The female star in Miss Lang Lang 3


Last Friday night, I watched Sister Lang 3 with a little wine, and my eyes were swollen because of the sensation. I want to write an article and gossip about female stars. But I tried a few times on Saturday and started it, but maybe I was too unfamiliar with female stars and I didn't accumulate it. I couldn't write a few lines every time. Restarting today, I am determined to ignore the past and only write about my personal impressions created through Sister Lang 3. Just chat, what's wrong? Come.

Female stars compete for odds and ends. Some people I knew before and had a good impression, such as Aya and Wu Mochou. I have never heard of it before, but I liked it after watching the show, like Yu Wenwen and Zheng Xiuyan. I've heard it before but didn't know it. After watching the show, I thought, "Oh, it's not bad, like Xue Kaiqi." There are people who have seen the works before and feel that they are normal, and updated their own perceptions through Sister Lang, such as Guo Caijie, Wu Jinyan and Crown Princess. In addition, I used to feel like thunder but I didn't feel much. After watching the show, I didn't feel much more, like Wang Xinling.

To say that Wang Xinling could have gone back to Guo Caijie and the others, because the whole season has been flawless, it has somewhat exceeded my expectations for such Taiwanese idol singers back then. When I say "this kind of Taiwanese idol singer", I may actually be biased. I haven't heard much of their songs, because the genre and style of pie are not my thing. But the sweet and greasy idol drama at 8 o'clock has been seen a few times. These superficial contacts formed my "stereotype" of Taiwanese idols of that era. But to be honest, Rainie Yang impressed me last year. "The Wind Rises" under her leadership became one of the most moving performances in Sister Lang 2. I didn't expect her voice to have such a thickness. Although Wang Xinling didn't reach Rainie Yang's "height", at least she let me know that she didn't win her reputation entirely by selling cute clothes, she still had two brushes. The problem is that this whole season has been hyped up so much that it has ruined the popularity of passersby like me. After the first stage, she played the role of the leader of Tongtian all the way, leading the team to meet Buddha and kill Buddha, until she finally won the first place and made her debut as C. However, apart from the memories of those fried rice, in terms of business ability, she did not show the strength to crush other captains. But traffic is king, and the show team is trying to support her. There is no hard currency, so they have to talk about "diligence". The captains are all hardworking (except Ding Dang in the first season), which is shown in the code show. In addition to being diligent, the only thing that can be said in terms of business is "Shan Hai", but this performance "breakthrough" Wang Xinling, whether it is the previous writing of lyrics or the later stage presentation, was stole the limelight by Tan Weiwei. . I suspect that there was a script for the captain voting session on the night of the group. In order to achieve balance and make it look better, Zheng Xiuyan was selected as the best captain. If you really vote, then it has to be Wang Xinling, there is no reason not to!

As for Jung Soo Yeon, the idea of the best captain might be a bit far-fetched. After all, she is a foreigner and cannot speak the language, so she is limited in the position of captain. But her business ability really conquered me. Singing and dancing songs is not my thing. I don't know any women's and men's groups. But the blind can also see that Zheng Xiuyan stands out in every girl group performance. Because of the relationship between life and life, when she was selecting team members, she couldn't pick the person she wanted, which led to everyone being passive in the future. Until Wu Gong's captain's solo show, she can finally play alone and bloom to the fullest, you see, it really shows the strength of what Na Ying said "singing and dancing queen". Charming and irresistible. After the speech, weeping became tears. You know, I'm very emotional in the first place. I don't see other people crying. When others cry, I can't help but cry. That was almost the first time she revealed her true feelings in this show. Later, when she saw her sister's video on the night of the group, she cried and wore makeup for the second time. It is a really powerful woman, single-handedly, came to a foreign country, and did not understand the language. Although the art masters are bold, it is not difficult to imagine the difficulties they have to face and the loneliness they need to endure. Fortunately, there are Wang Zixuan, and later Yu Wenwen, whose English ability has helped a lot. Not only do I have to complain about the English level of Chinese female stars, it is really appalling. Apart from the above two, few people can have a little deeper communication with Jung Soo Yeon. As a result, those so-called "good friends" on the stage can only scoff at the scene, I guess.

I don't have much to say about Tan Weiwei. She is a singer-songwriter, Wen Qing, always has a burning desire to express, and has a rock and roll soul. It's true that she can't dance, but in terms of music, in Sister Lang 3, no one can compare to her. I even think that the overall style of Sister Lang 3 limits her strengths. Because there is too much processing during the later broadcast, the point of "singing well" is very unimportant in the whole wave 3. I haven't heard the pure vocal expression of "The Wind Rises" in Wave 2 that can be sung into the heart of the heart. Speaking of gossip, Tan Weiwei's husband is "Princess Qiao Qi" Chen Yifei, haha, knowing this made my jaw drop. These two people can't be connected at all. When I mention Chen Yifei, I only think of his double eyelids. In Sister Lang 3, most of the married female stars like to show their affection, but Tan Weiwei never mentioned her husband. Hope they are all well!

