[Magic sound. Extras] "The Charm of Song" one of five shadows dance

About ten minutes later, everyone in the audience was shouting so loudly that three people appeared on the stage. A masked man walked straight towards the harpsichord like a ghost; a girl with short ice-blue hair sat behind the drum set; and another girl with long crimson hair, a guitar hanging on her shoulders, came with brisk steps. Go to the front of the stage. Holding the microphone, the guitar sounded, and the red-haired girl sang the first line of the song... She was completely defeated! The moment the female lead singer sang the first word and played the first note, Xingyin knew she had lost. He even, unconsciously, danced to the singing!
The first cover concept image of the original "Magic Sound". Illustrated by: Wangyue

The sound of the piano, clear and crisp, came from the Holy Camp Academy. People nearby have long been accustomed to the sound of music ringing out every day in this school, which occupies a lofty position in the academic world for its musical talent.

The sky has turned slightly yellow, and Zhuo Xingyin is sitting in front of the grand piano in the music room.

With both hands and ten fingers, he repeatedly tapped the black and white keys, as if he was groping for them. Each time a key is struck, the sound is always in harmony with the previous one. It doesn't sound like a lizard, but it sounds beautiful.

A pair of delicate little hands suddenly passed around Xingyin's neck from behind. A little weight was added to his back.

"It's going to suffocate!" Xingyin got angry and turned around to shake off a girl who was hanging on his back.

"Xingyin, stop practicing! Shadow Rhythm is here!" The girl was not embarrassed at all, as if she and Xingyin had repeated the same action countless times.

"Yao Lezhen, you should have told me I'm not interested in them!" Zhuo Xingyin sat back down and placed his hands on the keys as if he were breathing.

Of course he knew the underground band Shadow Rhythm. It has been hailed as the shadow of the rock band Magic Voice in the pop music industry. It is the most crazy and obsessed band in underground rock, but in Xingyin's eyes, they are basically raping music.

Ironically, in this school that values ​​music, this rubbish band was invited to perform.

"You've been composing this song for a month. Aren't you bored?" Le Zhen was already used to seeing Xing Yin's stinky face, so she didn't take it seriously and sat down next to Xing Yin.

"You've been obsessed with Shadow Rhythm for half a year, aren't you tired of it?"

"I've been obsessed with it for ten years, and I've never thought about the epiglottis."

Xingyin has long been accustomed to Le Zhen's lack of seriousness, and he doesn't even have a social expression.

"Okay! If you don't want to go, you won't go. There's no need to look like a murderer all day long." Le Zhen patted her school uniform skirt and walked away like a dance. "I don't want to miss their rock music because of you."

"That's noise!" Xingyin said disdainfully.

Having reached the door of the music room, Le Zhen suddenly turned around.

The light of the setting sun just projected into the music room from behind Le Zhen, making her figure become psychedelic and blurry.

"What happened again?"

"Zhuo Xingyin, I'll make a bet with you!" Le Zhen's voice sounded excited.

"Whatever you want."

"Then you agreed! Come with me, it won't take long. One song is enough time. After finishing one song, if you are not obsessed with Shadow Rhythm, I lose, and you can do whatever you want. Otherwise , I win, you have to promise me something."

"Yao Lezhen, you are really in trouble." Xingyin said this while leaving the grand piano and approaching Lezhen step by step.

No matter how tough his attitude was, Xingyin could not bear to let Le Zhen down.

Le Zhen pulled Xing Yin and ran down the stairs and ran straight to the auditorium. There are already piles of students and even teachers waiting to enter...

"Only one song." Xingyin couldn't help but regret when she saw the crowd.

"Yes, just one song!" Le Zhen was so excited that even her skin and pores seemed to be cheering.

It was hard to squeeze into the auditorium.

About ten minutes later, everyone in the audience was shouting so loudly that three people appeared on the stage. A masked man walked straight towards the harpsichord like a ghost; a girl with short ice-blue hair sat behind the drum set; and another girl with long crimson hair, a guitar hanging on her shoulders, came with brisk steps. Go to the front of the stage.

Holding the microphone, the guitar sounded, and the red-haired girl sang the first line of the song...

There once was a person,
Dedicate your whole life just to find,
Looking for the person in my dream...

Completely defeated!

The moment the female lead sang the first word and played the first note, Xingyin knew she had lost.

He even, unconsciously, danced to the singing!

"You are obsessed faster than me!" Le Zhen said with a smile amidst the singing, music and cheers of the audience: "I won!"

Finished in one song. Xingyin came to his senses. Willing to admit defeat, he smiled bitterly: "Say it."

"Stay with me." Le Zhen's expression was so serious that she seemed like a different person.

"What?" Xingyin's voice became so gentle that even he couldn't recognize it...

"Stay with me. You know, I've always liked you."

To be continued

Ling Qin. The fourth generation female vocalist of MagicVoice and also the lead singer of Shadow Rhythm. Possess the magic of Shadow. Current status: Disappeared. Illustrated by: KC.5


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韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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《都市靜止》#328 隨心

《都市靜止》#327 無限