Is family planning a Chinese characteristic? Who is the driving force behind China's family planning? |Let's talk about Mary

Many people believe that "family planning" is a typical Chinese characteristic, which has led to the current aging and the declining fertility rate. However, should China carry this pot on its own?

Not long ago, the China Report Network published an article entitled "Implementing the Three-Child Policy, Party Members and Cadres Should See Actions". No or only one or two signs of Rightism. As soon as this article was published, the entire internet exploded, and related Weibo hits reached 5.7 million. It is estimated that the publicity effect has not yet been achieved, and the comedy effect has come out first. The article appears to have disappeared a few days later.

Regardless of whether or not party members have "sexual interest" and "life as a rule", it can be seen that "family planning" is still a basic national policy of our country! I have to admire the understanding and attainments of the founding fathers in Chinese. I can only say that they are too forward-looking!

Many people believe that "family planning" is a typical Chinese characteristic, which has led to the current aging and the declining fertility rate. However, should China carry this pot on its own?

At the beginning, we said that "family planning", as a basic national policy of China, was written into the constitution in 1978. Since then, it has been stipulated that a couple can only have one child. It has been nearly 40 years since it was encouraged to have two or three children. Although the past 40 years have been China's rapid development from a planned economy to a market economy, the only thing about having children can be said to have brought the limited edition and craftsmanship spirit to the extreme. Every family workshop, two seniors and four seniors, can only do their best to incubate a communist successor. In case this product is not recognized by users, there is no chance to fix bugs and update the 2.0 version, so it is not surprising that the whole industry is rolling in. When they see foreigners who have a good time with their families, but do not go to cram schools, the hearts of Chinese parents can be said to be mixed. So who caused this situation? Can we choose again?

The matter has to start from an afternoon in 1922. In the Third Academy of Peking University, there was a lecture titled "What and How about Birth Sanctions". Wu Yu, a professor at Peking University, wrote in his diary and recorded the scene of the day in detail. And the speaker is an American woman named Margaret Sanger (also known as Mrs. Sanger), she is the founder of the American Birth Control League, and this trip to China is is one of the stops on her global tour. Her main ideas include that the population problem has become "a central issue in the new social philosophy", and she advocates that through birth control, that is, the method of fewer births and better births, family and social resources can be used as effectively as possible to solve poverty social and family issues such as disease and child education.

At first glance, it seems to be quite reasonable. This should be the first time Chinese people have officially come into contact with the concept of "family planning". Since China at that time was in the period of the post-May 4th thought trend and the New Culture Movement, it was eager to take off the hat of the sick man of East Asia and learn from the West. A large number of intellectuals, including Hu Shi, Chen Duxiu, and Zhang Jingsheng, highly praised Mrs. Sanger's idea, and her book on birth control and eugenics was quickly translated into Chinese and published.

Who is this Margaret Sanger, and why is she promoting Planned Parenthood?

First of all, it is closely related to her life from a subjective point of view. Margaret is the youngest of the 11 children in the family. Her mother has been pregnant 18 times in total, and she was less than 50 years old when she died. She was in pity for her mother. , Margaret has always believed that the death of the mother was related to excessive pregnancy. When she grew up, she became a nurse and saw that many poor women could not get out of poverty because of their constant births, so she started a movement to advocate family planning, although many people opposed it in the conservative United States at the time, she also Arrested and jailed. With her continuous efforts, she finally founded the American Birth Control Alliance, traveled the world to promote the concept of family planning, and also embarked on the road of her own professional family planning committee ambassador.

While this Mrs Sanger appeared to be a feminist, she was actually a racist. She believes that black people and the poor are the unsettling factors of society, and she must work hard to improve the reproductive quality of the elites. She even proposed to conduct IQ tests on the bottom people, which means that if you are stupid, don't have children. (I don't know if a certain imperial head of state was also influenced by her thoughts). Under the circumstances at that time, due to the rapid development of the industrial revolution in the West, the economic status of white people was higher than that of colored people, white people had a sense of racial superiority, and the fertility rate of the poor and people of color was generally higher than that of white people. Coupled with the prevalence of social Darwinism at that time, in order to avoid this reverse elimination, Mrs. Sanger's family planning theory naturally received the support of many wealthy classes, and the famous Rockefeller family was a member of the American Eugenics Society and provided Substantial financial support. It's very funny that although Mrs. Sanger and the Rockefellers preached about having fewer children and more trees, they gave birth to a lot of offspring.

This kind of racist eugenics theory was very popular in the United States and the West at the time, and Rockefeller I is said to have provided huge funding to several eugenic organizations in Germany, which later became important bases for Hitler's Nazi eugenics program. We don't know whether the Rockefellers controlled the global economy, but the racist chain of contempt and interest still existed in that era of imperialism, and the strategy of controlling the "low-end population" was often covered with A layer of humanitarian and scientific mantle.

