It can also continue to burn fat for 36 hours after exercise training! The afterburn effect you can't know

There should be more than 90% of people who are in weight training, and they are pursuing how to improve the efficiency of muscle gain and fat loss.

The most traditional way is to run on a treadmill at an average speed of 30-40 minutes after weight training. I believe this is also a standard process that many people do when losing fat! This method is not bad, but maybe you can try a more efficient way to burn fat.

The most traditional way to lose fat is to run at an average speed of 30-40 minutes on a treadmill after weight training.

human energy conversion

However, if you want to burn fat efficiently, you must first know how the human body converts energy. First, the fuel that the human body needs is the food we eat every day. After being processed by the digestive system, the nutrients in it are passed through A series of metabolic processes; converted into the form of energy required by human cells - adenosine triphosphate (ATP, Adenosine Triphosphate), because when we exercise, we achieve these operations through muscle contraction, and muscle contraction requires The energy is generated when the ATP stored in the muscle is decomposed into ADP (adenosine diphosphate), but the ATP present in the muscle cells is very limited, basically it will be exhausted in about 2-3 seconds. , so that in order for the exercise to continue, the body will continue to provide ATP to the cells through other metabolic pathways, these pathways include:

  • Re-synthesized by the breakdown of Phosphocreatine (PC)
  • Produce sugars through "glycolysis"
  • Metabolizes carbohydrates, fats and proteins through oxidation.

After understanding the conversion of body energy, let's understand how to burn fat more efficiently.

If you want to burn fat efficiently, you must first know how the human body converts energy.

The key to fat burning

To convert fat into energy for muscle use, the most important key point is the metabolic rate! We must first deplete the glycogen in our body before we let the body use fat to convert it into energy, which is called fat burning. If you want to burn fat more efficiently to achieve the goal of losing fat, then HIIT is the element that you can continue to burn fat. According to the research of Dr. Christopher Scott, an exercise physiologist at the University of Southern Maine in the United States, he took seven healthy men and asked them to complete 31 minutes of high-intensity weight training. After the weight training, the researchers continued to monitor them. In this study, they found that in the 38 hours after the heavy training, the body's oxygen consumption was greater than that before the exercise.

After the body's glycogen is depleted, the body will use fat to convert it into energy

But what is high oxygen consumption? Oxygen is a necessary element for the body to burn calories. Without oxygen, the human body cannot produce usable energy, which is why humans die quickly in a state of hypoxia, so consuming more oxygen means consuming more energy. More energy, which is the so-called excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC for short).

Which afterburning effect is better with oxygen and without oxygen?

Not all sports can have a significant afterburn effect! In 2002, the University of Wisconsin in the United States conducted a follow-up study. The researchers asked seven healthy men to complete 30 minutes of high-intensity training in the gym. After the training, they continuously monitored their oxygen consumption and found that they were in the gym. On average, they burned 773 more calories in the two days following high-intensity training, more than they burned during the training session.

Therefore, "high-intensity anaerobic exercise" can stimulate the afterburn effect more than "low-intensity aerobic exercise".

But what is high-intensity anaerobic exercise? Such as sprinting, weight training, high-intensity interval training, or any exercise that requires explosive power and strength, while moderate-to-low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as jogging, brisk walking, moderate-to-low-speed swimming, cycling, etc. are relatively gentle and lasting movement. However, by increasing the training intensity and lengthening the training time, the afterburn effect will be enhanced accordingly, because the more energy is consumed during the training process, the more energy is required to restore the physical state after the exercise, which also means that more energy needs to be consumed. of calories.

Sprinting is a high-intensity anaerobic exercise

Three tips for starting the afterburn effect

1. Running interspersed with sprints

If you run a lot, add some 30-second sprints every 5-10 minutes to your jog. While suddenly jumping into a sprint can be exhausting, try this workout a few times and your body will adjust to the higher running intensity. Breaking the unchanging jogging rhythm and increasing the running intensity can achieve the effect of burning fat after running, so we need to use sprint running to fully stimulate the muscles and increase the amount of exercise.

2. Shorten the rest time between sets

When you are doing weight training, try to shorten the rest time between sets. For example, when you complete a set of equipment exercises, you need to immediately put into another set of equipment training, and the rest time in between is halved or even less. In order to Just start the next set of movements before you recover. In addition to shortening the rest time, it is necessary to involve all the muscles of the whole body in the training as much as possible. Because the more muscles involved, the greater the energy and oxygen consumption of the body, allowing you to continue to burn calories after training.

3. Increase the number of HIIT workouts

If you already have the habit of doing HIIT training, try to have HIIT training three times a week, usually 20-30 minutes of HIIT (high-intensity interval training); it is more fat-burning than running at an average speed of 1 hour on a treadmill To be high, so adding high-intensity interval training to your training schedule will allow you to continue to burn fat for 36 hours after training.

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