
Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 Instagram @venus_free

No meat today! My Meatless One Day a Week

One day, I saw an environmental protection group holding a billboard on the street, calling for a meat-free diet. Omnivores who have always loved meat and seafood, listening to their appeal, suddenly came up with the idea of "maybe I should try not to eat meat one day a week" , has persisted since that day and has never stopped. 11/25 is World Meat Free Day, let's talk about how to avoid meat and the benefits behind it!

World Meatless Day is actually not a festival that only happened in recent years

In recent years, the awareness of health and sustainability has risen, and many people have begun to advocate the vegetarian movement. However, the International Meatless Day (International Meatless Day) on November 25 originated in India as early as 1986, by the spiritual leader Sadhu Vaswani who cared for animals. Initiated, it has gradually spread from India, and has now affected the world. Movements such as meat-free days and peaceful diets have been promoted in various places, not only to improve personal health, but also to create a more balanced ecosystem for animals and the environment.

11/25 World Meat Free Day was initiated by India thirty years ago.

How to start "no meat"?

For carnivores, it is really difficult to change the original diet. At first, when I tried one meat-free day a week, when I saw that there was less meat on the plate, only vegetables and rice were left, it was like discarding the most important thing in a movie. The role of , what is eaten is the tasteless emptiness of food. To stick to this task, I did these things:

  • Develop inner motivation
    Every little detail in life presents a positive or negative cycle, affecting our mind and body unknowingly. At that time, I wrote "I want to have a healthy body" in my notebook. Whenever I want to stay up late to scroll my phone and eat junk food, this sentence flashes in my mind from time to time. On the contrary, just not eating meat can reduce The burden on the body and the risk of cardiovascular disease are reduced, so why not eat meat one day a week in exchange for a healthy body?

  • Quantify benefits
    I often hear people say that eating meat will increase carbon emissions. How much will it emit?
    From the data, it can be known that every kilogram of beef produced will emit 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to driving for three hours continuously; every meal you eat will produce enough carbon emissions to cut down half of the Daan Forest Park .
    Meat eaters produce an average of 1,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, more than three times less than vegetarians' 430 kilograms. From the perspective of life, if you don’t eat meat one day a week, you will save 8 to 12 meals a month in meat purchases. This number cannot be underestimated in a year. Replacing meat with high burden on the body with vegetables and beans can save a lot of medical expenses in the future. Every little accumulation will continue to create compound interest for the long-term life .

  • This method of building common goals with friends can be applied to many occasions, such as fitness, mountain climbing, and quitting shakes (that's how I quit shaking in the first place). Bringing friends together to establish goals, supervise and encourage each other, makes motivation stronger and makes execution fun.

What can I eat without meat?

It has been more than a year since I implemented the plan of one day a week without meat, and I found that I am no longer the person who did not like meat before. I saved the cost of buying meat and the time of cooking. For me, not eating meat has become a better person. lighthearted things. People often ask " How can I get protein if I don't eat meat all day? "

Many people think that skipping meat will lead to protein loss, affecting muscle and bone growth. In fact, vegetables and beans are rich in protein, such as peanuts, tofu, quinoa, pumpkin, etc. In addition to protein intake, they can also supplement an appropriate amount of lipids, fibers and carbohydrates. A meat-free diet throughout the day is very beneficial to the body. Seeing this, you should also try a meat-free plan!

Image credit: instagram @trueterral

I am Venus, living with heart and writing about life. "Have a Good Life" website and Facebook page are in operation. If you like life-related content, please pay attention~


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