After World War II, a more mysterious and lofty organization was established. In 1946, the United Nations Secretariat established the Population Division. The first director of the Division was Professor Nottestein, the former director of the Population Institute of Princeton University, who was funded by the Rockefeller family, and this Nottestein was the founder of modern population theory. In 1967, the United Nations established the Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), and the United Nations Population Division was upgraded to the Population Division in the same year. The main role of the United Nations Population Fund is to promote family planning and eugenics to third world countries based on the protection of women's and children's rights and poverty reduction. They advocate that women should have their own birth and birth control rights.

In essence, the UNFPA is not fundamentally different from the previous ideas of Sanger and others.

The first director of this fund was Rafael Salas, a Filipino known as "an old friend of the Chinese people". I mentioned this Comrade Salas in the previous issue of "Do the Chinese people still have old friends?" He once stood up to endorse China when Western countries criticized China's forced family planning policy, and got this Old friend honor.

We started to mention that since the establishment of the United Nations Population Fund, it has been tirelessly promoting the theory of population explosion and eugenics to developing countries, but not all countries are interested in family planning. As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs. After the People's Republic of China replaced the Republic of China and entered the United Nations in 1971, the United Nations Population Fund finally had the opportunity to show its talents. From 1972 to 1986, Rafael Salas visited China 8 times, and had many contacts with Chinese leaders. In-depth exchanges, concerned about the formulation and implementation of China's population policies and programs. As we all know, the Chinese government and demography circles have always believed that China's overpopulation is the main cause of poverty since the 1950s, so they are very interested in family planning and urgently need more technical and financial assistance. In 1979, when China started its reform and opening up, the United Nations Population Fund initially signed a US$50 million funding project with China, while the country's foreign exchange reserves were less than US$200 million at that time. The first phase of this project was officially signed in September 1980. The money will be used to carry out 22 projects including census, family planning, perinatal care, demography research and personnel training. It can be said that the entire family planning system, demography system and population data system in China were established with the help of the United Nations Population Fund. Since the 1980s, the United Nations Population Fund's funding to China has reached its ninth phase (2021-2025), with a total amount of nearly 300 million US dollars.

Meanwhile, in October 1974, the US National Security Council, led by another old friend of the Chinese people, Dr. Henry Kissinger, secretly drafted a memorandum on National Security Research 200: Global Population Growth's Impact on US Security and Overseas The Question Paper on Influence of Interest ( NSSM200 ), also known as the "Kissinger Report," became an official policy of the Ford Administration in November 1975. In this document, declassified in 1989, the United States listed 13 of the least developed countries in the world (without China) at the time. Based on the demand for mineral resources in these countries and concerns about US national security, the United States believed that if The rapid population growth of these countries could adversely affect the political stability of the country and not serve the interests of the United States. Therefore, in these countries, international organizations such as the United Nations Population Fund can be used to promote small families (preferably a family of four) and the concept of eugenics. It is a good humanitarian packaging project and is also in the strategic interests of the United States. This NSSM200 plan is considered by many people, even the teacher Yi Fuxian of "Empty Nest of Great Powers", to be a conspiracy of the American Rockefeller family to control the population of underdeveloped countries.

Speaking of which, the United Nations Population Fund can be said to have perfectly acted as this "white glove". On the surface, it is difficult to say what is politically incorrect about the population concept promoted by the United Nations Population Fund. Shouldn't women be given the opportunity to choose their own pregnancy? Shouldn't people be advised to reduce fertility when economic conditions are bad? From the perspective of human rights, this is of course no problem, but from the perspective of the desired effect of an organization, there is a huge moral dilemma and an implementation vacuum.

We began to say that China's family planning system and demographic research were established with the support of the United Nations Population Fund, but the UNFPA represented by Salas turned a blind eye to China's implementation methods. As we all know, "family planning" methods such as forced sheung-ring, sterilization, abortion, and induction of labor have been implemented in China for 30 years. Apart from these technical methods, social problems such as black households, bribery and corruption involved in superbirth are also commonplace. The United Nations Population Fund has cooperation projects with many institutions in China, and its offices are usually located in the local family planning committee. It is impossible not to know about China's family planning methods. But they said, "Although some people have accused China of using coercive methods to implement family planning, the Chinese government has never approved the use of coercive methods." "Every country has its own view on the voluntary nature of family planning," Salas said. "If you're referring to the situation in China, I'm pretty sure that the Chinese themselves would say that, according to their cultural standards, their The way is not mandatory. Maybe by Western standards, what China is doing may be unacceptable, but each country has to follow its own standards,” Salas’s successor Sadiq also said on the CBS Nightwatch TV program in 1989 that the United Nations UNFPA does not support forced abortions anywhere in the world, but she said family planning in China is "entirely voluntary". China also won the UN Award for Best Population Control. This behavior of the Salas is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the rationality of China's family planning.

From the various actions of the United Nations Population Fund, we can also see that the so-called international organizations are also very vulnerable to various factors and lose their credibility. It is not difficult to understand why today's Olympic Committee, FIFA and the United Nations have already It's a money test.

