Exercise Log - July 12

At night, it is rare for me to have a little me time in the room by myself, and I use it to do 400 air bike rides~

July 12 (Tuesday)

1 I got up early this morning, while Amei was still awake, I immediately did a sweaty abdominal training session. When I was doing the "Climber" move, my left knee hit the floor accidentally, and it hurt me to death.

2 After the abdominal muscle training, after the rest, there is still time, take the opportunity to do an arm training. Compared with abdominal muscle training, hand training is easier, and it can be done while sitting. It feels more comfortable (I feel, I still stretch my arms during training). The beautiful YouTuber sister said that this can effectively thin the arms, which is very suitable for summer. Woolen cloth!

3. Abs training and leg training cannot be done together. Although abdominal muscle training is mainly to exercise abdominal muscles, each action involves both legs, and it is also training the calf muscles at all. Therefore, doing abdominal muscle training will also make your legs very tired.

4 At 6:10 in the evening, go to the swimming pool of the clubhouse of the housing estate. It was a day trip of 500 meters (50 meters x 10 times), which took about 25 minutes.

5 nights, it is rare that I can have a little me time in my room by myself, which is used to do 400 air bike rides.

Photo from Unsplash

6 Today's goal is overfulfilled, I hope to have a good night's sleep. Amen.

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