Taste Life|【Fugu Yusi】Lagerstroemia to Ziweilang

In the middle and late May of this year (Ren Yin), Zi Qian lived alone on the mountain for a few days, and happened to see Bai Juyi's "Zhizhong Shusheng" (also known as Crape Myrtle Flower). To a certain extent, it is similar to the situation in which I live alone, so I write this article as a note.

Bai Juyi's "Zhizhongshusheng" (also known as Crape myrtle):

Your Excellency Si Lun's article is quiet, and there is a long gap in the bell and drum tower.
Sitting alone at dusk, who is the companion? Lagerstroemia to Ziweilang.

crape myrtle

In the minds of ancient Chinese people, crape myrtle is a noble flower. The ancient emperor's residence was also called "Ziwei". It has a very high ornamental value. The flowering period is more than three months, so it is also called Bairihong. Since the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City has been widely planted with crape myrtle, which is regarded as a symbol of durability and prosperity.

Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli also has a poem called "Lagerstroemia", in which he praised the beauty of Lagerstroemia, saying that it has a flowering period of half a year, and it blooms so mesmerizingly.

It's better to be infatuated and intoxicated, and the dew and the wind are especially oblique.
Who said that flowers are not red for a hundred days, and crape myrtle blooms for half a year.

Crape myrtle http://tlpg.hsiliu.org.tw/plant/view/1

In the sixth year of Kaiyuan, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty took the star of the emperor, Ziweixing as righteousness, and changed Zhongshu Province to Ziwei Province; since the Hanlin Academy in the Tang Dynasty planted crape myrtle all over, those who were officials in Ziwei Province naturally took on the nickname of Ziwei. For example, the order in the middle book is called Ziwei order. Zhongshu Shilang is called Ziweilang, and Zhongshusheren is also called Ziweisheren.

Bai Juyi used to be a member of Zhongshusheren. Although his official rank is one level lower than that of a servant, it is natural to call himself "Ziwei Lang", but from this point of view, it can be seen that Bai Juyi still has expectations for himself.

What is "Zhongshu Province"?

The Zhongshu Province is an institution that handles government affairs and formulates edicts on behalf of the emperor. The settings of Zhongshu Province are roughly as follows:

Zhongshu Ling two people, the second grade. Zhang Zuo Tianzi is in charge of the big government, and the general judge saves trouble. The two servants are of the third grade. In charge of the post of Erling, he is the chief political counselor of the imperial court. Linxuan has a book of orders, and as an envoy, he holds the book and grants it. When the four barbarians came to the court, they received their sparse expressions and played them; if they offered coins, they received them as payment for the ministers. There are six people who are willing to give up, and they are on the fifth grade. The palm attendant will play, and the table and chapter will be discussed.

What is "Zhongshu Shilang"?

Zhongshu Shilang, the ancient official name, is the chief officer of Zhongshu Province, deputy Zhongshuling, helping Zhongshuling to manage the affairs of Zhongshu Province, and is the prime minister of the fixed establishment of Zhongshu Province. It is an official position set up from the Han Dynasty. After that, various dynasties have changed their names, but most of them have similar official positions.

What is "Zhongshu Sheren"?

"New Book of Tang: Hundred Officials' Records II": The official position of the Tang Dynasty is set up in "Zhongshu Sheren six people, who are on the fifth grade. The master attends the performance, and the table and chapter are discussed. Painting." In the first year of Emperor Muzong's Changqing reign in Tang Dynasty (821 AD), Bai Juyi was appointed Zhongshu Sheren, one of the six Sheren, whose job was to write and write documents.

What is "Silun Court"?

Si Lun Pavilion is the place where the emperor's edicts were drafted. In the past, the emperor's decree was called silk lun, and lunyin refers to the emperor's decree.

What is a "leakage"?

The engraved leak is an utensil used for dripping water in ancient times.

