
2022年2月22日22點22分 星期2 剛好也是農曆正月22日。
數字2象徵 愛與和諧、希望與新的開始。雙雙對對,美妙含意。聽說下次要遇到同樣的時機是400年後,也就是2422年。百年方遇的吉祥日子。
2022/2/22 22:22 and falls on Tuesday(Two'sday). The next time all of these conditions align in the same way is in the year 2422, 400 years from now. What a special moment.
Number 2 refers to the collaboration and harmony of our bodies, also the meaning of hope and a new beginning.
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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