True self-discipline is not 21 days, and 21 days cannot form a habit


Habits are exchanged for "time". Most people practice for 21 days and do not develop them in the end, because time is not enough!

 Isn't 21 days long enough?

In forming a habit, you must go through 5 stages

[Phase 1] Rebellion Period

About 1 to 7 days, hold the heat for 3 minutes for the habit

[Phase 2] Unstable period

About 8~21 days, slowly get used to doing this, but the body is still resisting

[Phase 3] Burnout period

For about 22~30 days, I feel tired after doing the habit, and I will be a little tired of doing this habit

[Stage 4] Adaptation period

About 30~60 days, I gradually get used to the practice of doing this habit

[Phase 5] Identification period

About 60-100 days, mentally agree with this and feel happy doing it

21 Days of Habit Failure Reasons

After 21 days, you are in the [stage 3] burnout period, and you feel dubious about the habit you are doing, just like reading a book is a good habit, if you keep reading for 21 days, you feel that reading does not seem to be particularly helpful to you, the speed of reading It’s almost the same. Before I see great results, reading books every day becomes dispensable, and the reading habit is completely useless. This is why most people choose to give up.

 A real habit takes 100 days

After 100 days, you are in the [Stage 5] identification period, you have silently agreed with this thing in your heart, you will feel the meaning of doing this thing, and at the same time enjoy the fun it brings to you, and develop the habit of doing this thing. You'll see positive results, and positive results will push you to keep doing it. Just like me, I didn’t insist on reading books every day at the beginning, and now I don’t read books every day. If I read dozens of pages, I will take the initiative to read it. If I don’t read it, it seems that I am missing something. has become my life.

How to really form a habit

To develop a habit is an act of self-discipline. Self-discipline is not self-abuse or excessive demands on oneself . When most people see "self-discipline", they feel that self-discipline is a person who pursues freedom, and self-discipline is a person with strong self-management ability. In fact, don't think of "self-discipline" as noble and difficult to obtain. "Self-discipline" has only one purpose, to make you better. As long as you start with this purpose, you will not feel that the practice of good habits is painful and stressful. In the book <<100 Days of Self-discipline, Crossing the Blind Spots in Life>>, the 100-day good habit execution formula is shared, also known as the 100-day self-discipline plan.

 100-day self-discipline plan: 100 days, 2 methods, only 3 things a day!

In a hundred days, use 2 methods:

Method 1 [logging]

Write down the execution status of 3 things every day (time, amount)

Method 2 [Replay]

Review of daily time use (check), three things every day (check), daily principle (check)

Through method 1 recording, let 3 things per day be arranged in the daily itinerary, so that you do not forget to do it, method 2 [Review] The outsiders can see the blind spots in their own execution, and then optimize the obstacles to habit formation, and the more you do it, the better , the easier it is to do.

Only do 3 things a day that are habit-related

There are three people in ancient times, and there must be my teacher. In science, it is mentioned that all life has three macromolecules, DNA, RNA and protein. This seems to have a magical theory. Miller, a psychologist who studies people's short-term memory capacity, pointed out that people's short-term memory is 5 plus or minus 2, and people are most likely to remember 3 items.

Only do 3 things every day, no more or no less, so that you can achieve it smoothly with the limited physical strength, energy, and limited time.

 Success formula = will + work + wait

For 100 days, we put off other pleasures, weed out all kinds of temptations, and only did 3 things related to the habit, and waited for the habit to become part of my life.

Concentrate on doing habit [will] power

habitual [work] every day

[Wait] Habit cost can react

The 100-day self-discipline plan is not only mentioned in this book. There is another book called <<How to become a morning type in 100 days>>, a 100-day smoking cessation activity, and Russel Brunson, a top foreign marketing master, also launched a 100-day challenge.

100 days is almost one third of a year. One season or more than three months is not too long or too short, but the reason is that it is more effective than 21 days. I want to give enough time to let the emotional heart make the body. Rebellion accepts the behavior of rational thinking of the brain, but we fail to do what we think is right. Isn’t it because the emotional self has defeated the rational self?

I like this quote from the book:

"When self-discipline becomes an instinctive habit, you will enjoy its happiness! 』

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Feel the happiness brought by self-discipline, and it is not difficult to form a habit! What habit do you want to develop? welcome to share with me

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Are you willing to be together for 100 days of self-discipline? I opened a community, no matter what habit you want to develop, whether you have done it or not, check in the group every day until 100 days, if you want to challenge together, you can leave a message [100]


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