reading ability

When I want to read a book, I can sit down and concentrate for no more than three minutes. perhaps

So, I've actually been troubled by one thing

when i want to read a book i sit down

Can concentrate for no more than three minutes

I started yawning and closed my eyes after a while

When you wake up and forget what you read, you have to look ahead

It takes a long time to read the book intermittently

Every time the bookmark moves a few pages forward it seems to be shouting

"One small step for me, one giant leap for mankind!"

It's really annoying, I feel like I'm wasting my time


To solve this problem, I went to a friend

He's the kind of guy who runs book clubs and sharing sessions

He told me that he was just like me before

Seeing some hope, I asked him how it should be

He told me to set a schedule for himself

But not like in the past requiring myself to read a few chapters a day

Instead, only start from one page and slowly add up

like basketball or badminton

Real reading is also the ability to develop

Maybe it can't be done at a glance,

But it can make you no longer have an empty head

With practice you can also grow gradually.


Sounds like this is the case

Why don't you give him a try right now?

After earnestly implementing it for a while, I was surprised to find

It turns out that it can really be trained

The first three minutes were the limit


It only takes 30 seconds to fall asleep smoothly.



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