Oppressed Theater Series



This series comes from notes, book reviews, translations, diaries, groups, etc. scattered around "Tu Ergan" Douban. Due to concerns about the security of Douban, a centralized platform located within the wall, it was republished here as a series. Most of these articles are written by "Tu Ergan" while studying. If there are any inaccuracies, please point out (although many soybean oil feedbacks are very useful), thank you~

This series of articles (mostly translations) was originally published on Douban Group: https://www.douban.com/group/oppressed/

Unless otherwise specified, all articles are translated by "Tu Erqian" and published under the CreativeCommon BY-SA 4.0 agreement.

(Welcome to continue maintaining this series!)

The following is the bulletin board of this Douban group:

Created on 2012-03-20 Leader: Durkheim

Augusto Boal: "Any theatre is political."

The Theatre of the Oppressed mainly includes forum theatre, image theatre, invisible theatre, newspaper theatre, rainbow of desires and "police in the brain".

Its creator, Augusto Boal, believes that the "theatre" is a common and necessary ritual and carnival for all human beings; everyone deserves and participates in it, rather than the exclusive use of certain classes and professionals.

Building on Bretcht, Boal argues that "theatre" is a preview of action, not a domestication of Aristotle's tragedy.

He even believes that in Western democratic societies, the form of oppression is reflected in personal emotional and psychological problems—internalized oppression.

Students who are interested in "The Oppressed Theater" are called here, those who have read it but have not read it, to study and study together, or to form a theater group.

-Augusto Boal: <Theatre of the Oppressed>:

The author of this book discusses the audience's position in the theater with dramatic aesthetics, and actively advocates that theatrical activities are an expression tool that everyone (especially the oppressed) can master. Aristotle's "Poetics" believes that the tragic empathy provided by Aristotle's dramatic concept is a set of repressive systems that served the Athenian politics at that time, and built a high barrier between theatrical activities and the people. The Wall... This is a popular drama classic written in the 1970s, and it is worth your careful reading.

-Augusto Boal: <Games for Actors and Non-actors>:

If we say "Theatre of the Oppressed" Bois expresses his leftist radical theatrical theories in the 1970s. Then this "Games for Actors and Non-Actors" collects more than 280 theater games that he has created/adapted without revealing his political ideas; it is suitable for professional actors (even the Royal Shakespeare Company), but also for Brazil's landless peasants, prison inmates, all kinds of theater groups - it applies to all "people", they all are people. They are all human - this is humanity - respect for those around us.

-Augusto Boal: <Rainbow of Desire>

Why not just do "rainbow of desire"? (Boal argues that Europeans' psychological problems are in fact internalized oppression.)

Answer: It is the same...and it is different. The different is the same, and the same is different.

- Presenting the problem is more important than solving it.

Theatre of the Oppressed English official website:

http://www.theatreof theoppressed.org/

Theater is a tool that everyone can express.

Use theatre to give everyone a voice and promote social justice.

related resources

Taiwan Oppressed Theater Promotion Center


Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed:

http://www.ptoweb.org/ _

Cardboard Citizens Theatre Company (the first and only Forum Theatre Company composed of homeless people):

http://www.cardboard citizens.org.uk/

Singapore drama box dramabox:

http://blog.omy.sg/d ramabox/archives/category/training

Augusto Boal Biography:

http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-boal.htm _

"The Theater of the Oppressed is a game of dialogue in which we play and learn together. ' (Augusto Poix, 2004)

http://www.hermanyau.com/cArticleTO.htm _


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UglyBullCrypto Anarchist, UNIX nerd/geek, FOSS advocate Liberalist, Feminist, ex-NGOer (由于本号非匿名,所以发表的内容不多,不问前程,继续赶路)
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埋头赶路,不问前程 | 2021 年度问卷 (重发)

