
射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91

Do you think the quality of the article is poor? Start by not clapping your hands!

Is the result of mutual shooting "mutually beneficial" or "mutually hurt"?

I believe that everyone has a consensus that more and more people come to the platform Lubi, and the quality of the articles is gradually declining. How to prevent this phenomenon, I personally think it starts with "not clapping hands" .

Seriously, I see a lot of people clapping their hands for a long time! The so-called "clapping hands" is my own interpretation. Of course, there is no standard for the game rules of the platform, and there is no standard for what kind of articles are good or bad, but at least it can be distinguished that some articles belong to the For Lucoin, such as directly reprinting other people's articles, or only writing one sentence, personal attacks and insults, etc., but I saw that many big coffee users clapped their hands, which really made me dumbfounded.

For the sake of "socializing" or "taking pictures with each other", many people may take pictures regardless of whether they see the article at all, or they may take it as a finger movement and take pictures all the way without looking at what is being written in the text. In fact, there is no right or wrong, but it is easy for some low-quality or wasteful writers to find out that others can only earn clapping after writing for hours, and I only need to spend a very short time or even write a sentence to get it, then I just do this every day!

Because your "clapping hands" encourages these people, there are also users who follow the example on the site, and it may even attract more people to register for an account just to use Lucoin . Naturally, the quality of the articles will not be much better.

In the end, we didn't choose the "chaotic clap" in order to get the clap for ourselves, which caused the platform to go in a good direction or a bad direction? Of course, the "good" direction I said refers to the "quality of the article". Perhaps the cruelest fact is that there is no need to plan as a high-quality writing platform, but a mining platform?

I don't want to offend anyone, I just feel that this phenomenon seems to have inadvertently contributed to this trend, and I hope everyone can leave a message to discuss your thoughts with me.


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許多朋友們都說跟婷婷聊天很有療癒效果,不是因為我多會安慰人也不是我有什麼特殊的技巧,大概是我擁有異於常人的樂觀,總是能讓原本抱有煩惱的人瞬間感到豁然開朗,歡迎大家把問題發送給我,我將會在這裡以匿名的方式回覆,若是沒有特別的來信,我就會以分享日常生活中大大小小的經驗與觀點為主,目前圍爐文章預設為全部公開,有必要會手動設定限時上鎖。 點以下聯絡我: https://t.me/tingting1123

