"Left and right talk about her" opened|Crossing different spectrums and positions, conveying women's stories in Matt City

We want to reorganize "RightStoriesSheLeft" into "Her stories left right" - leaving women's stories where they feel free and resonate. We want Matters to be such a free place, to provide authors with a place to write women's stories, where all possibilities can happen.

"RightStoriesSheLeft" opens in Matt City!

This community focuses on women's issues, and the name comes from the inspiration of Matt Citizen@MaryVentura, the name is very specific and appropriate to contain the meaning we want to convey. "Left and right talks about her" means that the topics discussed in this column span different spectrums, from leftist theories to rightist issues, hoping to present the rich, diverse and complex aspects of women's life experiences.

The name was originally associated with "Considering about him" in "Mencius·Liang Hui Wang Xia", which used this sentence to highlight the ambiguous situation that women may face for a long time. Evolving into "talking about her from left to right" means that women choose to break this shackle, allowing more stories and records to surface. At the same time, we hope that the topics discussed in this column can span different spectrums. What is presented on this spectrum is not only gender identity, but also global tolerance.

The English name "RightStoriesSheLeft" of "RightStoriesSheLeft" has two sentences. "Right stories she left" symbolizes that women are separated from the correct narrative recognized by mainstream society. "Right, the stories she left." It means that a woman bravely took the first step and left the social structure that bound her; and you may sigh after Right, just like looking at the back of a woman who bravely took the first step, picking up the story she left and being happy for her.

We hope to reorganize this group of words into "Her stories left right" - leaving women's stories where they are full of freedom and resonance. A woman can choose to hide the attention of the spotlight, and only leave the stories she wrote in the right place, like a narrative poem passed down by word of mouth, including everything the characters have experienced. We want Matters to be such a free place, to provide authors with a place to write women's stories, where all possibilities can happen.

"Left and right talk about her" was initially incubated by the operation team of Matt City. The first step will be to focus on recommended female writing articles and female authors in Matt City, so that more creations can be seen. I also hope to open up a small world for authors, where they can talk about life experience, writing, life confusion and so on.

The second step is to set up the "Left and Right Talking About Her" organizing committee, so that the writers in Matt City who are interested in participating in community building can build "Left and Right Telling Her" into an ideal public space for women. The daily operation of the community, article curation, and event planning will also be handed over to the organizing committee, making this community account a complete community asset.

What will the organizing committee do? It may be essay solicitation activities, podcasts, reading clubs, curation of articles on women's issues, promotion of female authors' exposure, holding exchange meetings, etc. The specific form of activities will be discussed and decided by citizens who are interested in participating, and the Matt City operation team can provide necessary support.

Therefore, we are looking for Matt citizens who are interested in operating "rightstoriessheleft", you can leave a message in the comment area or contact "rightstoriessheleft" (write to rightsstoriessheleft@gmail.com ) or contact any member of the Matt City operation team you know. As long as you agree with the concept of "talking about her from left to right", you are welcome to talk about the possibility of doing something together.

It's March, and there are many wonderful women's issues articles on the website. The following are the recommendations of this issue:

【The real face of women's existence】

Me and my aunt —— @xu1xin

My aunt's story is of course also, from that flying girl to her gradually calm, life has left too many scars.
In these scars, there are traditional expectations of women's virtuous and virtuous, the curse that women must be happy in marriage, the restrictions on a woman's talents, and the eternal incomprehension and intolerance between people.
How I wish her peace could be exchanged for some kindness of fate, but I also miss that young girl with big waves and wide skirts back then.

On March 8th, International Women's Day, "People" published "Auntie, the first "Nara" in my life." As a bystander, xu1xin completed the profile of his aunt's life, writing about the complex and dynamic first half of his life, and also made up for the youth and prosperity of his aunt as a mother confined to her middle-aged life in the family.

I never thought I would be sexually assaulted—— @吴二说

I think, worst of all, it's just a fling. A lousy cannon.
I'm a feminist, how can I not tell what is sexual assault and what is not?
Sex is not important, you don’t need to be with someone special, sex is not special, you don’t need to pay attention to the order, the first sexual experience is of course nothing worth worrying about and pursuing, so why do I have nightmares? Where exactly do I feel hurt? Why can't I cooperate with this person so chicly after I generously said "don't do it in a place without a bed next time"?
Am I throwing a tantrum? Or am I disloyal to feminism? Have I betrayed my own beliefs?

