Official Diary | Out of customs!


Since the last consultation, I have started to try different exercises for myself, mainly by listing in my diary the methods that can help me maintain a regular routine, such as learning (programming) languages, walking with the dog, reading, exercising, Get Creative, physical labor, go to bed early and get up early, meet and chat with relatives and friends, etc. If you do that day, record it with orthographic notation.

I want to observe, if I consciously record my daily state, and can see the accumulation of the number of days, whether it can remind me to return to the "now", so as not to get stuck again when the next stressful event hits. close.

In fact, I have tried to maintain a regular life for a while after the low tide in the past, but often returned to a muddy state due to "stress events" in my life.

"A puddle of mud" may be a more euphemism, because a similar situation has occurred several times in recent years; with the assistance of a counselor, I was gradually able to observe a pattern, and if I look deeper into this pattern, Then I can slowly understand why I dealt with stress and negative emotions in an "extreme" way, such as "high-risk sexual behavior". (I want to save this part for the vagina series .)

Although this pattern is still not fully understood, at least for now I can ensure that I will no longer use "sex with others" as a stress relief method; but it seems that I can't open any relationship because of this (laughs) Hmmm, but consulting The teacher said that this is normal, because the body, or the brain, is still in a state of "urgency/protection".

In a corner of the N store, there are a few onions that "run there without knowing what to do"

This afternoon I went to see a friend who I haven't contacted for months.

Originally, I promised to pick flowers from an edible plant in the yard for her in May, but because I was too melancholy, and it was raining all the time, I postponed it until the flowering season was already coming to an end, and I went to visit the shop empty-handed. she.

Thankfully she can understand my situation. : )

When she saw me, she said humorously, "So are you 'exiting' now?"

Thank you N for always serving my "invincible effortless" cooking.

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