"Time Capsule Project" Call for Essays: Let's publish a book of the future together!

The expanded version of the Adventures of Breaking the Circle in Matt City. This time, let me break the circle and bring "Fish Book" to connect writers in the Chinese-speaking area and the French-speaking area, build bridges between Chinese and French, Web3 and the physical world, books of the past and books of the future, and do a writing and A social experiment in publishing. This is a crazy journey that unites authors from the Chinese-speaking and French-speaking regions. It requires money and a life-saving essay collection, and the topic can easily cause allergic cancer discomfort. So, do you dare to come?

"Time Capsule Project" essay topic:

China in your imagination in 2050

Sponsor of the call for papers:

Website "Fish Book" , Matt City Popipo settled in Fishhear and Web3 world (Puppi) user model PoQ (hereinafter referred to as Q)

 Q: 其實不就一個人發起實驗嘛,寫這麼多名頭要故意顯得很厲害嘛?
 Fishear: 不明白啥叫三位一體,做實驗體驗一下嘛。再說xxx還有黨政軍一體的名頭呢,有本事咋不質疑他。

Collection objects:

  1. Works written in Chinese (simplified or traditional Chinese) or French by authors over 18 years of age.

The call for essays in the French section started last year. "Fish Book" invited French writers, college students, and people from society who are interested in this topic. All manuscripts will be compiled and sorted out in February 2024, and about 10 French works will be selected and translated and proofread into simplified Chinese versions and Traditional Chinese version.

In the Chinese area, this call for essays starts on January 11. "Fish Book" will also select about 10 works, revise and polish the words and sentences, and translate and proofread them into French versions. I hope to see your articles.

 Q: 拜託,徵文發佈都快兩週了,《馬特市破圈奇遇記》擴大版為什麼沒有第一時間來馬特市發文?
 Fishear: 誰讓你不進入《魚書》網站,免費訂閱它並關注第一時間消息,你要關注,早都開始寫文了。

The reason why each language is limited to about 10 articles is because the time capsule project was initiated by me. I have limited energy and am obsessed with words, and I cannot bear more revision, translation, typesetting, and proofreading work by myself. If caring volunteers join the project, we do not rule out the possibility that more articles will be added to the first book, or directly compiled into the second book.

  1. The solicitation also includes Chinese-French bilingual love generators (including simplified and traditional Chinese polishing, proofreading, and translation) and copy editors who are interested in this social experiment.

If you want to participate in this experiment, please leave a message at the end of the article or contact our email address ear@fishletter.art. Let us do something crazy together. With your participation, maybe we can publish more articles.

 Q: 你這破活動馬特市有人愛心發電嗎?
 Fishear: 當然有啊,謝謝杯中夢Sogni熱心加盟社會實驗並承擔部分翻譯,校對,及電子書技術指導工作。

@Sogni @greyblue @savage

Essay requirements:

You can choose specific topics by yourself, and there is no limit to the subject matter. You can choose any form such as letters, newspapers, pictures and texts. But Po Q suggests that you should not write poetry, because Fishear cannot translate Chinese poetry into French (maybe Sogni has a way, but I'm afraid he will take out the poetry scale he made to score halfway through the book...). This call for essays in "The Book of Fishes" does not require large-scale imagination. It is a story that talks about various aspects of the dragonfly's water. Please do not write it as a political article, let alone an academic paper. Please use your narrative and story form. Imagination, specifically describe an aspect of China in 2050 (it can be a specific place, person, thing, etc.).

 Q: 如果從沒去過中國,不了解,不喜歡這個國家(趕緊離得越遠越好),不喜歡這個主題,但想讓自己的作品進入時間膠囊計畫怎麼辦?

Essay collection time:

January 11-March 11, 2024 (GMT 23:59)

Language of essay submission:

  • Chinese (Simplified or Traditional) short stories: 3,000-10,000 words (Of course, this is not a hard target. Very good articles can be relaxed, but at least 2,000 words are necessary, right?)

  • French: 4 pages or more

Essay format:

  • Chinese: Word file, Chinese Song Dynasty, size 14 font. If there are pictures, please send them as attachments and do not include them in the text. If it is a graphic creation, please send me a PDF version that combines graphics and text so that I can see where you put the pictures, and then a word text version, as well as the pictures as attachments. Please send your article directly to the email address ear@fishletter.art of "Fish Letter" , and indicate in the subject of the email: Time Capsule Essay Competition - the name you are willing to sign in the book. Note that your signature in the book will be the name you indicate in the subject of the email. If you want to use your real name, a pen name, an alias, or a pseudonym, you can do it.

