▍Lifestyle differences between Hong Kong and Taiwan: Comparison of store business hours X Taipei Cafe recommendation▍

Why do I keep "touching the nails". Later, I recalled, as a Hong Konger, why do I not have the habit of checking whether restaurants/shops are open for business?

Two weeks ago, I found a nice and comfortable cafe. The point is, it's open until 11pm, which is pretty rare. It's not that there are no stores that open until the early hours of the morning, but generally speaking, ordinary stores in Taiwan, including restaurants, close earlier than Hong Kong.

A few nights ago, I was excited again, so I went to this cafe again. Click to find that there is no door open. I found out first on the previous page that it was closed on Mondays.

Also, in the morning and evening, I went to another restaurant to eat spaghetti/spaghetti, which happened to be closed on Tuesday.

Yesterday, a friend came to Taipei from Taitung and wanted to order some ingredients from the market and send them back to Taitung. Unexpectedly, the original market will be closed. Because I always thought that people should buy vegetables every day, I never thought that the market would be closed for a day.

Yes. I repeatedly "touched the nails". Later, I thought back, why don't I have the habit of checking whether restaurants/shops are open?

Because in Hong Kong, it is indeed difficult to find a store that is not open seven days a week. Again, it's not that there aren't any stores that will be closed, it's just that this is not a common phenomenon. Because it's hard to imagine, what is the cost of closing the store for a day? How likely is it that the remaining six days of business can cover the rent for one day off, and still be able to survive or make money?

Whenever I see a breakfast shop and a ginger duck shop that can be opened for one morning and one winter, I think it's amazing. Half a day or half a year is enough to survive.

Reminds me of more than ten years ago, in Toronto, on a sunny Sunday, the surprise to find that the local mall closed at 5:30, impacted my long-standing values.

Now, even if I sit at a cafe in Taiwan for more than two hours, I feel a little guilty, which drives me to drink an extra glass of something, or eat more desserts, so that people will not waste their business.

Therefore, in addition to the uninterrupted labor of the Hong Kong style, it must also be recognized that it has brought a long-term convenience to the public. Having lived in this city for a long time, it is natural to get used to this convenience.

Hong Kong is sometimes too realistic for me, but it has to be realistic; Taiwan is sometimes too romantic for me. It is probably due to the environment. The entire social and economic ecology of the two places are too different. Talking about the so-called time, space, or something, it is actually more about the values behind it. It may not be too difficult to believe in either side or which side you go to, but you are always eager to find a middle way, be pragmatic and romantic, and be romantic and pragmatic.

When the people grow up, they no longer feel that things are black and white. Presumably everything has good and bad costs.

So here I met a cafe that is open until 11 pm. It was great, and it allowed me to work in a better environment for a while longer.

A little light at night.

Since I am not very good at coffee☕️, I usually call it oolong tea

As for eating and drinking, we can talk a little bit.

This cafe is relatively simple, so it will not be a full meal. Usually, after the main meal, I will order dessert or a light meal. Or if I am not too hungry that day, ordering their light meal is enough to heal my stomach.

Preferred [Potato 🥔 Chicken Pie]

If you are out of stock, you can order [Lasagna Bolognese]. I usually order less because it's too greasy, but the size is not big, just right.

As for dessert, Cheese cake is pretty good.

Too soft-hearted and, for me personally, a little too sweet.

Want to try cinnamon rolls next time

But the food is sometimes the food environment. If you happen to meet a freelancer on the same day, it will be better, so quiet, so suitable for work. It's like when I went there for the first time, I thought I was going to the library. But it's not that it's so good every time, if life is just like the first time...

📌 Daychill Specialty Coffee ☕️

⏰ 11:00-23:00 Closed on Mondays

📍No. 55-1, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City


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在移動之間的P某https://www.instagram.com/someoneswandering/ 遊走港台兩地,讓自己化身為羊皮紙。 中途轉職的kidult,成為(不)自由的自由工作者。 相信迷路是探索城市的最好方法, 正如自我懷疑是找回自我的最佳道路。
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