Ghost Moon Brings Horses Over: Ghost Stories of National Salvation Corps Activities


In the past, many people would go to participate in the activities of the National Salvation Group. Danielson also participated in an activity of the National Salvation Group when he was in his third year of high school. When he saw the big brothers and sisters leading the group, he admired them and felt that they were very talented and capable. In the group activities of so many people, the whole scene is still well controlled, and I really feel that they have all practiced.

In the activities of the National Salvation Regiment, team activities and group competitions are always unavoidable, and various creative slogans will appear. When the elder brothers and sisters who lead the group talk about "summer quilts", the reunion will pick up "not cover" When it comes to "air-conditioning in winter", Reunion will answer "not blowing", and when they want to control the order, they will mention "highest quality", and everyone will answer "quietly" (someone Are you as old as me?), and the most common ones are the encouragement of love, the spark of love, etc. I used to think that these people were too talented, how could they come up with these slogans, but if I talk about this now, there should be a lot of people on their heads There will be a lot of crows flying by, right?!

No matter how many days or nights you are doing, all kinds of exciting programs during the day will make you have fun and make a lot of like-minded friends, but once it’s night, these very talented team leaders will use them one after another. As a matter of fact, after a day of discharge, there will be a large collection of ghost stories in the dark night with a high fright index.

I remember that in that event, one night, the big brother who led the group deliberately took everyone to the top of the fifth floor of the building. The climate change is not as serious as it is now. The night in September is a little cold, especially when the night wind blows on the top of the fifth floor, it is a little cold. It's a collection of ghost stories.

After everyone sat down, the leader gave everyone a candle. After asking everyone to light it, he began to tell ghost stories. He said that he had seen a ghost in a group activity, and the activity location was Xitou. In the forest, just after nightfall, everyone sat on the ground in a circle like now. Just as they were about to start their activities, a reunion body began to look a little strange, it seemed to be related to a supernatural constitution, and her body began to sag a little. She kept shouting "Pharaoh, Pharaoh", just when everyone started to be afraid, someone lit a candle, and at this time she gradually became normal.

After the next morning, some people started talking about what happened last night, and then some people said that it was because of the hut next to the place where the reunion was gathered yesterday. There used to be 13 friends who were also veterans living together, and they happened to have the same last name. Wang, later everyone got older, so they passed away one by one. When the first person left, everyone would sit around after dinner every night. Before drinking and chatting, everyone would also have a lit candle and call them dead. The old friend is "Lao Wang Yi", and when the second person dies, they will start by calling "Pao Wang Yi", then "Lao Wang Two", and then gradually "Lao Wang Three, Lao Wang Four" " Wait.

At this time, the team leader said that from then on, whenever they led the group, they would start sharing such daring and challenging ghost stories at night, but before everyone started sharing ghost stories, they would send everyone a A lit candle, then the leader said "Hello everyone, I'm Lao Wangyi", then the one on his right started "Hello everyone, I'm Lao Wang Er", and so on to let the ghosts of that night. The story goes well and nothing out of the ordinary happens.

When the team leader narrated his story like this, everyone was already a little horrified. In this way, starting from his "Hello everyone, I'm Pharaoh Yi", he said one by one in turn, all the way to the eighth reunion, some People had already started to snicker, but the eighth reunion person who undoubtedly had it said, "Hello everyone, I'm the old man." At this time, all the reunion members laughed together. It was a bit chilly at first. "Hello everyone, I'm the old man." Funny, the laughter cut through the quiet night, and the atmosphere of the horror ghost story immediately turned into a scene of laughter. It can only be said that the former leaders of the National Salvation Team really have too much Talented.


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Danielson在童話王國丹麥喜歡旅行, 因家境貧窮,從不敢相信自己可以到國外旅行,甚至有天會住在國外。到夏威夷唸書的機會開拓了我人生視野和生活經驗。 從台灣到夏威夷﹐奧蘭多﹐紐約﹐Danielson 遇見了麥先生, 與他許下了下半輩子相知相守的誓言, 哥本哈根成了我第三個家。在這裡以平實的文字分享我人生的生活與愛情故事。
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