Play persimmons in autumn and shuttlecock in winter

If I want to reconfirm that coordinate from the chaotic spacetime, I would like to describe it like this: it is a long and short interval, the first decade of the twenty-first century.

How would people bring up the things that happened more than ten or twenty years ago, or they didn't notice it at all. In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and the familiar and missed things have become the past, and the past needs to be recalled. If I want to find a coordinate, how should I describe those years, to confirm that I really miss those years.

When I first moved to this city, I heard a few people chatting at the outdoor barbecue stall: "In 1998...", ah, in 1998, they described the time they missed. The feeling was subtle and similar to what I recalled more than a decade ago.

"The time of 1998" - it sounds very light and close to us, not at all like "the nineties", or to be more precise, the "late nineties" redundantly, Sounds too foreign. But "1998" is different. It is such a unique year that it cannot be summed up by any interval. Emotionally, it is quite close to the year 2021 in which the narrator is located, and at the moment of speaking, it seems to hold hands by the way, and there is no estrangement anymore.

But since then, people seem to have forgotten the flow of time. For example, when I think about my childhood, I can't believe that more than ten years have passed, and I rarely notice it. Once you know it, you will be shocked, and you will not be able to return to your senses for a long time, as if someone had stolen some years out of thin air.

Therefore, to reconfirm the coordinates from the chaotic time and space, it requires some strangeness. So I describe it secretly like this, it is a long and short interval, the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Although this time is not like a specific year, not like 2000 years, but if it is described in this way, we should all know that such a day will not happen again in the future, it is the only ten years.

During these ten years, I spent my childhood in the small town. So for me, this decade is even more unrepeatable. It existed, but it has been taken off the scale of life.

Play persimmons in autumn and shuttlecocks in winter. These two activities, which were not at all appropriate, appeared in my mind at the same time. Only one was done in my childhood, and the other was "deviant", trying to graft memories so that the two things could be fully displayed in the same time line.

When I lived in the town, there was a persimmon tree in the yard. It was there before I lived there. I don’t know how many years it has grown. When I was a child, I often stood in the center of the yard and looked up at this tree, and the sky in the four corners could not stop it, and I felt a trace of admiration in my heart.

This persimmon tree taught me to review the seasons of the four seasons. Once I drink enough rain in spring, it will desperately sprout and grow leaves and bloom yellow-green flowers. When the yard is full, I will pick it up and string a necklace. I can sit under the tree and play all day. In summer, the branches and leaves are lush and green, and the wind is rustling.

In autumn, plump little persimmons will grow on the tree. If those immature fruits are snooze, they will accidentally fall off in the early morning, hitting people's foreheads or backs, or when no one is paying attention. At the same time, you can quietly roll into the flower bed, and you can sleep comfortably again. In winter, the persimmon trees show their bare branches. From time to time, birds fly in for food, peck at the remaining fruit on the branches and fly away, and the sound of wings flapping makes people feel very cold.

In a place where the four seasons are not distinct, this persimmon tree can still live according to its own temperament. It blooms when it should bloom, and bears fruit when it should bear fruit, and it is not affected by other plants at all. matter. Persimmon trees should be planted in the yard.

I saw someone say that persimmons should be hit in autumn, and it is true that autumn should hit persimmons, but I don't seem to have hit them once. For me as a child, that persimmon tree was really tall, but in retrospect, maybe it was no more than two stories tall.

When the persimmon trees were bearing fruit, my mother took a dustpan and a backpack, walked through the dark and narrow corridor, and went up to the second floor alone, while I stood in the yard and waited. I only heard the constant sound of persimmons hitting the tiles, and after a while, I saw her carrying half the basket down, raising a smug smile at the entrance of the stairs. She could barely straighten her back, and if she couldn't carry it any more, that was enough.

I only stared at the basket full of victory fruits, or directly participated in the ripening of astringent persimmons. I didn't dare to pick persimmons, because I was afraid of that corridor, I made up ghost stories to scare myself, and when I entered the door, my heart thumped. door. In my mind, I had never climbed that horrible staircase, and because of the disrepair, my mother didn't want me to risk it. Second, I imagined how adults climbed up the roof along the ladder, and accidentally rolled down the tiles. Although I had never seen it with my own eyes, I was still terrified. I was so timid when I was a child, and I don't know how many fun things I missed because of it.

The persimmons are good, and now I want to kick the shuttlecock again. It seems that the autumn of my childhood has just passed, spanning more than ten years, and I have only stepped into a winter, which is just the right time. What Wang Zengqi said, kicking the shuttlecock is a child's business, and occasionally I see people around twenty still kicking, not much. Then he should meet me, I'm the one who kicks the shuttlecock on the twentieth edge.

Shuttlecock kicking is indeed a winter game. Liu Tong said in "The Scenery of the Imperial Capital", "When the willows die, kick the shuttlecock." Even in the nursery rhymes at that time, it was sung like this: Yang Liu'er dies, kicks the shuttlecock.

Today, such seasonal activities are not popular, but by coincidence, it was also in the winter of 2020. I picked up a feather shuttlecock on the bus going home from get off work, which was probably accidentally dropped by a child, so I took it home without authorization. Started to practice kicking the shuttlecock.

At that time, I secretly swore in my heart that I must play well before I could exercise at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which surprised my smart colleagues and made them realize that I had made such rapid progress. I'm afraid there are even fewer people who are still kicking the shuttlecock so hard on the 20th side. I'm really embarrassed.

Later, I watched the video to learn the basic skills of kicking the shuttlecock, and then I slowly practiced the "disk kick", changing the left and right feet, and also a little "side kick". Look at what Wang Zengqi wrote in "Kicking the Shuttlecock", the shuttlecock kicking method there is very complicated, there are many patterns, there are "small five sets", which refers to "lifting, crouching, pointed, supporting, and stubborn", using the right foot. Kick with different parts; "middle five sets" refer to "stealing, jumping, dancing, ringing, and stepping", also kicking with the right foot, but with the left foot in different postures; "big five sets" simultaneously Use two kicks to divide into "right, fork, around, slam, and Lao". No one came to demonstrate, and I really couldn't understand the names of these kicks, which made people confused. But using the left foot or the right foot, I can finally understand. I'm just playing, and I don't want to learn how many tricks.

After moving to a new place, I also brought a newly bought white goose feather shuttlecock with me, but I never met anyone who kicked the shuttlecock together. Sometimes I take it and put it on my desk. My colleagues are interested and grab it and play it a few times, but soon I stop trying. Halfway through, I remembered the confusing words that Wang Zengqi said, "Kicking the shuttlecock is a child's business. Occasionally I see people around twenty still kicking, little." matter.

When I was a child, I couldn't make persimmons, and then in a blink of an eye, it came to a winter more than ten years later. It was already twenty people around, and I hoped that the sky would light up soon, so I opened my eyes and kicked the shuttlecock. Looking at the white feathers flying in the air, I completely forgot which year it was.


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