【Fugu Musings】

In the summer of 820 AD, after a five-year banishment, Bai Juyi was finally recalled to Chang'an, and served as the minister of the minister and the minister; in the winter of this year, he was transferred to the chief guest, the chief guest, and the Zhizhi. In 821, the doctor of Jiachaosan, wearing five-pin crimson court clothes, was transferred to Zhuguo, and then transferred to Zhongshusheren.

The emperor does not issue edicts all day long, so naturally there are not many edicts to be written in the Si Lun Pavilion, just like the chairman of a company, who will not issue orders all the time; There was silence in the Lun Pavilion. Bai Juyi was on duty and could not go out at will. He could only walk around in a small space in the Silk Lun Pavilion.

Counting the dripping sounds from the Bell and Drum Towers, I always feel that the time has passed very long. This Silk Lun Pavilion is located in Chang'an City, not far from the emperor, and there are not too many flowers, plants and trees around, probably only the crape myrtle tree. If it wasn't for Bai Juyi's too much focus on listening to the sound of leaking and dripping water to spend this long day, while ignoring other sounds; otherwise, why would there not be even the sound of insects and birds?

Sitting early in the morning and watching until dusk, this day must be a very boring day, sighing who is with him? Probably only the crape myrtle outside the house!

But at that time, how could Bai Juyi be content to be only a middleman, and play such an insignificant role as a scriptwriter? Otherwise, how could he call himself Ziweilang in this poem? So the other implied meaning is that no one Appreciation, a sense of overkill.

The first two lines of this poem point out the place of work, and the last two lines describe the situation and feelings at work, which contains the overtone that one cannot display their ambitions, saying that one’s idle job is like the noble and beautiful crape myrtle, but it is not met with talent, just like that for others to watch. the same as the crape myrtle.

In ancient times, there was no internet, so it was possible to communicate with the outside world in real time. One could imagine Bai Juyi, apart from the eunuch, there should be no way to communicate with the outside world. Moreover, there was no edict to write on this day, which meant that even the eunuch did not come to him. Therefore, it can only be seen against the crape myrtle in the courtyard, and the two do not hate each other.

As for Ziqian, how many times in my life, I can live alone on the mountain for more than ten days, at least I have H+/H connection speed (in short, I can't even reach 4G network speed), which allows me to handle business affairs and participate in the Internet. road meeting.

The same is that they are all alone, and there are flowers in the courtyard. The mood on duty is similar. There is less actual interaction with people and more "quiet", which always gives us time to think deeply and sigh.

The difference is that Bai Juyi's office supplies are pen and ink, inkstone and rice paper; I am a mobile phone and a laptop; his communication channel should be the eunuch, and there are special people who prepare three meals for him, while Ziqian I can't connect. 4G network, three meals have to be taken care of by yourself;

Bai Juyi served in the central government agency, and his job was to write documents; Ziqian held a management position in a private enterprise, and his main job was project management.

He didn't have many edicts to write, and it might be too boring, so he just listened to the voice of the carve and counted how long it took to get off work. It's no wonder that he had time to think about things, and he wrote this "Zhizhongshujing" ( aka Crape Myrtle), but I have to attend quite a few web conferences.

The one who met him was the crape myrtle, and I was the bougainvillea.

Bougainvillea / Photo by Zi Qian

When he occasionally writes an article, he should be able to hear the sound of the brush rubbing on the rice paper, while Ziqian and I are immersed in the sound of the keyboard, the human voice in the meeting, and the white noise of nature, the babbling of the stream and the bamboo leaves. The leaves are swaying and rustling in the wind. It is easy to hear birds chirping in the morning and evening, and frogs croaking in the evening. The Taiwan blue-bellied pheasant was once glimpsed not far from the courtyard.

If you lived in isolation in ancient times, no one really knew how you lived, but at least people-to-people communication was real; in modern times, as long as you have a computer in hand, you can connect to the Internet and connect with the world at any time, but interpersonal communication often only exists. virtual.

Although the official rank cannot be compared with him, but on this day of living alone, no matter what, I think, I should be happier than him!

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