Then, I'm going to talk about fish balls. It is said that she has participated in many variety shows over the years, but the variety shows I watch are really limited, so I don't know her at all. Her cynical attitude at first, very unlike a Chinese female star, managed to attract my attention. Some people hate her, and Na Ying Ningning doesn't want her either, but I think this girl must have a soft soul under her hard shell. I don't know why I know, but I just know. Later, sure enough, her captain was "very unsuccessful" and always lost, but her performance in it changed the audience's impression step by step. Every time she lost a performance and a team member left, she cried so hard. She really likes playing in the band, she's a versatile instrument, and can't wait to teach everyone. I think, for Wang Zixuan, Zhang Li and Zhang Xinyu, maybe this is the chance to play musical instruments and sing rock and roll on stage in this lifetime. It must be a rare experience. Later, after the team disbanded and joined Jung Soo Yeon's team, the chemistry between her and Jung Soo Yeon, I wish I had to shout for the two of them to "get married in place"! If you don't believe me, go to Wugong's "Senorita" for the double tango of the two of them, and the unspoken ambiguous eyes after Yu Wenwen sent her sister's video. Hahaha, who knew that I was a middle-aged gay and would knock on the CP of two beauties! Yu Wenwen's English is very good, and he is the second person besides Wang Zixuan who can communicate with Zheng Xiuyan in depth, so it is easier to sympathize with each other. Later I learned that she graduated from Berkeley, a famous music school known to the Chinese because of Wang Leehom. Yu Wenwen's stage in Sister Lang 3 is very distinctive, "Wild Rose", "Beautiful Woman", "Forever Will Be Here", each of which is different. Speaking of which, Sister Wang's team, who won the numbness, performed well, but it felt like they were repeating the last time every time.

Xue Kaiqi, the only impression I had of her before was that she participated in Kangxi many years ago, and the theme was "Silly Girls in the Entertainment Circle". In that episode, she was very low-key. Compared with the other two real "silly girls", Sister Butterfly and Qian Yingyi, she was not too smart, so she didn't leave a deep impression. What she saw in Sister Lang 3 this time was completely different from that time. Her laughter and crying came easily, and because she didn't hide it, she was very infectious. I said that I like to watch people cry, and of course there is no reason not to like to watch people laugh, so you say that people who can cry and laugh are right in my heart? In addition, she dedicated one of the most talked about stages in Sister Lang 3, that is, "The Dreamer" with Liu Lian. Before and after this performance, the program team added various halos to her, with good character, talent, strength and hard work. Before the end of the performance, the scene where the two people touched each other's faces in a daze, isn't it obvious that they are engaging in CP!

Let me emphasize that although I always say that I like to watch people cry, it may actually be easier for actresses to cry. If you don’t believe me, look at Huang Yi, even Zhao Yingzi can squeeze out a line of green tears on stage, but sincere emotional expression , is different. You don't need to shout slogans, you don't even need to shed tears, just because a certain sentence or a scene touches the scene, your eyes are red, and it is very moving.

But in Sister Lang 3, there are two people who should cry the most but don't cry very much. According to my observation, there are two, one is Wang Xinling and the other is Gillian. The former is a collection of thousands of pets, but everything seems to be in order. In fact, in my opinion, Sister Wang not only doesn't cry much, she doesn't even laugh much, her expression is stylized, and even when she speaks, she seems to be singing "Love You". And Gillian, I saw those secret sadness in her expression, those unresolved. I sympathize with her, she looks obviously not as calm as Cecilia Cheung in Sister Lang 2 last year. Her eyes are dodging a lot of the time, and she is seldom seen to be happy, and she has not been seen like most people who are afraid of occasionally revealing their emotions or even losing control. Even if Ah SA gave so enthusiastically, she couldn't give the same enthusiastic feedback.

Cai Zhuoyan was laughing silly all day long, feeling as stable as Aya. During Lang 3, "The Detective War" in which she played the heroine was released in the mainland. I watched it. She played a ill-fated woman, but I just felt that she was still playing Sister Lang. In Sister Lang 3, she, like Aya, is comfortable, but has no aftertaste. I sometimes think, what would A Jiao do without A SA? But after another thought, if Ah SA didn't have Gillian, wouldn't he be just silly and sweet?

In fact, it was Aya who first got me interested in watching Sister Lang 3. Those good impressions established by "Kangxi Is Coming" and "Adventures in Life" made me just want to see her. As for talent, I didn't expect it. Therefore, being eliminated early is also expected. The real surprise was Wu Mochou. Her professional ability is very strong, and her sensibility is a little stupid. It stands to reason that she will not die in the first round, but she really only played one game. I don't agree with her!

In other words, is it possible for Xiao S to come? I think it's a bit unimaginable, but Aya goes back and blows her hair, maybe it's possible! But it's still too hard, forget it. However, I shouted to Mango Channel, I really invited Xiao S, next time I will buy a TV membership. I used to spend 9.9 yuan to buy a mobile phone membership, and I watched it on the screen.


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