Can't go home this year, what if I don't have a red envelope?


🐸Come here to receive red envelopes

Jerry's newly launched Podcast #Knowledge to become rich Bible has a money-giving event!

The following are the three prizes provided by Jerry (winners can choose one prize):

#1 Cash: USD $400 💵

#2 AMP Affiliate Marketing Masterclass 2.0 Course (worth US$697)

#3 Million Course Academy (worth US$997)

How to win?

Register to participate → share this event → complete the specified task → collect points → win

This is not a "lottery event" that is purely based on luck, but can be obtained by hard work with your own hands!

When you complete the registration on the task page and confirm the email, you will see some specified tasks, don't worry, these tasks are very simple, some can be completed in a few seconds

The more tasks you complete, the more points you get

In the end, the top three with the highest valid points will be the winners. The winners can choose one of the prizes to see which course you want to get for free, or you want to get cash directly.

👉 Earn New Year's prizes and the mission starts

Instrgram task because I'm interested in $400. 🤑

Frog arrives Canada Instrgram: @Chart_bee

Chinese New Year Easter Eggs, learn more about yourself.

The mind test is back! Take it easy, what good luck will you get this year?

I'd love to know what number you choose!

I really want to tell you what number I will choose!

Good luck.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

蛙抵加你好, 謝謝你關注🐸發文。†God Bless Us. 我喜歡大笑 • 喜歡邊旅行邊工作 • 喜歡聊聊理財思維。在家也能創造額外收入哦 歡迎來逛逛我的IG及個人網站👉
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親愛的媽媽們 母親節快樂