According to World Bank data, the global average fertility rate has dropped from 5 in 1960 to around 2.5 now. According to the results of the seventh national census, the total fertility rate of women of childbearing age in China in 2020 is 1.3. The East Asia region, which was once the focus of the UN Population Fund, is almost at risk of self-genocide. Will the UN Population Fund be responsible for the low birth rate in the world today? rate responsible?

Having said that, most of the materials in this episode come from the book "Empty Nest in a Great Country" by Mr. Yi Fuxian. The book has very rich explanations and data support for the past and present life of China's family planning. We also mentioned at the beginning. , In addition to the United Nations Population Fund, Mr. Yi Fuxian also strongly condemned the NSSM200 plan in the United States that year**. (**I believe that the little pink people will be overjoyed when they see this plan and use it as a powerful weapon for American conspiracy theories, and will also combine it with books like "Currency War" as a sword of Shang Fang. I want to tell you. Yes, there were indeed a lot of shameful activities in the formulation of many decisions in the United States back then, and there was no public consent, and even the president did not necessarily know about it. But it will eventually be revealed and made public for the world to judge and learn from. "NSSM-200" will fail not only in the referendum, but also in parliament.)

With the progress of human civilization and the current reality of low global fertility, I believe that countries, including the United Nations Population Fund, will seriously reflect on the rationality of their previous population policies. Diversification of international trends of thought is normal, especially when it comes to population issues that have been debated since ancient times. The key is to adjust the strategy in time and take effective and reasonable measures to correct it. The singularity of the Chinese system and superstition of academic authority make China lack the ability to comprehensively distinguish international trends of thought. It is easy for policies to be influenced by a certain trend of thought according to the preferences of those in power, and they feel that they are particularly reasonable and sing praises for China. Those are old friends, and vice versa are anti-China forces. We might as well think about it, whether China used the United Nations Population Fund, or whether the UNFPA condoned China's family planning policy, I believe you have your own answer.

Let’s go back to the question we mentioned at the beginning. Party members are first of all people, and most of the party members of the right age are the only generation under the one-child policy. Have you given people the conditions to live freely?

In the end, I want to say yes, bad driving skills in the past were not terrible, maybe the road conditions were not too friendly, now all roads lead to Rome, if you have to drive backwards, it is your fault.

I'm Marley, if you think this video is not bad, please help to subscribe, like, share and support, we'll see you next time, 88.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China actually restricted abortion. Mao Zedong believed that more people are more powerful. He even imitated the big brother at that time, the Soviet Union, to establish the image of a "heroic mother", and encouraged more children in both policy and public opinion. In 1953, under the suggestion of the economist Ma Yinchu, China conducted the first national census in history. The result was a survey of 600 million people, an increase of more than 100 million people over 1949, and a natural population growth rate of over 20‰. Ma Yinchu, then president of Peking University, later put forward the "New Population Theory", suggesting that the rapid population growth should be controlled to avoid the national economic burden. For the party bosses who have never managed such a large population, the need to feed these 600 million people really made them break out in a cold sweat. In addition, China's economy was backward at that time, and there was a lot of waste waiting to be done, so this theory was obtained. With the support of Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and a group of bigwigs, they began to release restrictions on birth control and contraception from the perspective of propaganda and policies. Although Mao Zedong did not fully support it, he basically agreed with this view.


In fact, China was the first to restrict abortion. Mao Zedong believed that more people are more powerful. He even imitated the big brother at that time, the Soviet Union, and established the image of a "heroic mother", encouraging more children in both policy and public opinion. In 1953, under the suggestion of the economist Ma Yinchu, China conducted the first national census in history. The result was a survey of 600 million people, an increase of more than 100 million people over 1949, and a natural population growth rate of over 20‰. Ma Yinchu, then president of Peking University, later put forward the "New Population Theory", suggesting that the rapid population growth should be controlled to avoid the national economic burden. For the party bosses who have never managed such a large population, the need to feed these 600 million people really made them break out in a cold sweat. In addition, China's economy was backward at that time, and there was a lot of waste waiting to be done, so this theory was obtained. With the support of Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and a group of bigwigs, they began to release restrictions on birth control and contraception from the perspective of propaganda and policies. Although Mao Zedong did not fully support it, he basically agreed with this view.

In 1957, Ma Yinchu was labeled a rightist, and the Great Leap Forward began, followed by the well-known three-year famine. The first abnormal negative population growth occurred in 1960, and family planning was forced to shelve. From 1962, there was a small baby boom, and by 1970 the population increased to 820 million, but the per capita GDP grew very slowly, and by 1970 it was only 778 US dollars. The management generally still believes that the large population is the main reason for poverty. Mao Zedong believed that since we are a planned economy, the growth of the population should naturally be included in the scope of the plan to match the development of the economy. In the 1970s, China was still poor and backward. Although the government was more and more urgent about family planning, for the common people, the poorer they were, the poorer they were. The government did not have a better solution. Since there was no money or technology, the population policy at that time was to encourage late marriage and childbearing, advocating a maximum of two births, and reducing the birth rate, mainly based on publicity and education.


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