Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is not as simple as you think

First of all, some people ate dirt and dug out their eyeballs because of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Surprising, right?

There are always people around me who often talk about "I have obsessive-compulsive disorder", thinking that things that they can't stand untidy are obsessive-compulsive disorder.

But what are the real OCD symptoms?

In simple terms, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms are divided into "compulsive thoughts" and "compulsive behaviors".

If we use the most familiar "excessive cleanliness" as an example, it is "feeling that everything is dirty (compulsive thinking)" which leads to "repetitive hand washing (compulsive behavior)".

The annoying thing about OCD is that you know it's unhelpful and perhaps cumbersome (everyone's situation), but you can't control it and continue to do it spontaneously . That's right, it's spontaneous, that is, you will feel that "not doing this will lead to..." but at the same time know that this behavior is useless, just like a little angel and a little devil in the brain, and the ghost will not disperse.

It's painful, very painful.

Take mathematics as an example, the teacher keeps forcing you to do calculus, but you can't do it at all. It's very painful that you can't figure out the problem in the diagram, and imagine that the teacher is also yourself. Or think that your brain is forcibly implanted into an AI system, and he will tell you to do something, but you can't resist if you want to.

Let me tell you about my condition, my symptoms are:

  1. Open and close doors and lights according to certain steps
  2. Will inexplicably draw circles at any cross, such as tile joints, corners of the room, if there is no one around, I will imagine a cross in my mind, and then frantically keep drawing circles.
  3. Swipe the phone, if it is a one-page website, the screen border must be stuck in the middle of the picture or text paragraph, and then repeat several times
  4. When reading comics or e-books, you will feel that you have not turned the pages properly, so you will turn 3 pages forward and 3 pages back (return to the original page). 11 pages, even to 21 pages, and must be the base.
  5. When charging a mobile phone or tablet, I want to make sure that there are concave wires that are plugged in and keep plugging in. I don’t know how many concave wires are broken hahaha
  6. Whenever I want to relax and sleep, I can’t help but keep imagining what I’m afraid of in front of my eyes. I believe that many people have it, but it’s just the difference in severity.

Things like that, and more.

The main purpose of this article is to make people understand that OCD is not a casual talk, I said that I have OCD and others will ignore it, but I really need to take medicine and receive treatment .

Its severity is unimaginable, and because everyone is different, it is often overlooked without medical assistance, and is interpreted by others as "neurotic" or "oversensitive", etc., so it is labeled.

In fact, if there is a need, going to any psychiatry clinic for 200 yuan (registration fee + medicine money) can greatly reduce anxiety and anxiety, which is very worthwhile. The medicine I got when I went to the doctor for the first time was Prozac, a very common antidepressant (antidepressants can also treat OCD). After taking it for about two weeks, I saw a little effect. Months later, almost no symptoms.

But it does not mean that it is good. OCD treatment usually takes one to two years, and you should return to the doctor about once a month and then take the medicine regularly.

My experience is that after taking it for three or four months, it has greatly improved, and I even forgot that I have OCD, and then forget to take the medicine, or even stop the medicine without authorization, which is very dangerous! I stopped the medication on my own twice, only to develop depression under the overwhelming pressure.

It takes a long time to recover, but there is not much effort required. I hope that people who read this article, whether they want to know about OCD or are OCD patients themselves, can live every day healthy and healthy.

Because this is the simplest and most precious gift.


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