The public's interpretation of victims is often tragic and painful, but can the person concerned reject the identity of "victim"? Can victimhood include more complex meanings? Wu Er, the author of this article, said that he believed that after being sexually assaulted, he survived as a survivor under patriarchy. Telling is the beginning of breaking free.

【Intimate relationship practice field】

Kang Tingyu: Falling in love with feminists? My husband’s three survival strategies@世界走走seh seh

Being able to marry a feminist for ten years, I don't think it's because his gender ideology slowly merged with mine. It's more like because I accidentally fell in love with a feminist, so I had to learn to get used to it. This woman always has some ideas that he can't figure out. Because the person I accidentally fell in love with happened to be a feminist, so I had to learn to take over some tasks that he used to think belonged to women-"Well, you have to work at night, so I have to be a big man to take care of the housework and take care of the children."
He invented all kinds of new definitions of masculinity to tell himself and the society: cooking, washing dishes and making milk are all things that domineering people do well. "Cooking is the specialty of our rational scientists. It needs to be very precise. A few grams of salt is a few grams of salt, and the degree to which the egg whites are whipped. If the sensibility is whimsical, there is no way to do it well."

Kang Tingyu tells her husband's story. On the one hand, it presents the flexibility of feminists in life, and on the other hand, it also analyzes the life plight of men. Stereotyped gender impressions and traditional masculinity also deeply constrain their lives. How to rewrite the gender script in intimate relationships is also part of feminist practice.

Diversity to start a family|Getting a family with good friends, is there a more exciting intimate relationship than this—— @途堂风_simona

In many cases, the label of friendship or love is actually to determine a mode of getting along. Generally speaking, people think that if you are in love, you may have to fall in love, live together when you fall in love, get married after living together, and have children after marriage. There is a very clear path. But we feel that whether it is friendship or love, we can actually choose our current lifestyle. Two people decide to live together, not necessarily because of love, but also because of friendship. Since it is not necessarily because of any emotion, in fact, what the emotion is is not particularly important.

Fromm wrote in "The Art of Love" that "love can only arise between such two people. These two people have jumped out of their living circles and combined with each other. At the same time, each of them can experience themselves out of self-centeredness. Only this "central experience" is human reality, life, and the basis of love." In this episode of podcast, Bobocha and Xiaxia show us a kind of intimate relationship model PLP that is not well understood by the public——Platonic Life Partnership. The true appearance of this Platonic life partner is placed on the table, and their sincerity also makes readers unable to help asking their hearts, "What is the essence of intimate relationship?"

Criticism and Answers to the Twelve Questions about Marriage and Love—Answers from a Heterosexual Feminist Couple —— @女少名者

The so-called being a good person and finding a good person may have countless understandings based on different values; but two people who become partners must have the same understanding of what a "good person" is.
As a feminist, my understanding of "good people" is that both parties to a marriage can cooperate fairly in the internal work of marriage, such as finances, housework, childbearing, and parenting, and the motivation for this collaboration is not a compromise or charity from one party to the other, or even pure love from one party to the other.

What kind of intimacy feminists should look for, Female Anonymous ' answer is "be a nice guy, find a nice guy". Female Anonymous and her husband 1M jointly answered the "Marriage and Feminism" questionnaire. They pointed out that the content of the questionnaire was not enough to cover the diversity of feminists in reality, including 1M, who claims to be a "male feminist" and felt deeply excluded when answering. After reading their answers, we, as readers, can't help asking how feminists should talk to the world today.

Women's life experience has always been the focus of writing in film and television and literary works, from "The Naples Story Tetralogy" to "Jin Zhiying Born in 1982" , from "The Worst Man in the World" to "It's Happening" . What is buried in these narratives is that women are gradually regaining the power of writing and speaking. They are not only witnesses, but also their own speakers.

Here we would like to quote the words written by Leng Jianguo, the host of the podcast "Random Fluctuations" in "Endless Naples | A Collaborative Writing by a Genius Girlfriend and Boyfriend" , as the end of this article:

"When you can't explain, accept, and tell others about an experience, a feeling, a disappointment, or even when you don't know how to look at it and say something, words reach us before words. We can write... Face ourselves, confirm ourselves, dissect ourselves, and liberate ourselves in the process of writing. Writing and life become parallel threads. When the trivial, heaviness, and pain of life are reflected in the mirror of writing, they really relate to me and become part of human experience. They gain meaning beyond themselves through being recorded. They are sincere loses its firmness and keeps swaying in front of many writers.”

