For mothers who are about to turn 60 -- a guide to young people with a mentality for their 60th birthday

I have a mother who loves to work. She spends most of her energy on work. She has a heavy sense of responsibility and a lot of pressure. When she is stressed, she usually drinks alcohol and watches TV. She rarely releases her emotions, so I wrote this in her on the 60th birthday greeting card, so she had the opportunity to take a look. But I know in my heart that she will not change, so since I wrote it, let me put it here.

60th Birthday-- A Guide to Youthful Attitude

One question, which I've been thinking about since the beginning of this year, is how should I celebrate my mother when she turns 60? I thought about buying different things, or some magical experiences, but in the end, I found that these are all good, but still not enough. What I want to do, perhaps, is a kind of in-depth communication with others.

Maybe my personality is more precocious, or maybe my temperament is more withdrawn. I remember that the time I thought about life most was when I was in the fifth to sixth grade of elementary school. At that time, I was thinking what is a friend? Why do people fear death? Fate and life choices, as well as the gap between hard work and rewards.

But life is always busy, and it always makes people forget some memories that have been asked but forgotten. I remembered those memories again when I was 26 years old. When I worked overtime at the company until the early morning, I asked again. Myself, why should I survive? When the appearance of life should be a kind of joy, why does growing up and getting old become the confusion of life? Therefore, in the next few years, I read a lot of books about spiritual healing to answer my doubts.

"Like everyone, I started by discovering the patterns and problems of modern work"

At that time, I was obsessed with the status and importance of my work, and in the rest of the time, I used coffee to lift my spirits, alcohol to anesthetize my nerves, and used the spirit of intoxication to face the work that I and others thought were important.

Other people's evaluations and my own mistakes are constantly magnified and replayed in my mind. Sometimes, I have no way to forget the small things that others have forgotten. Actually, I found that this kind of conscientious mentality is actually irresponsible for my own life.

"Focus on work, forget about other people and the world"

It has to be said that human beings are actually very animalistic. When people around you do the same thing, even if it is not the original intention, they will be greatly affected.

Especially work has taken up a lot of time, the simplicity and directness of following the crowd is not as nutritious as fast food, but at least it seems to have eaten. So, I made a lot of decisions that were not me, but that everyone would make (and then, maybe everyone would regret).

"Find your own happiness again, no longer want to delay until the end of life"

Back to the topic, life, death, and fate, I found that only by facing it can I overcome fear. Fear of death and old age are more terrifying than death or old age itself.

In the face of death, I made a good rest process for myself, and wrote a suicide note, so that I know that I have the opportunity to die every moment. Old age or old age does not happen suddenly at a certain age, but happens every moment. occur. There is no forecast for death, and there is too much chance of crashing tomorrow! Therefore, happiness is not in yesterday, nor in the future. Only by always remembering to look for is alive.

Therefore, at the age of 60, I wish you can do what you love, love yourself, love others, love life, and love experience. Only with love and enthusiasm for life can you keep your mind young.

The picture and text are wrong...I can't think of a picture


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