber crisis " in England in the 17th century, when the price of firewood rose sevenfold between 1500 and 1630, while prices only tripled over the same period. So the British were forced to use coal. In 1666, the Great Fire of London burned down tens of thousands of wooden houses. Only then did the British fully exploit coal for heating. The government also introduced various measures to stimulate coal mining. Out of their thirst for coal mines, the British kept digging downwards, even digging through the water. To solve the problem of pumping water , the original steam engine was invented. It is the properties of coal's convenient transportation and higher thermal efficiency that enable steam engines to be used as power sources in most factories and mines, and the Industrial Revolution begins. Due to the Little Ice Age in the late Ming Dynasty, Shanxi began to form large-scale coal mining, and the government encouraged the establishment of mines. At that time, the number of coal mines and coal production began to increase. For example, villages such as Xigou Village, Dianwan Town, Zuoyun County, Datong City, were formed because coal diggers in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties continued to gather here.

Compared with the Eurasian continent, there are only a handful of tyrants in the history of the British and Japanese island countries, because the cost of tyranny is higher. After the collapse of the Liao Kingdom, you can go to Central Asia to rebuild the Western Liao Dynasty; after the collapse of the Golden Horde, you can go to Kazan to establish the Kazan Khanate; after the collapse of the Timurid Empire, you can go to India to establish the Mughal Empire; after the collapse of the Western Jin Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, you can go to Kazan Khanate. Jiangnan is a peaceful corner. The monarchs of Britain and Japan faced a coup d'état, but there was not much room for refuge and a comeback. Before the Norman Conquest, the monarchs of the Danish dynasty were not in the United Kingdom, the monarchs of the Wessex dynasty wanted to return to their Nordic homeland too far, and the kingdom of Scotland was not unified at this time. After the Norman Conquest, there was a War of Independence in Scotland, and the Norman Dynasty fought a Hundred Years War with France over succession issues. Once the monarch was overthrown, there was not much room for a comeback. Therefore, in this case, the island countries generally have the form of aristocratic judges to supervise the behavior of the monarch. The United Kingdom has the English Parliament and the Magna Carta, and Japan has the four aristocrats, the shogunate, the shogunate, and the Genpei Fujitachi. The reason why nomads can run rampant in the feudal era is largely due to their conversion to Islam and the high degree of organization brought about by the unity of politics and religion. The emergence of capitalism sprouts, on the contrary, the Ming Dynasty, a farming nation, has reached the threshold of capitalism. In this respect, the Ming Dynasty is more advanced than the Timurid Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Iran has gone through the constitutional revolution and Pahlavi's white revolution, and Turkey has gone through the Kemal reform, and the two countries have been able to achieve modernization and self-reliance.


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