The time has passed, and you will die together

On July 21, 2019, it was simultaneously released on Hong Kong independent media.

The public opinion machine of the party-state has no accident, not talking about the Yuen Long attack, not talking about civilian injuries, and focusing on bombing the demonstrators who surrounded the Liaison Office and smeared the national emblem. Because the dignity of the party-state is greater than the lives of the people, human rights must be second-best and subordinate to party power. Therefore, everything that conflicts with the interests of the party-state is not worth mentioning, although compared with human life, the national emblem is just a dead thing.

The price of impacting dead objects is bound to be illegal imprisonment or even exile as refugees under totalitarianism. The National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance states that "Anyone who publicly and wilfully desecrates the national flag or the national emblem by burning, mutilating, scratching, defacing, trampling on it commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 and to imprisonment for 3 years. "

The national flag and the national emblem are to Hong Kong, just as the current SAR government and the Legislative Council are to Hong Kong. In terms of dignity, their dignity was completely lost by those who manipulated power. A person who understands what is meant by "rule of law", who has seen how the SAR government and the Legislative Council have operated and how it has been formed over the years, and who has a normal understanding of what happened after the handover of social sovereignty in Hong Kong, will know that Bauhinia turned black early in the morning, and it is now like this. Just restore the true color of the national emblem.

The national emblem was smeared, eggs were thrown on the walls, and the system was unscathed, but the minions were furious. Here the eggs hit the stone wall, and the black police, the underworld, and the underworld beat and kicked the citizens, and no one was spared the elderly and pregnant women. Comparing the two, I only see the barking and barking of tyranny and the remnants of the black police that it cultivated. The governance of dementia by leveraging strength and the underworld to maintain governance complements the last fig leaf that patriotism is a hooligan under a big country - this regime is on the verge of collapse.

The regime is afraid. It is even afraid of the memo paper on Lennon's wall. It dares not even show the smeared national emblem and the beating clip of the perpetrator. hide. The predicament it created by itself has gradually mourned the rule of law and freedom that made Hong Kong in Hong Kong in the old days, and sent high-quality Hong Kong and the Royal Police into a cage to kill each other. She was full of blood, but she went to heaven.

Time is dying, only the times can save themselves and restore Hong Kong.


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