
韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!

[Chat. Fate] 1314

My name is Wei Haochuan, a novelist. Of course you will be happy if you can earn Likecoin. But I long for my children more, to meet readers who like them and who are willing to support them. So, I gradually forgot how much Likecoin is actually worth. Then one day, I met 1314!
I remember it should be seen at some point on April 10, 2022.

right! This is it!

My sensitivity to numbers is definitely a big deviation, and I only care about what I can decode. One of my serialized novels " 1314 ", that's how the title of the work came from. So I didn’t pay attention to it all day. I saw the price of Likecoin changed to Hong Kong dollar changed like this. I didn’t care too much about the drop (it’s more like this now), but I was a little moved by this set of numbers.

I really want everyone to like my children, so it should be good to start with " 1314 "!
(You can also continue reading at [ Chuanzifang ] [ Magic Music Land ])

I wonder if Likecoin will one day move the decimal point to one place? hey-hey! That should be everyone's wish! Let's go to the prospect together. Under the law of attraction, who said that it must not be realized.

It's almost a month since I officially became a bounty citizen, so I'll make a record. The highlight is actually given by me, it's a coincidence of "beautiful".


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