I'm not ready to lose you

Embrace "truth"

What's the hardest thing you've ever experienced? The death of a loved one, or the betrayal of a friend, we cannot face the truth because the truth is not good enough or too cruel, because we always know that behind the truth, there may be endless sadness and pain.

"Grief is a momentary torment, and indulging in it is a lifelong mistake." - Benjamin. Disraeli

from pinterest

Mary faced the most unbearable pain in her life. Her adult daughter was brutally murdered, and now the murderer has a chance to escape legal punishment. In addition, she recently lost her mother, and she herself was suffering from cancer, and in her eyes there was no reason to continue living.

Mary did almost nothing during that time except for psychotherapy, staring at her garden and pictures of her daughter, encouraged by both her husband and the psychotherapist to move on with her life, but she said: " I can't move forward until I let this thing go."

"The only antidote to grief is action." -George. Henry. Lewis

"On the contrary," says the therapist, "unless you move on with your life, you'll never let it go." We don't have to pretend for any reason that we're no longer sad. You can be sad, but we need to get back on our feet. Get up, get back into life and stop being a prisoner of the past.

taken from google

"Accept the truth and create new memories of the lost aspect of your life." The world is beautiful, we can't have everything, we can only get the truth, the truth may be difficult for people to accept, but it is enough to have the truth, The truth is beautiful, what do we really need to find the truth behind it?

Mary's daughter represents those who need Mary, her need to take care of others was once so strong, and now there is only an endless sense of emptiness. So with the encouragement of a psychotherapist, she started volunteering at a hospital and joined a mutual aid group, helping many people who were in the same situation. Three years later, after experiencing trauma, Mary has fond memories.

When we suffer from a huge loss, we must first accept the reality: "Life is no longer the same as it used to be." It's okay to not let go of the pain right away, we can start by creating new memories, maybe one day, the truth will no longer be pain.


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