
It was only after I went to Tibet that I realized that I could go as far as I could. But even in the distance, what was once thought to be unfinished land may have a home.

On the night of August 2, 2005, my best friend came to help me pack my luggage. Who knows what to bring to the Tibetan Plateau? To be honest, until a week before departure, I thought that the terrain of Tibet was similar to Xinjiang or Mongolia. How high is more than 4,000 meters? I only had the experience of being driven to the Alps by a tour car, and I had no idea.

It has been seventeen years since I went to Tibet. It is so far away that it is only a blink of an eye in my life.

When I was transferring at the airport in Chengdu, I saw a book called "Tibetan Leather Book" on the shelf. The words "Don't take the usual way, only love strangers" were printed on the cover. I stroked this sentence with my fingers and carved it into my bones, not going the usual way, but loving strangers .

Before I went to Tibet, I went abroad with my parents several times, and I also traveled to the United States alone to study. However, when I was in my early 20s, most of the time I just struggled to gain a foothold in Taipei. In those two years, I lived in the city and lived a difficult life in my hometown. Imagining a life of wanderlust, all I was concerned about was finding someone who would let me settle down in Taipei, not some distant scenery.

The boy who invited him to Tibet to help himself had just ended a ridiculous relationship with himself. When he said he wanted to go to Tibet, I said he wanted to go with him. In fact, I just wanted to show off to his girlfriend: You are just right, but I am special. At the age of 25, I went to Tibet with such an inexplicable mentality. In the prosperous world of Wuming Xiaozhan, I used to write about romances with boys. Since the relationship has ended, I had to write some travel notes on the blog to make up the number. Who knows, I just ordered it and became a girl who bravely travels the world in people's mouths.

I'm not sure how much this snow trip has changed me? However, before I went to Tibet, when I was lonely, I would hide in my room to shed tears, and even find a random chest to hide in; after I went to Tibet, I realized that I could just walk away, how far I could go. how far .

As soon as I left, I went to Germany, so I came to Canada.

After coming down from the plateau, migration and movement changed my original posture and appearance.

In the first two years of my return to the European continent, I would still talk freely about the meaning of travel, and reflect on what I saw and heard along the way. Later, I was paralyzed. What I could see and hear when I went to the ends of the earth was still an ordinary life, customs and customs. It will not change the reality of human beings, and strangers will not become family and friends because the traveler himself falls in love.

Family and friends are always left behind by me, and only by being willing to be ordinary can there be a way back to them.

On this day seventeen years ago, the feeling of flying to the snowy plateau, like all subsequent flights, was all to satisfy my dream of the distance.

There is always more flight after flight. Until, on August 2, six years ago, I moved into this house, and I still flew, but from then on, it seemed that it was just to go home.

 When the tenant asked me when I was going to buy my current home, I suddenly thought of the move-in day, so I was suddenly very emotional. Regarding the boy who went with him, you can refer to the related works (although no one should care about it).

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