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Life needs a sense of luxury

What kind of life is called "advanced"? Maybe not what you think.
Image source: blog

🔵 Are you living an ideal life?

What is your vision of your ideal life?

Do you lie in bed every day until you wake up naturally, or drink a leisurely afternoon tea at a lady's department store, and you can set off immediately if you want to go abroad for a vacation?

Many of the above desires must be fulfilled, but if this is the case every day, will people feel that life has no purpose and become bored?

🔵 The sense of luxury in life is to feel peaceful inside

The author tells us that the so-called high sense of life is to live your life in the way you like , and it is not to cater to others or to compare with others. We do not need to feel flustered because of others’ words and deeds, because happiness is not obtained from others , so we don’t need to deliberately try to please others, we always have to make ourselves comfortable before we can get along well with ourselves.

Many people worry that they are not liked by others. In fact, when we have this thought, we might as well think: "Is it because we don't like ourselves enough, so we need to be affirmed from others?" Affirming our self-worth, what other people say or do can’t hurt us, what we are afraid of is that we can’t really face ourselves , and we can’t admit our own shortcomings, so when others say our shortcomings, they are always angry and frequently deny them, even if I want to improve but I choose to escape because of my unyielding personality. In the end, it will only make myself even more unable to live a comfortable life.

When we have the courage to face ourselves and understand our needs, we can face each day fearlessly.

🔵 Good living habits make you more successful

However, to have a high-level sense of life, it is not just about facing yourself calmly. The author also said that you must have self-discipline . When we are lazy and unrestrained in life, it is impossible to live a smooth and stable life. In "Creators' Daily Life" and "Their Creation Daily", almost all the great creators mentioned in the book live a very regular life, and most of them work hard every day, although there is no need to force themselves It is very tight, but self-discipline is not only to keep one's life in a given direction, but also to plan the time for rest every day, so as to maintain a state of physical and mental balance.

Repetition becomes habit, habit becomes nature, nature becomes personality, personality becomes destiny.

The author said: "If you insist on working harder than others every day, you have the potential to achieve a little more than others."

🔵 Are hobbies really useless?

Since childhood, we have been taught that only reading textbooks is useful, and extracurricular books are classified as "free books", let alone other hobbies, because those interests are considered to be of no help in making money in the future, but life is really only about making money. thing? When we grow up, we realize that making money is important, but having an interest that ignites passion from the heart is more spiritual food. Perhaps these interests can not bring us money in substance, but they will add flavor to our life and change our attitude. It can relieve the pressure of self and may also bring happiness to others.

🔵 Get back the sense of control in your life

The so-called sense of control in life does not simply mean that the daily schedule is in control, but that one can calm down and not feel anxious . Just imagine, when we are troubled and anxious about something, will it affect our mood and sleep, and may also affect our work efficiency and interpersonal relationships, so how to self-relieve anxiety and think positively is a major issue in free life. , because it is about whether we can fully control the rhythm of life without being affected by emotional storms .

🔵 Spend time on meaningful people and things

When we were young, we always showed our youth freely. We spent a lot of time eating, drinking and having fun with our friends, and we did spend a lot of good time, but life is a process of continuous progress. At each stage, we have different priorities in life. Of course, we have to make choices on many things. As our age, wisdom, and experience continue to change, we should spend more time on people and things that are beneficial to us. In fact, we don’t need to deliberately classify them. Just think about whether it’s worth it or not. will get the answer.

For example, when a friend asks us to go out to chat, we can imagine whether the content of the conversation is a simple chat or can we exchange life experiences or share knowledge with each other? If we have in mind that that time can be used to do more of the things we want to do, that means the date isn't really necessary, and it's probably just a waste of time.

Be the master of your own time, and start by allocating it properly.

This book discusses the so-called high-level sense from five aspects, namely life, life, emotions, workplace, and future . It also cites a lot of real stories and famous sayings. I also gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration that I didn’t know before. If you also want to know how to make life more textured, I sincerely recommend this book to you.


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