"The so-called "I don't invest" means all in legal currency" I extracted three "refresh ideas" viewpoints

Investment, financial freedom under the new worldview. Standard, one of the many angles of looking at things. Choice is the pluralism in the true sense of practice.

Author: High Reconstruction Publisher: FAB DAO

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"The so-called "I don't invest" means all in legal tender"

Have you seen " True "? For me, this is a work that subverts and impacts existing thinking.

If you like this type of book, then I sincerely recommend "The So-called "I Don't Invest" is All in Legal Currency" to you. It is the second book by Gao Jianjian, the founder of LikeCoin , after "Blockchain Sociology ".

■ Outside the Book: Social Experiments in Distributed Publishing

This book skips the traditional method, but joins forces with Formosa Art Bank DAO (a decentralized non-profit organization) and designers and editors in Taiwan and Hong Kong to directly publish ePub and pdf e-books.

The most daring innovation is that this e-book is open source, which means that anyone can take this knowledge away, and it does not need to be bound in a " walled garden " to read it. And encourage everyone to disseminate these ePubs and pdfs.

So you must be thinking, how do you make money from this?

I just mentioned open source. Under this framework, there is no "piracy". The copy obtained through Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V (copy, paste) is called "replica". There are only more than 1,000 people who hold credible NFT authentication certificates based on blockchain technology (distributed ledger), commending the ePub and pdf in their hands as "genuine".

That is to say, these limited-time and limited-edition authentication certificates endow e-books with scarcity and stimulate some readers to buy them for their collection value; or it can be understood in this way that this decentralized publishing society experiment combines "acquisition" and "support" Two things are separated .

The copy is dissemination, and everyone can obtain it without permission (Permissionless) ; the genuine version is support, and buying the genuine version is a little commitment for those who can afford it, and it represents support for the author and respect for knowledge, reporting and creation.

Afterwards, Gao Rebuild also compiled the data of the 34-day social experiment into a quantitative analysis report for reference by creators and the publishing industry.

■ In the book: Excerpts from three ideas refreshed

After reviewing the part of " drawing lines outside the book ", the next step is to officially enter the book. I would like to share with you the refreshment of the three most impressive thoughts I saw in "The so-called "I don't invest", that is, all in legal tender":

1. Investment: Financial Freedom under the New World View

Different from general financial management books, most of them will first define the difference between "investment" and "speculation". However, this is not the topic that this book focuses on; Capital is capital, idle assets that meet the basic needs of life, so investment is the treatment of surplus. Surplus must be stored in a certain type of asset , which is related to asset allocation.

Therefore, those so-called "non-investors" actually completely invest their surplus in fiat currency (a currency endorsed by a country's national strength and military). Although there is no action, it has been chosen, and the inaction still produces an objective effect, that is, choosing to cooperate with the existing system.

Based on this, the central idea conveyed by the title of the book is brought out, Yu Yu is not necessarily stored in legal currency, and legal currency is not the only choice . The author spent a lot of space to zoom out the global vision. It feels like standing on the earth and looking up at a small piece of sky, but now suddenly "lifted off the ground" and pulled out of the atmosphere, overlooking a brand new financial world view.

In the old worldview, the financial freedom we often talk about is that passive income is enough to support our lives; but in the new context, financial freedom also has a second meaning, that is, the freedom not to be flooded with money ; and more ultimately The implication is that freedom from deprivation of assets , regardless of race, gender, age, class, wealth or political affiliation, everyone has equal access to financial infrastructure, no one is excluded (editor's note: well-known Rapper Kayne West's bank account closed by financial giant JPMorgan Chase for controversial remarks).


2. Standard: one of many perspectives to see things

What is standard? Allow me to quote some notes from the book:

X standard means that X is eternal.
X-based, is to follow the flow of X.
X standard means that X has been internalized as a matter of course.
X-standard means omitting the basic assumption X in everyday conversation.
X standard means that our whole life is surrounded by X without realizing it.

I still remember when I went abroad for the first time, I saw the prices in foreign stores. If I didn’t convert them into NT dollars, I couldn’t make further shopping decisions. In this example, NT dollars is my standard; When I earned cryptocurrency (cryptocurrency) once, like most people, I intuitively asked if it could be exchanged for "real money". At this time, the dollar became my standard.

The above example, whether it is the NT dollar standard or the US dollar standard, is just one of many perspectives to look at things .

Sometimes we hear someone say that someone is too "self-centered" to look at things, and the whole world revolves around him (Tiandong said), which means that his self-centeredness has been deeply rooted and has gone to extremes, thinking that everything There is no room for discretion. Unfortunately, that is far from the truth (earthquake theory).

And what about the imagination about money! If legal tender is regarded as an inevitable, stable, and eternal existence, it is conceivable that many people are all in legal tender without realizing it. Can't imagine the world outside the wall? Can't accept that there is another world outside the wall? Or do you simply not know that you are inside the walls?

attack on titan

Looking at the long history, the fiat currency standard that replaced the gold standard in 1971 has only been implemented for 50 years. Will it be an inevitable, stable and eternal existence? Or jump out and realize that we have possibilities other than the legal currency standard, and use a different standard to think about the nature of money .


3. Choice: is the practice of diversity in the true sense

I really like that there is a sentence in the book that says: It is not a "virtual" currency, but a currency to "virtualize" the value .

The value is inherently intangible, and no one said that it must be held in the hand one by one to count. Here is an easy-to-understand analogy. When you think of a photo, it used to be an entity developed from negatives one by one, but looking at it so far, no one will question the memories you swipe on your phone because it is not taken one by one. In hand, let's say it's not a photo. In fact, perhaps some people have never seen a negative film since they were born!

Whether physical or digital, they all have the ability to "carry value", which in the above example refers to "capturing a moment of beautiful things". And according to their specialties, they have their own suitable fields, so it is not to refute the meaning of the other (standard) existence, nor to argue whether one day who will replace whom... The author wants to convey in the book The most important thing is that the biggest reason why we use legal currency every day today is that "laws" and "regulations" are "determined" in a word. We have never had a choice, and the reason why he has no hesitation about cryptocurrency is that it provides a choice. .

I still use Hong Kong dollars, Taiwan dollars, and U.S. dollars to meet my daily needs every day, but I have the right to choose to store idle assets with Bitcoin, publish articles and support creators with LikeCoin, and use various cryptocurrencies to meet various life needs in the Metaverse .

Choice is the practice of freedom; choosing a variety of cryptocurrencies is the practice of financial freedom; choosing a community of identity, not limited to "choosing sides" and only participating in one, but being able to shuttle between multiple communities at will is the true meaning of practice diverse.

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