Do you also have "misogyny"

The so-called "misogyny" is a social order that emphasizes gender dualism, which manifests as "female contempt" in men and "self-loathing" in women. Under this system, the value of women is It is chosen by men, and the value of men is not determined by women

I don't know if you have heard the description of "misogyny". There is a word misogyny in English, which translates into Chinese as "misogyny". Recently, I read "Misogyny: Japanese" by the Japanese feminist leader Chizuru Ueno. Female misogyny> This book, although I am not interested in the theoretical research in it, but many of the points raised in the book really touched me. In women's equal rights, the Me Too movement, etc., advocating women's rights and resisting male rights violations have become Today, when absolutely politically correct, in fact, many people, including women themselves, still have discrimination and prejudice against women in their bones, and they may not realize it.

The so-called "misogyny", in the author's words in the book, is a social order that emphasizes gender dualism, which manifests as "female contempt" in men and "self-loathing" in women. Under the system, the value of women is chosen by men, and the value of men does not need to be determined by women. The patriarchal society has already assigned necessary roles to women, such as wife, mother, if a woman cannot do or do it If these two roles are not good, then even if she succeeds in other aspects, in the eyes of many people (especially in the context of traditional oriental culture), she is still a failed and even sympathetic woman.

Men's "feminine contempt" is most easily reflected in the way men view the relationship between the sexes. We have probably heard men boast about the number of women they have "done". For such men, women are only the objects of sexual relations, while Men have absolute dominance over women. When women are de-individualized and objectified, men can take what they do to women for granted, and therefore verbal or behavioral harassment is acceptable. Conversely, men require women to be pure and loyal, that is, to obey the domination of men. For those women who "freely use their own sexual bodies", they are often subject to the most vicious curses and criticisms in a patriarchal society. Therefore, people rejoice Happy to talk about the affairs of men, but despise those women who do not "clean themselves".

Sadly, women themselves, because they have lived under such social norms and cultural settings since birth, are also involuntarily subject to the domination of men and the standards they set. Women need to pay more attention to their appearance and body shape, although It is said that many women claim to be to please themselves, but it is undeniable that a considerable proportion want to be recognized by men, and this has become one of the most important capitals of women. Women will involuntarily conduct self-censorship, for those who are not married Women who have children, who criticize them for being "not a real woman", are often women. Those women who are beautiful and sought after by many men are usually not well-reviewed in the female community, because there is a relationship between women" "Being selected by men" competition, so those who are popular with men can easily become the object of jealousy in other women's hearts. And all of this is actually a manifestation of women's "self-loathing".

In addition, the devaluation of "girls" and "gay men" is actually another form of "misogyny". What is "masculinity", in fact, is to "otherize" women, thereby strengthening men's absolute social dominance, and those who are biologically male but fail to fully reflect the "gender advantage" of men will be expelled from the entire male group that advocates patriarchy. As for gay men, because they put themselves in the possibility of becoming The position of the "object of sexual relations" threatens the absolute subject status demanded by the male group in sexual relations, so the male group will reject or even fear them.

Recently, I accidentally saw the commentary of an old drama "Da Ming Palace Ci". At that time, I only remembered the beautiful and gorgeous lines. Now I look at it again and find that the screenwriter at that time has injected so much feminist awareness into it (now It’s literally going back decades), such as Wu Zetian’s two lines, one is “You can’t do this to women, let alone be manipulated by men’s morality, and can’t be a tool for them to improve their own virtue, which is often better than obeying them. The command is even scarier", the other effect is that as long as men are placed in the position of women, they will do the same thing. In fact, is there really such a big difference between men and women, and the constant emphasis on this division is just to maintain it. The subjectivization and absolute dominance of one side. "In my life so far, have I ever felt fortunate to be a man who was not born a woman? Did I ever complain about a woman who was born a woman at a disadvantage?" is the greatest sorrow.


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