[Want to build a mud ship that won't sink] Norman: The Promised Neverland Season 1

JC (Jocelyn Chen)
Can the sorrow of a few be exchanged for the happiness of the majority? Like the most common train track conundrum, there's no right or wrong, but it's real, tough, but a decision must be made. This is the promised Neverland. Norman is not as smart as a twelve-year-old child. When his heart is ashes, he can maintain a smile at Emma, but after walking out of people's sight, his hands are shaking so much that he can't even hold the cup. But the next second, he said he had to build a mud boat that wouldn't sink.
Norman: The Promised Neverland Season 1
Can the sorrow of a few be exchanged for the happiness of the majority?

It's like the most common train track conundrum, there's never a real right or wrong, but a real problem, tough, but a decision must be made.

The entire atmosphere of the promised Neverland vaguely reveals such an atmosphere.

The most impressive is Ray (Ray)

The one who most challenges the inherent idea is Emma (Emma)

My favorite character is Norman

Sister Krone's remarks about her three children are incredibly precise.

"Norman's disadvantage is that he is not physically fit, Ray's disadvantage is that he gives up too quickly, and Emma's disadvantage is that he is too naive."

In just three sentences, the shortcomings and advantages of the three children are included. It seems that only the disadvantages are mentioned, but as the perfect children on the farm, the disadvantages that are not mentioned are all their advantages.

The ghost arrests in the animation are still going on at this time. Sister Colony is full of confidence. She chases after Norman, who is not physically fit. According to speculation, as a work selling hope in despair, Norman will be arrested. Stay, and Sister Cronee will kill all hope in their hearts.

However, in the end, Norman stood tall on the far, unreachable stone, with his back to the sun, and his expression was calm, including a bit of indifference to the enemy. He was such a child, too smart. The head has long known his weaknesses, and he cooperated smoothly with Lei, and he should not have been caught.

When a person understands his own shortcomings thoroughly and thinks of ways to make up for them, he is almost indestructible.

Therefore, in the process of watching the movie, even if he knew that he was only a twelve-year-old child, he still pinned all his hopes on him, as if no matter what went wrong, there would always be Norman who would take care of the aftermath for these children. Turn a crisis into a turning point.

At the beginning of the progress of the story, I always thought that Ray was the smartest character. Just like the common character settings in all anime, the less talkative, rational and pessimistic one is always the smartest one.

However, Norman caught the inner ghost with one move, but calmly grabbed Lei's tail. It is hard to imagine what kind of experience it would have to have to have the courage to doubt even the closest people, not to mention the ability to think calmly. Lei slackened his defenses by making a sound and attacking the west.

Here's what's interesting about this work. Norman isn't as smart as a twelve-year-old, but the author isn't trying to sell superficial heroism.

When faced with unacceptable facts, he would cry and his heart was ashes as he could maintain a smile on Emma, but after walking out of people's sight, his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even hold the cup. There was no dialogue, no soundtrack, but The desperation made people hold their breaths, the cup kept slipping out of the palm of his hand, and it was unknown whether it was the flow of water or Norman's tears of despair.

Norman's intelligence made him know the direction most of the time, but he asked Emma about the fact that Lei was a ghost. Although this part was not covered much, I think Norman is definitely capable of doing it. A 100% plan without omissions, he may be more rational than Ray in his heart, but he asked Emma, who has always loved idealism, and he may have known what answer he would get, but he was outside of his inner rationality. There was always a desire to keep a passion for this world, so he asked Emma, but wanted to believe more.

"Mom, are you happy?" Norman asked, and his mother looked surprised and hesitant.

Norman's most assertive and greatest is that he went to death alone.

No matter how Emma and Ray forced a smile and said they wanted to live together and meet again after many years, he knew that some things had to be done by him. Trembling and praying for his escape, he walked back to the farm calmly at dusk.

He used the last day of his life to penetrate everyone's personality ideas and make the last probe.

Finally, on the way to the door with my mother, my mother laughed and said that there must be nothing in his suitcase. "Because no matter what you put in it, you can't take it with you, isn't it?" Norman replied with a smile, yes, what kind of luggage do people who meet death need to bring? "Mom, are you happy?" Norman asked, and this question was not just a question. Mom hesitated at first, and then smiled softly. Yes, I am very happy, but in Norman's eyes, it may have been Got the answer.

Sometimes, looking at Norman, I can't help but feel that he is not a kid who is about to be twelve years old at all. In terms of the plot, if Norman is a high school student, it may not cause any contradictions in the plot, but it happens that he is a The child was only about twelve years old, but he saw through his mother's long-term psychological struggle and depression.

Not only is he a smart parent, he is not as emotionally rich as Emma, but more compassionate than Ray.

"Because I like Emma, I want her to laugh."
"Because I like Emma, I want her to laugh."

When Ray asked Norman why he always cooperated with Emma's unrealistic ideas, Norman replied. At that time, he smiled stupidly, just like a child should have. He didn't talk about responsibility and dedication, he just wanted to Make her laugh.

A normal child might make a wreath to make each other laugh, and leave a cookie to make them laugh, but Norman, through constant counter-logic and unexpected planning, is all about making Emma laugh.

Because they are young, they always feel that it is not love, but they dare not think that it is not love because they are young.

The cruel reality will urge people to grow old, and so is it for these children, and when Norman said goodbye to Emma at the end, she told her not to give up, to take good care of yourself, and to protect everyone.

Chaotic and unintelligible, but very blunt, such pure kindness that Norman wanted to see her smile.

Can the sorrow of the few be exchanged for the happiness of the many?

In the face of these flesh and blood children, how great are we to determine their lives?

Are the many lives in the outside world really worth a Norman? Who is right from the years he worked hard to grow up?

"Mud can be fired into a plate, right? The mud boat doesn't necessarily sink."
"Mud can be fired into a plate, right? The mud boat doesn't necessarily sink."

I'm not going to let her die, and for that, I'm going to use myself.

Norman's good, makes this character three-dimensional sad, but charming want to believe that he is not dead, just like at the end of the escape plan, Ray always has Norman by his side, and misses us deeply For a person who is obsessed, his thoughts seem to be like the sun, shining naturally and warmly on the sadness of the past.

In the end, Norman won, and the mud boat finally sailed to the other side.


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JC (Jocelyn Chen)現職台灣醫學生。 每個禮拜定時排放生活產物。 領域橫跨動畫、電影、小說、工具書、醫療小事。 即便時常掙扎,始終相信生活值得綻放。 所有人都值得擁有一片星空,值得了解美好,值得被美好了解。 🌹Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/dessert_food_jc/
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