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Survival guide in the age of stalling|Three ways to start self-talk

In an era of constant change, industrial structures and economic trends experience changes every ten years, people's lifestyles change, and new values are constantly being created. In order to keep up with the times, we are eager to learn new things and try to make The voice that he caters to the public's expectations and is unwilling to be left behind hovers in his mind. However, we often get tired of running endlessly, still feeling frustrated after our efforts, starting to hate ourselves and negatively believing that everything is out of our control.

When we are faced with troubles, most people will seek solutions to the problems, and sometimes after trying various methods, they find that the problems still exist. Susan Kuang proposed three methods in the book "Slash Youth Practice Edition" , trying to connect with the inner while stuck, maybe as long as you think in a different position, the problem will disappear.

"People are not troubled by the things themselves, but by the way they think about them."
~Ancient Greek Philosopher Epictetus~

Get into the habit of writing a growth journal

The "observer effect" was mentioned in the previous article. The human brain tends to amplify negative information and ignore positive things. Just like being criticized by the boss at the company, just five minutes may affect the mood of the whole day. (Extended reading: Doing a diary ~ Self-affirmation addition exercise )

Write down a growth diary before going to bed every night. You can also simply list three things that brought you a sense of accomplishment that day. The purpose of this step is to "deliberately practice" to change your thinking mode. to happiness and life satisfaction.

Give yourself positive psychological cues

Before performing difficult tasks, there will be uneasy voices in the mind: "I may fail", "Can I give up?" The anxiety that arises in daily life is due to the conflict between reality and inner expectations, and people are often affected by anxiety. , hesitating or giving up before taking action. At this time, beliefs should be transformed into positive self-suggestions, and consciousness should be used to drive oneself toward the ideal goal.

Change negative psychological cues

We are used to satisfying others and external things, but we often forget to value ourselves. Every day I open my eyes and go out in a hurry. Of the twenty-four hours, one third is occupied by work and one third is sleeping. Do you treat yourself well in the rest of the time? Going to the convenience store to buy microwave lunches, sitting on the sofa watching TV shows and eating junk food, and piling up dirty clothes in the corner all week... I spent every day mediocre, and when I looked back, I suddenly realized that my life was a mess.

Make every day a positive start

I interpret the step of "positive start" as "a sense of ritual". A sense of ritual is the catalyst of life. It is like a warm-up exercise before exercise. When you put on your running shoes and stretch, you start to do the next sprint. Prepare. You can design a ten-minute triggering exercise for yourself every day after getting up, such as meditation, breathing, stretching, etc., which can help you enter the state and welcome a new day. (Extended reading: Six steps to efficient life after waking up ~ My morning ritual )

These three methods can be integrated into the daily schedule in order: ten minutes after waking up in the morning, psychological hints during the day, and growth diary before going to bed. After a month, let’s see if your life has started. Variety?

Finally, you are welcome to clap your hands and give encouragement. Friends who have read the slash youth can also leave a message here to communicate~

Recommended Books: "Slash Youth Practice Edition"
Author: Susan Kuang
Blog from:

"Slash Youth Practice Edition"


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