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Want to grow? Then you must learn to output the reading experience of "Highest Learning to Use"

At the end of last year, I set up the "TASYA-STUDIO" website. Although I can barely finish reading a book in a week, I always want to update it more frequently so that you can acquire more knowledge. To achieve this, I browsed the Internet for books on writing and speed reading. During the process, I suddenly discovered this "Output Encyclopedia", which sold 150,000 copies on Amazon Japan. Although the reviews on the Internet are a bit polar, I decided to buy it and read it. After all, everyone can have their own opinions, and I think I can definitely find the information I need...


At the end of last year, I set up the " TASYA-STUDIO " website. Although I can barely finish reading a book in a week, I always want to update it more frequently so that you can acquire more knowledge.

To achieve this, I browsed the Internet for books on writing and speed reading. During the process, I suddenly discovered this "Output Encyclopedia", which sold 150,000 copies on Amazon Japan. Although the reviews on the Internet are a bit polarized, I decided to buy it and read it. After all, everyone can have their own opinions, and I think I can definitely find the information I need.

The original name of this book is "Output Compendium" , and the content is indeed in line with the theme, not only explaining how to "write" efficiently, but also how to "express" and "act".

Educational culture in Asia is mostly "imported" education. We listen to the teacher's explanation in class, and then go home and review the content of the class. Some people may be like me, only waiting for each test to "output" knowledge. And when you output, you will be puzzled, why do you forget all the content you have read? So, we spent more time on "input", thinking that this would solve the problem, but the end result was just as appalling. In this way, we keep repeating the same mistakes, but do not know what the problem is?

In fact, those who have good grades, or are able to talk about certain things, may have performed the "3:7 input and output" exercise. That is, they spend more time applying the information they have learned than browsing new knowledge.

Since the output is a motor (writing, speaking, and action all use muscles), the body transmits the information through the cerebellum to the hippocampus, where it is stored in the associative region of the brain. This series of actions is quite complex and uses more nerve cells, making it easier to form memories. To give a simple example, even if we haven't ridden a bicycle for a while, as long as we are familiar with it a little, we can quickly return to the previous level (provided that we have learned how to ride a bicycle first).

The Importance of Output and Two Techniques

Next, let's talk about "how to improve your writing skills". American best-selling author - Stephen. King wrote in his book "Stephen. In On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft :

“If you want to be a writer, you have to do two things: read more and write more. As far as I know, there is no other way, no shortcut.”

Indeed, if there is not enough knowledge background, the play of the article will be limited; if there is not enough output, there will be no way to know where is your problem? You can't even improve your abilities.

So, how can we "effectively" improve output capability? Here are two tips from the author:

  1. set time
  2. Decide on Architecture

If we don’t set ourselves deadlines, we push the completion date as long as possible, just like handing in assignments in school days and forgetting they exist at the last minute.

Another point is to decide the output architecture. When building a house, we all need blueprints, and the output is the same. We must first conceive of the overall structure before we can efficiently execute content production.

When I first wrote my reading experience, I wrote it because I thought about it, so I often spent a lot of time changing the content again and again. Sometimes because of not paying attention to the release time, the result can only be handed over a work that I am not satisfied with. After using these two techniques, although still in practice, the output efficiency is indeed better than ever.

In addition to the above two points, the author also provides other methods, and I am also practicing. If you are interested, it is recommended to buy this book and read it directly.

Advice for beginners

Seeing this, some people may want to start writing an article, but if you don't have the habit of spending time writing long articles in the past, it is recommended to start by posting your thoughts on "Twitter".

The reason is that Twitter has a word limit, which not only avoids the pressure of wanting to write long texts, but also forces you to "get the point." Moreover, the thought that my own experience will be seen by other people will make myself more focused on the arrangement of the content. Although other social software can also post, but in terms of user orientation and user environment, Twitter is more suitable for publishing text-only experience.


Finally, I would like to share with you a "expression" technique.

I think you will click on this article and read it in the hope that you can absorb valuable content, but not everyone in the world is like this.

The so-called people who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Sometimes it is inevitable that they will be influenced by other people. We do not notice it, but it does affect the body and mind. One of them is "negative thinking".

Maybe some people use "complaining" as a means of venting their emotions, but according to a study by the University of Eastern Finland , people who "regularly gossip, criticize, and complain" are more likely to get "dementia" than those who do not often do so. The risk will be more than 3 times higher. And complaining not only will not make you feel comfortable, on the contrary, the brain will release the stress hormone (cortisol), causing the pressure to rise, and the long-term release of a large amount of cortisol will also affect the immune system and make you more likely to get sick.

In order to enrich your life in all aspects, "positive output" is one of the best ways. Learning to express in positive language can not only make you healthier physically and mentally, but also get to know more people and learn more things. Moreover, in NLP-related books, it is also mentioned that the use of positive sentences can improve learning efficiency.
(Extended reading: Talking about NLP's "NLP Ready to Use" experience with comics)

The above is my simple sharing of the reading experience of the author Huazawa Shion's work "Highest Learning to Use". Because of its emphasis on "output," this book covers a wide range of goals, relationships, time management, and other output methods and applications. If you want to have a "simple" understanding of how to output effectively, this book is highly recommended; and if you want to have a deeper understanding of a certain output method, you can look forward to sharing your reading experience in the future. Maybe you can find more suitable for their own books.


Readability: ★★★★★

Abundance: ★★★★☆

Professionalism: ★★★★☆

Overall rating: ★★★★☆

Action is our language.

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