A general theory of the humanities, another type of aesthetics.

Sometimes I just use photos for inspiration.

Humanities, the cultural expression of human beings, the presentation of people as the main body.

Checked Wikipedia, the interpretation of humanities is:

 Refers to the advanced, scientific, excellent and healthy part of human culture.

But I think humanities should include all parts, as long as there are "people" in it, good or bad. Confinement to advanced, scientific, excellent, health is too narrow.

Fortunately, it was added in the broad interpretation that the so-called cultural manifestation of human beings is humanities .

I just finished a memory, three articles, the club in college, this is the performance of humanities.

In this topic, I want to talk about the expression of humanity in photos . Ying Qi , who is rarely seen now, his works are the portrayal of humanities. Humanistic photography, for me, is a homework.

I can stand in front of an object for a long time just to capture that moment.

I can stand for a long time in front of a flower, just for a moment to feed the butterflies.

I can stay in one place for a long time, just for the moment of sunset.

But I can't grasp the subject of people in the movement of people. Animals can, why can't humans?

grandma picking chrysanthemum

cat made of water

Preparation before performance

heroic sway

abel on paper

Lukang Aimen in the pen

I like to observe people, but I can't grasp the charm of that moment.

I like to stay in front of the temple and record the ginseng incense, my favorite humanistic theme.

Three entrances and three exits is a traditional ploughing ceremony. On behalf of the visiting gods, they salute the local gods, and everyone shouts "Go in!"

Isn't this the most beautiful place in the humanities?

Riding a bicycle is not a kind of humanism~~

Just pay attention to safety at the moment of shooting, haha, standing in the middle of the road to take pictures is not advisable~~~~

Thanks for watching.

See the benefits in the back~~


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