
射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91

【Children's picture book】I am a story

If we also hope that our stories can be preserved and passed on, it is the most direct and fast way to actively record and give meaning by ourselves. We no longer need future generations to help us write stories and find definitions, and we can weave them for ourselves from now on. Beautiful chapter.
Image source: blog

The title of this book has successfully attracted my attention. The simplicity is full of powerful power. I can't help but feel the desire to read. I also believe that this book can bring positive and positive thoughts to children.

As adults, we are always dissatisfied in our daily life. We always feel that we are small people. We have high expectations for ourselves but feel depressed because we cannot meet them. We are habitually questioning ourselves and always think that there are many things in life. Helplessness and insincere words, there are more psychological imbalances caused by unreachable aspirations, but we have ever thought that maybe in the eyes of others, we are worthy of their reference. Feeling unfulfilled in your place, always feeling small and insignificant.

The book narrates how stories have been recorded from ancient times to the present. The traces of human life have been left and passed down from cave paintings to modern printing techniques. Diversified presentations make our Life becomes richer and easier to remember. These ingenious ideas are all to preserve these stories, and also make people feel inspired and happy. For example, when we hear a song, we will feel the emotions that the creator wants to convey and endure. Emotions go up and down with the notes and anger when certain ideas are resisted, but because of the rapid advancement of technology, there is almost nothing that can be hidden, and thus more stories of different appearances have been achieved.

If we also hope that our stories can be preserved and passed on, it is the most direct and fast way to actively record and give meaning by ourselves. We no longer need future generations to help us write stories and find definitions, and we can weave them for ourselves from now on. Beautiful chapter.


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許多朋友們都說跟婷婷聊天很有療癒效果,不是因為我多會安慰人也不是我有什麼特殊的技巧,大概是我擁有異於常人的樂觀,總是能讓原本抱有煩惱的人瞬間感到豁然開朗,歡迎大家把問題發送給我,我將會在這裡以匿名的方式回覆,若是沒有特別的來信,我就會以分享日常生活中大大小小的經驗與觀點為主,目前圍爐文章預設為全部公開,有必要會手動設定限時上鎖。 點以下聯絡我: https://t.me/tingting1123

