Reading Pen Farm | Joining Two Weeks, Three Things I Learned From Potato Media

This article does not talk about "profit", and tastes the taste of potatoes from other perspectives.

Two weeks ago (the end of July), my first article was reviewed and approved by Potato Media . Since then, it has been put on the shelves at a rate of one article a day, and all old articles have been moved; perhaps you will be wondering , why did it take so long to get this article? Do a platform? The main reason is that I want to collect more entry points and accumulate them to a certain extent before discussing with you.

This article does not talk about "profit", try to taste the taste of potatoes from other perspectives.

■ Two weeks of experience

 ✅ Home: Grandma's Floral Patchwork

As soon as you enter the homepage, you will be greeted by two [floating advertising windows] . You have to spend 1-2 seconds to "clear" to avoid visual interference; the article classification is printed with a little embarrassing small pattern with [colorful blocks] . Rendered like a granny patchwork patchwork; but it's currently in Beta The public beta version, the UI should be improved in the future, it should be!

Screenshot of Potato Media Homepage

Changed to a small screen to browse, in mobile mode, it seems that the category menu (I can't find it) is removed, and it becomes more refreshing.

 ✅ Editor: From luxury to thrift

It must be said that [Article Editor Yang Chun] goes to the extreme. If you have already played other writing platforms, you will definitely have a feeling of “from luxury to frugality”; however, if you usually only contact social media (FB, IG, Twitter… ) for beginners, having these functions is already a bright spot, and it is relatively easy to "turn from frugality to luxury". This is also the blue ocean TA (Target Audience) locked by Potato Media!

Potato Media Article Editor
 ✅ Censorship system: spare no effort to catch waste articles

Let’s talk about the [article review system] . The table shows that it takes 1 to 3 days to wait. Although it is not conducive to time-sensitive articles, such as the stock market, I think that the overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The "floor" of the article quality has been raised, and some illegal behaviors are naturally not a problem (see the regulations of the whole site ). What is more interesting is the "water blocking" measure, except for the [at least 200 words and a picture] . In addition to the objective criteria, there is also the subjective judgment of [empty content, unclear reason] ....

Seeing the word limit of the former, maybe some poets/painters are about to jump, but at least it is a specific criterion, and there is no room for ambiguity; while the "speech censorship" of the latter is amazing . The essence of the article is carefully selected, and the editor of the potato spares no effort to grasp the waste article .

According to the experience sharing of@ Kaihang Life, the running account of simply "expressing your emotions" can't pass the test. Only by making the article "constructive and practical" and putting forward one's own opinions can it be on the table.

This also echoes the previous statement. Potato Media has attracted a vote of novices from the community platform, but it also hopes that the text submitted is popular and popular, and it still has to be distinguished from "community text".

■ Learn three things

Once, I said that an old article "Bee and Far Thunder" and Dragon Ball Rhapsody was rejected because of "too many copied sentences"; I didn't expect to attach a link to the original text, so I directly cut the second largest paragraph (Rhapsody) in the article. After it was dropped and re-sent, it passed the customs smoothly.

I also remember that Potato Media's article classification does not have "reading", and can only be submitted to "life entertainment" for review. It can be seen that the site does not attach great importance to this field. It is inherently insufficient, coupled with the TA attributes, and acquired disorders - so it is necessary to "adjust measures to local conditions", and distill long and long articles into concise and to-the-point versions.

⚠️ First thing: practice the art of "subtraction".

So after repeated experiments, the potato is very generous, and I tolerate my euphemistic spit 😭:

An excerpt from an article posted on Potato Media: "The Bee and the Thunder" and Dragon Ball Rhapsody


I used to be very lazy (I still do), the article [ title] is directly put on the title of the book, and the noodles in clear soup are thrown on it and it's done; seize the opportunity, "rebuild the old good" with the earlier article, and carefully think about what title should I put this time?

The other is the [cover image] of the article. I have always been used to taking a picture of a book I have read. Since the book is upright, I intuitively use a straight shot. As a result, the straight photo is displayed on a banner, and the preview of the article is completely cropped and ugly; this time Always shoot horizontally and unify the background color system.

⚠️ The second thing: "Rebuild the old good" with the old text.
Refurbishment of old articles


At present, Potato Media is in a stage of "spending money and fighting for market share", just like Shopee's 0 yuan shipping subsidy strategy.

Although I don't know how many people will stay after the sea ebbs, the traffic in this "honeymoon period" is considerable; since the function is not very perfect (the editor of the article is the most impressed), it is better to push the boat with the flow and let more people know that there are still The existence of "luxury" options is also to add visibility to their existing platforms.

⚠️ The third thing: Drainage and increase exposure.
Recent Development of Potato Media|Official Site

■ Epilogue

I can't help but attach my registration link (recommendation code: TP59noJB5), but it's good to solve the task smoothly 😭.

You can also use @cat traveling[Erica] The chairman's registration link (CvgTTZFSL ) , together to strengthen the official media.

Thank you for seeing this, and attach my link to [ Appreciate Citizens 2.0 ] [ Iron ] [ Other Platforms ], welcome to visit ❤️.

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