  • French: Word file, Arial, size 13, the requirements are the same as above.

Essay fee:

Currently, Fishear’s Love Power Generation is financially responsible for the project. The start-up capital is 30,000 LikeCoin and several legal currencies that she received from participating in various essay submissions. If you agree with this social experiment, you are welcome to support this project with various currencies. If you want to support purely out of love, please forward the essay call message to your social media circle of friends, or write a letter to Fishhear to express your moral support, hehe.

Because Fishhear pays for herself, drafting, translation, proofreading, typesetting and even publishing and sales may be done by her and the charity generators, so sorry, participating in the social experiment depends entirely on your personal interest and willingness, because you are a participant, which is equivalent to The shareholders of a company share the blessings and the hardships, so there is no remuneration (this is a call for essays that requires money but no life).

Such as e-books and NFT books, all income will be invested in the printing operation of physical books.

 Q: 好消息!徵文發佈後截止目前已經獲得某位《魚書》早期熱心讀者的解囊支持,🙏🙏金主!所以現在一共有多少錢啟動? Fishear: 我自辦徵文,無需向任何人交代帳目具體數額和使用方向。
 Q: 看把你能的!說好的三位一體呢?

Essay copyright:

Each author has the copyright to his or her own work. If you want to publish elsewhere, it is recommended that you indicate your participation in the "Fish Book" time capsule social experiment project and attach a link to the future NFT book or "Fish Book". After all, you are an NFT book holder. How much do you sell and how much do you recommend? It’s also about you.

Benefits of participating in the essay competition:

  1. Your work will be read very carefully, and the editor will provide comments and polish (if necessary). I believe that the works of many authors, especially new authors, have not been well read. And Fishhear is very willing to do this and has done this.

  2. Your Chinese work will be translated into French, which means that it will not only be read by people in the Chinese area, but also by people in the French area.

  3. You will own an NFT book, and this book is likely to be the world's first NFT book in Chinese and French.

  4. You will become a subscriber of "Fish Book" and receive a postcard specially drawn by "Fish Book" for this event (originally hand-drawn, not an AI version). You can choose between physical, electronic or NFT postcards. If you want to know what the postcards Fishhear once drew look like, please refer to the NFT below.

  5. I hope that the book with your work will be printed into a small number of physical books and sent to the National Library of France and other libraries for collection. Of course, this depends on the final publication situation and remaining funds, but "Fish Book" will follow up on this in a timely manner and notify all experimental participants.

The following is the Q-breaking access time:

 Q: 為甚麼要花時花力費錢還要冒著被牆國敏感癌糾纏的危險辦這次徵文?

Click here for the original text of Fish Book Essay Collection

 Q: 聽說LikeCoin發起人,我的本家大佬Kin Q曾經做過第一個NFT書社會實驗,之後董啟章先生也曾出版過《天工開物》和《心》,他們都是大佬,你為什麼要跟著玩,是被幣圈洗腦,或者被Liker Land招安了嗎?
 Fishear:木心曾經說過一句話:大狗叫,小狗也要叫嘛。實踐出版自由,大狗叫完,小狗接著叫,看看有甚麼新發現和新相遇。只有大狗小狗叫成一片,書籍才能最終獲得自由,世界才能改變。(不好意思大佬們,此處沒有把你們比作狗的意思)另外,也以此文正式通知Liker Land。

@Liker Land

 Fishear: 馬特市市民,LikeCoin大佬Kin Q 從2022年就開始了NFT書的社會實驗,此後苦口婆心一直推介一直說,說了這麼多你如果還不想看,那我就按照自己的理解說說吧。 說錯請大佬們指正啦。

Big Brother Kin Q @ckxpress Experiment and Proving Ground Article Click here


To follow the progress of the time capsule project and this call for essays, please subscribe for free to "The Fish Book", which takes stories about humans, freedom, and distant places as its writing themes.



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Fishear寫作者,獨立人類學人。著有人類學田野故事集《邊緣的姿態》,人間飲食故事集《好吃的故事》。網站《魚書》主筆:http://fishletter.art 。一封郵件就能聯繫:ear@fishletter.art 在創作中,你我相遇。
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