64:33: Stay away from evil politics

The world is still sinking, the strangeness of this place, the tolerance of evil has no lower limit, and I am sober and fortunate that I can keep a distance from evil. Remember who you want to be, remember the absurd world, and remember not to be them.

In the second year of Victoria Park, there was no "candle (foothold)". The police heavily guarded the no-man's land. Some people made fun of it. There were more police in Victoria Park than in Tiananmen. This year, the stake was liquidated and disbanded, the June 4th Memorial Hall was closed, the Pillar of Mourning, the Goddess of Democracy, and the relief sculpture of the massacre were eradicated by the university, the Taikoo Bridge was whitewashed, and the June 4th totem disappeared in Hong Kong. Catch catch, escape escape, this city of 7 million people has the largest number of political prisoners in the world. 33 years ago, there was Operation Oriole to let Beijing students escape from the ghost realm. Sadly, 33 years later, there are not many people in mainland China. I still remember this day, and no one cares that thirty years later, there are still people who are persecuted by tyranny for insisting on remembering.

Chinese people kneel down to make nucleic acid, and they have been locked by the door for several months. If they want to obey, they will obey. If they want to sing praises, they will sing praises. Those young people in the square complain about the enlightened leaders, oppose the government, oppose the dictatorship, and seek democracy. The words written on the wall by the CCP today, the "political correctness" of the brainwashing people, are practiced by young people who truly care about their country and the world, and are cruelly tortured. The bloody iron cavalry massacres the city to falsify. This regime, which only sees power and struggle in its eyes, regards human life as a mustard, and regards civil rights as a flood of beasts, and speaks out about its own democracy and characteristics. History will remember that the brutality and hypocrisy of the Yellow-Russian regime that slaughtered the Chinese far more than the previous wars, this tyrannical regime that suppressed the student movement would not end well (Mao Zedong) .

Do you believe in cause and effect, I do, and it gets stronger every year.

"For what men do, God will judge everything that is hidden, whether good or evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:14)

The memory of June 4 has existed in my mind for more than ten years. I have seen the walls of the Internet building up, and I have been paying attention to whether the young people around me are sensitive to this day. It turned out that they were just lost because Li Jiaqi accidentally raised a tank cake on the June 4 live broadcast and was banned, and there was no place to recommend shopping. And my disappointment is that it is hard for young people to say "It's my duty" with innocent smiles, and that the teachers of the school no longer shut the door and secretly teach some "knowledge" outside the textbook, because reports are popular. It was the young people who stopped asking questions, and the fact that someone on the Internet started to pay tribute to the soldiers on the June 4th Square.

The world is still sinking, the strangeness of this place, the tolerance of evil has no lower limit, and I am sober and fortunate that I can keep a distance from evil. Remember who you want to be, remember the absurd world, and remember not to be them.

Written in the 33rd year of the June Fourth Massacre.


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六四筆記 Ⅱ:反思學生絕食與下跪